Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neill


                             DESCENT INTO DARKNESS


                             PART 7


                                                                                                                 By:  Stacy L.   



Sam and Teal’c watched in worry as Jack carried Daniel’s now limp body towards the altar that Chandra had just indicated. They were all very concerned for Daniel. He had lost consciousness two days ago and hasn’t been very alert since then. The times he was awake he spoke of his hunger and needing to feed. They helped him to drink water, but he could only accept a little at a time and more often than not he spit or coughed it back up. He had told them his body was healing after the attack in the forest. The vampire had come for him just as Mehtar had predicted, attacking from the air preparing to capture both Daniel and his other three teammates. Daniel knowing what fate would befall his friends attacked those seeking to capture him. He fought them off but not without gaining a mortal wound in the process. He would now be dead if it weren’t for that vampiric half within him trying to claim him. His skin started to mend slowly and the wound was closed now, no longer fatal. They had been happy to see that he was healing but his continued forced starvation and inability to keep down much water sent him tumbling head first onto the ground several days ago. 


When they had found the altar they had rejoiced but were at a loss for what to do. As Daniel began to mumble and toss his head restlessly from side to side Jack prepared to settle him on the ground, afraid to place him on the mysterious altar. All were so focused on their friend that when rustling occurred nearby they were all caught off guard, startled and awed by the sudden and unexpected appearance of an antelope. As Daniel cried out they turned to tend to their injured comrade. 


Daniel tossed restlessly, moaning softly as he started to awake. He tried to focus on his surroundings but the pain blocked out everything. Hearing a soft gasp he forced his eyes open to slits, confused when he was certain that an antelope was peering over Jack’s left shoulder. Licking his lips he forced out, “Ja’k…ant…lope behind…Chandra…”


Jack focused intently on his friend and noticed that Daniel’s gaze was fixed to his left. As he tried to sit up managing only to lift a hand Jack hushed him and told him to relax, but Daniel still attempted to rise now reaching towards him with his gaze still firmly fixed to the left of him. Jack became worried and concerned when Daniel opened his mouth managing to croak out, “Help me…please…”


Suddenly a man appeared before them reaching out and gently cupping Daniel’s face as he softly uttered, “Do not fear, for I will help you.”


Daniel focused intently on the newest arrival managing a soft smile in response to the stranger’s words before nodding and relaxing. As he closed his eyes Jack turned abruptly snapping, “Okay just who the hell are…?”


“Gather him in your arms and place him on the altar.”


“Gather him…now just wait…”


“Please. Your friend has little time. He had asked for my help and I offer it freely.”


“And just who the hell are you?”


“I am many, but you can call my Chandra.”


“Mehtar’s mystic moon god? Right. I don’t…”


“You’ve heard of me? Yes. I am here to help your friend. He has summoned me. You have summoned me.”


“I don’t…”


“Please place him on the altar for he has little time. Trust me…trust him.”


Feeling very anxious Jack hesitated to comply but as he recalled Daniel speaking Chandra’s name moments before the mysterious stranger appeared he decided to comply with his wishes and nodded, carefully hoisting Daniel into his arms. He was much lighter than he had remembered. The lack of nourishment, of any type of food whatsoever had rapidly taken its toll on Daniel causing him to drop at least twenty pounds in the last week alone. He approached the altar glancing nervously from Chandra to his teammates then to Daniel before returning his gaze to the altar where Daniel was to be placed for the healing. He was nervous as hell and prayed that trusting Chandra was not a huge mistake. He tensed as Chandra spoke softly, “He must be stripped of his clothing.”




“For the moon gem to heal it must be in direct contact with his skin. He must be undressed to perform this ceremony.”


Jack nervously glanced at his teammates then back to Chandra before nodding and carefully removing Daniel’s clothing. When Chandra’s gaze fell to Daniel’s neck Jack noticed his eyes quirking up in response. He shrugged it off focusing completely on the task at hand. 


