
By:  akkas_journal






AUTHOR’S NOTES:  “What if, when Elena went to Stefan’s house in ep.2, she accidentally kissed Damon when she turned around?” – this question was the main inspiration for creating this fic for me!


This the FIRST ever Damon x Elena fic try, people, so hope you like! XD!



This was a stupid idea. Elena knew that now. She couldn’t see a single sign of life anywhere in this house, let alone finding Stefan. The air here was dark, musty and it scratched the back of her throat. She gave a small, weak cough, trying to manoeuvre around the couch and chairs to explore another room.


If she was being perfectly honest, she thought to herself, this house creeped her out. The silence was almost stifling. It pressed down on her, quiet as a tomb.


Oh, great choice of words, Elena! She shook her head, trying to clear it of all morbid thoughts. She didn’t want Stefan to see her all depressed and droopy. That was the whole point of coming over to surprise him, that she’d be happy and upbeat.


But, it bothered her. She couldn’t get a place on it in her thoughts, but there was something very…wrong in this house. Unnatural.


Thinking she heard a small creak to her right, she whirled around, dark hair flying. What-?


“Stefan?” she called, trying to sound brave but coming out as weak and vulnerable.


She tried again, making her voice louder this time. “Stefan, is that you?”


She walked closer to the open door there, sure she had seen something and cried out in shock as a large black crow squawked out from the darkness and flew at her!


She fell over onto her back, hard and watched as it circled above her. As if it were taunting her. Scrambling back up to her feet, she brushed her jeans off angrily.


Jeez, it was only a crow! She shook her head, surprised at herself. It wasn’t like her to get this spooked. Maybe she should come back later-


She froze, sensing someone behind her for sure this time. She spun around, her hands automatically coming up into a defensive position and gasped. Her eyes met an intense ice-blue gaze. Her lips brushed against something warm and soft, and she immediately drew back hastily, shocked. Oh, God.


Wh-who are…you?” she stammered, staring at the handsome stranger, eyes wide, heart thudding mercilessly in her chest.


He smiled, cocking his head to one side, a smile playing about his lips. Elena swallowed, feeling an almost irresistible urge to touch his face…to kiss him again, this time intentionally. To never stop.


She tried to control her racing heart, bewilderment showing on her face as the stranger took a small step forward. What…was happening to her…?!



** The End **



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