Jack O'Neill   Daniel Jackson 


                                                Doctor Daniel Jackson   Colonel Jack O'Neill 


                                                                    Friends and Enemies Part 6

                                                                                                                            By:  Stacy L.



Set approached the Stargate with his small entourage of Jaffa that were loyal to him. They had arrived on Tethys in hopes to locate the one his enemy, Isis, seemed to favor so much. He had been informed of Anubis' arrival on this planet weeks ago. He had planned to collect Anubis after he destroyed the people of this world. He still wanted revenge on the fair Isis. Destroying Osiris wasn't enough, now he would destroy her new pharaoh Anubis. Once Anubis was in his custody then Isis would come searching for him as she did her other husband. When she searched Set would be waiting for her and would end her life, but not before destroying Anubis in front of her. After eliminating her he would appoint himself ruler of all system lords. Isis had quickly gained that position after the death of her husband and now it was Set's turn to replace her. Anubis was his key to her total destruction.


Set ordered his guards to prepare to depart this world. He was not very happy. They had come all this way to obtain Anubis only to leave empty-handed. He vowed that one day he would get his revenge on Isis, one day.


Set was prepared to activate the transport rings to his ship when several of his guards spoke up. Set turned to see what was happening, wondering why his guards were suddenly so anxious. His First Prime, Za'non, approached reporting, "My Lord, there is something happening in the sacred circle."


Set turned to view the sacred circle from his vantage point and noticed the circle was full of light that quickly blinked out. His curiosity was now peaked. He wanted to investigate the ring of stones himself. He had heard that the ring of stones was very powerful but upon investigating them, he hadn't figured out how to make them work. The ring of rocks had been placed on this planet thousands of years ago. The inhabitants of Tethys said that the Ancients themselves were the ones who placed that sacred circle of stones there. No one knew what the significance of the structure was. All anyone knew was that it was rumored to hold great power. Set was just one of many who wanted to know how to harness the power of those rocks. He had to investigate it so he quickly ordered, "Take several guards to investigate. The rest of you must use the chap'pai to return to Avaris. We will board my ship shortly."


As his guards dutifully input the address for Avaris on the DHD Set turned to follow his First Prime. Upon approaching the ring of stones Set saw two figures lying on the ground in the center. He became intrigued quickly ordering his First Prime to approach the two.


Za'non nodded his head then quickly approached the two beings. As he saw the first figure he smiled evilly. Success, he had found their enemy in the midst of the circle. Set would be very pleased. He turned to his lord informing, "My Lord, it appears our hunt has been successful. Behold Isis' Beloved has joined us."


Set jerked his head up in response to the news. They had found Anubis? Could it be true? They had searched for days on end for the notorious Goa'uld. Could they really have successfully located the one they came here seeking?


Set quickly approached his First Prime not wanting to get his hopes up just yet. As he glanced at the fallen man before him his mouth split open into a wide cold calculating grin... They had found Anubis. Set was, indeed, very happy with this discovery. Now he had the one thing that Isis desired: her new mate. He laughed in sinister glee questioning again, "You are sure that this is he? We have been told that Anubis has since acquired a new host."


"Yes. I am sure that it is Anubis who now lays before us."


"Then seize him. We will bring him back with us to Avaris. He will be a most welcome guest."


"And what of the other, My Lord?" Za'non questioned as he looked at the man lying unconscious beside Anubis' new host. Set glanced at the man briefly. He wouldn't mind taking the human with him to Avaris. The human wasn't worth all that much. He could however prove to be a good slave or perhaps a host. Set decided to leave the human. There would be others he could take. He was satisfied with finally acquiring Anubis.


As he glanced at Anubis' new host he was rather impressed with the Goa'uld's selection of a host. The host was indeed very attractive and strong. Anubis selected his host well. Set debated about the temptation of taking this young man as a host himself once Anubis was no more, but if Isis had a thing for the host then Set would have to destroy him, what a shame that would be to destroy a perfectly good host to vanquish his most hated enemy.


He turned to Za'non responding to his question regarding the human "Leave him! He is of no use to me."


"Yes My Lord."