Once Daniel was naked Chandra nodded for him to lower his friend onto the altar. It looked more like a big slab of rock with strange designs carved in various places across its surface. Daniel would probably love to study this thing. He focused on Daniel’s face before gently easing him onto his back, settling him onto the altar and placing his arms along his sides as Chandra requested. Once he had Daniel positioned then Chandra approached saying, “The Chandrakanta stone…”


Jack handed it to him and he carefully placed it over Daniel’s heart smiling as he said, “When your friend is healed this will turn an iridescent purple. Do you have a gift for me?”


Jack gaped at him for several long moments wondering what “gift” Chandra was referring to before recalling the Amber that was given to him. He had been told to take it and give it to the one that he sought…little had he known that the one who would be waiting for them would be the moon god Chandra in the flesh, so to speak.


Nodding he retrieved a small wrapped item from his rucksack and handed it to the moon god, watching as Chandra unfolded the carefully wrapped treasure that would help return Daniel to them. Chandra smiled as he held the amber in his hands and said, “This is my wife’s gem. It represents the sun and the sun’s rays. The sun and moon must be brought together for the healing to take place.”


“So where does the amber get placed?”


“On his forehead right here. The stones must be aligned or the ceremony will not work.”


Jack watched as Chandra carefully placed the amber on the center of Daniel’s forehead then proceeded to place his hands on both stones as he chanted some foreign words. He then opened his eyes and focused on Jack as he indicated a small box near his feet. Jack focused on it, staring at it in surprise having not even noticed it upon his arrival to the altar. Chandra softly urged, “Open the box and bring to me four candles. One white, one purple, one silver and one gold.”


Nodding Jack complied. He retreived the candles and handed them to Chandra who then proceeded to rub them with oil from wick to end, an oil that smelled eerily like pine. Once done with that he proceeded to roll each candle into something that looked like crushed leaves and smelled like rosemary before placing them upon the altar. At the top right hand corner he placed the white candle, then proceeded to place the purple candle to the left of Daniel down by his side before placing the silver one by Daniel’s right hip and the gold one at his feet in the lower left hand corner. Shaking his head he muttered, “Um, so what’s this? Some kind of witchcraft or something?”


“No. It is a sacred healing ceremony of transformation and rebirth.”


“Ah! I knew that.”


Chandra glanced briefly at the man before shaking his head and proceeding to wash a black stone and light blue one in water before holding them in smoke and placing them upon the altar, the blue stone beside the white candle and the black stone beside the gold candle. He again asked himself if Chandra was performing some hokey ceremony to convince them he could help their friend. As quickly as the thought entered he silenced it feeling a bit guilty for having thought it in the first place.


Silencing his questions and skepticisim he watched as Chandra proceeded to chant above Daniel for what seemed like hours before turning to them and announcing, “Your friend is healed, but he is weak and thus will need help. Please keep him safe and guard him from the dark ones still seeking him.”


Then Chandra vanished into a thin mist, much like the lady at the lake who had led him to the moon gem. He shook his head deciding it was better not to question that which one did not understand and chose to gaze at his friend waiting, searching for any possible indication that Daniel was returning to them.


                                                                                                                    * *

The first thing he became aware of was a strange tingling heat within. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears and feel a breeze blowing across him giving him goose bumps. He tried to remember where he was but couldn’t focus. His body continued to grow warmer until the warmth seemed to even out within leaving him feeling relaxed and invigorated at the same time. He was halfway towards sleep when he felt a gentle nudge on his arm and heard a familiar voice say his name. Opening his mouth to reply he realized that his throat was extremely parched. Easing his tongue out between dry lips he slowly ran it across them in an attempt to moisten them finding that it helped little. He then settled on opening his eyes and smiling at the one above him somehow managing to answer that insistent call, “I…Ja’k…been…while…”


“Yeah Daniel it’s been a long while. Come on we have to go.”


He tried to sit up finding that he was extremely exhausted. As he started to fall backwards Jack quickly caught him and helped him to sit upright before guiding him to his feet. As he became more alert he glanced around wondering where he was, seeing an altar beneath him with several candles and stones placed on it. He cast a questioning glance Jack’s way before managing, “Practicin’ a little witchcraft, Ja’k?”


Jack laughed before saying, “Yeah but I think the spell backfired. Come on. It’s time to go.”


Daniel nodded turning only to draw to a halt as he saw a beautiful golden mare approaching. He swallowed hard before managing to whisper, “Jack, look…”


Jack turned and stopped abruptly as his eyes focused on the golden mare now before them. He tensed gaping when the animal suddenly transformed into a woman with fiery red hair and the most stunning golden eyes. The woman smiled warmly at Daniel before approaching. Daniel stepped towards her as if she were calling to him, and she spoke for the first time, “It is good to see you well again, Daniel Jackson. Now you must begin your journey home.”


She produced a long flowing white robe that she carefully draped around him. 


Jack grinned as Daniel’s face suddenly flushed red as he realized that he was very naked before her. He seemed more than a little relieved to have some clothing. He continued to watch her allowing her to drape the robe over him and secure it. She then spoke again, “You are now free of the demon that attempted to possess your soul. Now you must return to your world. This robe I give to you to protect you on your way. You must keep it on, for it will keep you safe. Do not take it off.”


“Uh, thank…thank you.”


She smiled before turning to gaze at Jack and continued, her tone becoming more serious as she informed, “He has been freed from the curse that attempted to claim him but even now he is still vulnerable…”


As if to emphasize her point Daniel’s legs buckled beneath him threatening to send him to the ground, but Jack was quicker catching Daniel and pulling him securely against him. He lifted Daniel into his arms and braced him with one arm beneath his knees and the other across his back holding him as if he were a small child. He gazed at Daniel to make certain that he was okay feeling nervous about how light he felt and catching the mischievous smirk on his lips as he informed, “She didn’t do that…been feeling dizzy since…”


“Then why didn’t you say so?”


“Because…stubborn I guess.”


“No doubt.”


Daniel giggled before propping his head against Jack’s shoulder listening to her words and allowing Jack’s strength and comfort to fill him. He tried to listen to what the woman was saying but was finding it a definite struggle. 


Jack continued to watch Daniel assuring him self that Daniel was all right for the moment. He then returned his gaze to the woman who was smiling kindly at them both. She nodded when she saw that he was ready to listen and continued, “Even now he is still vulnerable. They will seek him and seek to finish what they have started. He is greatly weakened and the journey is long. This robe will protect him and shield him. Do not let him take it off, and do not take it off for him. The cloak will protect him, but you must trust in its power. Once beyond the silver gate the cloak will no longer have power. It will be an ordinary cloak. He may keep it, for it is a gift from me.”


“And who are you?”


“I am Ushas wife to the moon god Chandra.”


“Wife to…but that’s just a legend…”


“A legend that holds truth behind it.”




“Come now Jack O’Neill would you have me believe that you have not seen legends become reality? I know that you travel the stars. Your race is young, but your time is long. You have just begun your journey. You will see many things written come to life, and you will face many challenges but all will be successfully vanquished.”


She focused on Daniel gently stroking his face and smiling broader as she added, “He is asleep now. He trusts you greatly, and he loves you deeply. You must take care of him and see that no harm comes to him. Take him and return to your world, but beware for the others still seek him. On nights when the moon is fullest you must keep him hidden out of sight, for it is at those times he will be easily recognized. Keep the cloak on him, for he will shine like the Chandrakanta stone that has healed him and freed him from the demon’s sleep. The moon will call to him that night, and he will shine brightly. The cloak will conceal this.”


“He’ll glow? Why?”


“The Chandrakanta stone is what makes the full moon. My husband forged the stone from my tears and my rays to shine in his place so that we could be with one another…your friend Daniel Jackson has been healed by this very same stone. On the night of the full moon if one looks hard enough they will see the places that hold the mighty gem, for it shines brightest then.”


“And since Daniel was healed with one of those…moon gems he’ll what?”


“The Chandrakanta is now a part of him. It protects him now. He has been healed by a very powerful gem and he will always be a part of it, a part of the moon.”


“I don’t…”


“You do not understand and this I cannot explain so that you might understand… Know that he is now protected; he will always be protected by the sacred moon gem. This does not mean he will never become hurt or die this means that certain forces no longer have power over him he has power over them though those dark forces do not yet know there is another who can keep them at bay.”


“I still don’t…”


“You need not worry then. Go. Take your friend home with you, but Jack O’Neill do not wait until he is gone to tell him just how deeply you love him. He must hear it from your lips. If you deny him the truth of your feelings he will forever be alone in the world, but if you speak to him and tell him how you truly feel deep inside then you will make him happy beyond belief for he will realize that he has a place in this world and that he is truly cherished by another.”


Jack swallowed hard wondering if his feelings were that blatantly obvious. She smiled warmly at him before saying, “Go now but first…”


She pressed a hand over his heart and Daniel’s as she continued, “This is where the Chandrakanta resides within him, and now you shall also receive a gift…”


Jack tensed as her hand seemed to warm and his skin felt tingly then she faded before him making him wonder if she had been there at all, but as the wind began to stir blowing gently through the trees her soft voice flowed back to him, “Take care of each other. Love is all you will ever need. His love is true as is yours. Do not delay. Tell him…”


Then silence fell around him again, and the breeze that had stirred mere moments ago ceased. Finding that his eyes were drawn back to the face of the one he loved so much Jack smiled warmly. As she had said Daniel was now fast asleep and their return journey was about to begin.


                                                                                                                    * *

As her CO approached Sam felt her heart seizing. Daniel was still unconscious. Hadn’t the stone healed him? What had gone wrong? She shook her head sadly wondering why Daniel had to suffer always. She was contemplating that very thought when the Colonel said, “Time to go, kids. We need to get Daniel home.”


Swallowing past the lump in her throat Sam questioned, “Colonel is…?”


“He’s fine. He’s just resting. He’s been healed. We have our Daniel back.”


“We…we do?”


Teal’c nodded as he added, “This is good news.”


“Yes it is.”


Sam cocked her head as she took notice of the cloak wrapped around Daniel before questioning, “Ah Colonel where did…?”


“We met Ushas.”


“Ushas? Who is…?”


Mehtar supplied the answer, “Lord Chandra’s wife.”


“Yeah. She gave Daniel the cloak, said not to remove it until we return to Earth. She said the vampire are still out there and are still hunting for him. The cloak will protect him.”




“I don’t know. It’s magical I guess.”


Sam quirked her eyebrows as she questioned, “A magical cloak? Colonel…”


“Hey I know, but some of the inhabitants of this world are vampires, so I’m not questioning it. The cloak will protect him and that’s good enough for me.”




The journey back to the Stargate was long but uneventful. They kept the cloak secured tightly around Daniel and kept him out of sight on nights of the full moon. When the Stargate finally came into focus everyone breathed a sigh of relief ready to leave the planet of Aquilla permanently behind them. As Sam quickly dialed the coordinates for Earth all four members raced for the Stargate, all happy to say good riddance to a planet that was steeped in myth and legend.


                                                                                                          * * * * * *

As SG-1 exited the Stargate they were greeted by Hammond, an entourage of guards and Janet Fraiser, and as all focused on Daniel more than one set of eyebrows arched high upon seeing the long flowing white cloak that now encircled him. 


Janet quickly approached reaching for the cloak around Daniel beginning to open it as both Daniel and Jack released a protest. Janet glared at both men determined to have a look at her patient when Jack leaned forward and whispered in her ear. Upon seeing the shock and surprise on Janet’s face Daniel blushed furiously knowing that Jack had informed her that he wore nothing beneath it. He smiled shyly her way as she offered him a questioning gaze.


Smiling Jack clapped a hand on her shoulder offering a conspiratal wink before promising, “I’ll tell you about it later,” prompting Daniel’s loud protest of, “Jack!” that only served to egg Jack on as he added, “Daniel, was a real…”




“…ladies’ man, and he really needs to see his doctor.”


“Jack, what…?”


“That would be a command, Daniel.”


Daniel blushed even more as he unconsciously reached for his neck. Jack interceded gently grasping the hand before he drew all eyes to the collar still fastened securely in place knowing it would embarrass him. He instead gently guided Daniel towards the infirmary. The look of gratitude in Daniel’s eyes melted his heart and glancing quickly over his shoulder noting there was no one with them quite yet he leaned over and placed a quick peck on Daniel’s cheek. As Daniel’s shocked gaze landed on him Jack cleared his throat and offered one of those “we need to talk” expressions to his friend. Daniel eyed him quizzically before nodding and continuing towards the infirmary.


                                                                                                               * * * *


Several hours later Daniel was glad to be in Jack’s home away from the SGC. He smiled at his friend before fingering the collar still fused firmly around his neck. He shook his head as the cool metal tingled against his fingertips and said, “I thought this was supposed to drop off when I was healed?”


Shrugging his shoulders Jack replied, “That’s what Mehtar said.”


Daniel nodded before staring at the ground for a few moments then lifting his gaze to Jack’s as he informed, “I tried to remove it, Jack. It just won’t come off. I can’t wear this to work. Think of the questions it would raise.”


Trying to make light of the situation Jack offered, “We could tell everyone that you’re in training.”




“Obedience training.”


Daniel blushed clear to his roots before shifting nervously from one foot to the other and asking, “And who is my trainer, Jack? You?”




Daniel’s mouth twitched in response and Jack didn’t know if he was preparing to frown or smirk. Instead he slipped his tongue out swiping it across his bottom lip. Jack softly moaned as he felt a tightening in his groin knowing he was becoming aroused by the innocent gesture. He cleared his throat before continuing, “What do you say, Daniel? Does submission appeal to you?”




“As long as you wear that collar you’re my servant, Daniel. You’re my slave.”


Feeling heat and excitement surge within Daniel gazed directly into Jack’s eyes saying, “I don’t want to be your slave, Jack.”


Jack nodded swallowing hard as he swore he saw another emotion in the depths of Daniel’s blue eyes. He gently gripped Daniel’s upper arms staring intently back at him before saying, “I don’t want that either.”


Daniel, noting the burning desire in Jack’s eyes and the heat his simple touch was invoking within, found it difficult to speak. He held Jack’s gaze as he managed, “Then what do you…?” before his question turned into a moan of pleasure as Jack leaned in and claimed his mouth with his own. As their lips touched fire flooded him and he instantly wrapped his arms around Jack who pulled him into his arms as the kiss softened and gentled. Both were so caught up in the spiralling emotions of pleasure, need, hunger, aching and longing that neither heard the distinct chink of metal impacting the floor as the collar Daniel had been wearing unlatched and landed at their feet its job, its duty complete as a new union was forged…


“It is binding.”


“Eternally binding?”




                                                                                                               * * * *

AUTHOR’S NOTE 8:  The animal most often associated with the moon god Chandra is the antelope.  The one most often associated with Ushas is the mare.


AUTHOR’S NOTE 9:  The healing ritual that Chandra performs on Daniel is based on the purification ritual described in the book A Little Book of Candle Magic by D.J. Conway.  The words that Jack hears Chandra chant over Daniel are:


Swift as lightening, pure Love and Light flow

through my body

All negatives are burned away in this universal


Willingly, I stand before this altar as a cleaned vessel,

Waiting for the inflow of positive energy.


In the context of the story they are spoken in Manipuri (which is spoken in the Eastern part of India today), but I don’t know the language so I just referred to the chanting as being a language Jack was unfamiliar with.



                                                                                ** The End **   


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