Set smiled as his First Prime began to lift the young host into his arms. He finally found Anubis. He was very pleased with himself. He glanced up as the host began to groan. Set watched his First Prime as the man placed Anubis back on the ground. Anubis was coming to...perfect. He smirked evilly when Anubis finally stirred and he saw the immediate spark of recognition enter the Goa'uld's eyes upon his return to wakefulness. Set spoke, "If you resist Anubis, then I fear that your human slave will suffer a most untimely death. I will also make sure that you suffer, as well. The choice is yours. I suggest you come with us willingly. You are far outnumbered, my friend."


Anubis looked into the eyes of one of his most hated enemies. He knew that he was in danger for Sutekh, who was better known as Set or Seth, would not depart this world without him. He had known that the evil Goa'uld wanted to destroy Isis and has been searching for him. Sutekh had finally found his quarry.


As Sutekh referred to the human to Anubis' left Anubis looked over to find that Colonel Jack O'Neill was lying on the ground only a few feet from him still unconscious. O'Neill had obviously traveled to this alternate reality with him. He couldn't allow Sutekh to destroy O'Neill. He had no choice but to do as the Goa'uld lord bid. He replied, "I am no friend of yours Shol'va, but I will come with you willingly."


"Ah, it seems you do care for the well-being of your human slave."


"I did not say that. I only said that I will come with you."


"I see. Bring him!"


Immediately after Sutekh's command his guards surrounded Anubis. Two of the guards seized him by his upper arms pulling him to his feet. Once to his feet he was marched over to Sutekh and ordered to stand still.


Anubis kept his gaze constantly on the still unconscious Colonel silently urging the stubborn human to remain unconscious, at least until Sutekh departed this world. He tensed when the Colonel groaned. He acted as if he noticed nothing silently hoping that Sutekh would simply leave without hurting the Colonel.


Jack O'Neill started to awake. Wow, did his head ever hurt! What the hell just happened? Jack tried to recall what had occurred to send him flat on his back. He remembered brightness and falling, falling very rapidly. He suddenly remembered Anubis and the mysterious rocks. Anubis and him had been on PQR-189 attempting to return Anubis to his reality when Jack had found the trigger to activate the device. Anubis? Where was the man? Did he also travel to this reality? Were they now in Anubis' reality or still in Jack's reality?


Jack opened his eyes and glanced above him seeing bright blue sky and rocks that stretched towards the heavens as if in silent salute. Everything looked the same, so were they in another reality or not? He slowly sat upright searching for the Tok'ra spy muttering, "Anubis?"


When Jack didn't hear Anubis respond to his name he became worried and searched for the man. Another sound suddenly filled the air...a foreign, odd sound that was definitely familiar. The sound drew his attention making him suddenly sit up faster and unconsciously begin to reach for his gun. There were only a few things in the universe capable of making that kind of sound and one of those things just happened to be transport rings, Goa'uld transport rings, which meant... Jack jerked in the direction of the unusual sounds already sensing what he would see and hoping his guess was completely wrong. As he focused to his right he felt his body tense in automatic response to the alien sounds. He focused immediately on a prominent figure standing tall in the center of the rings...a Goa'uld. One he did not recognize. He also noticed the prisoner the Goa'uld now had in his possession...Anubis. Shit!


He stared at the rings momentarily unable to move noticing how the Tok'ra, who looked so much like his Daniel, wavered on his feet a bit. Anubis was still somewhat weak but very much aware of what was going on. Jack pulled his gun out, quickly taking aim he fired several shots at the rings aiming for the Jaffa guards and the Goa'uld now holding Anubis prisoner. He cursed as the bullets didn't penetrate. All the bullets managed to do was successfully produce a lovely array of sparks as they impacted the unyielding walls of the force field now firmly in place around the small group of Goa'uld. Shit! All he could do was yell Anubis' name as the rings fell in sequence, one right after another, surrounding the group of travelers. Jack felt totally helpless and unable to do anything but watch as Anubis was being whisked away by some unknown god. Damn it, he was too late!


He made direct eye contact with Anubis mouthing an apology to the Tok'ra spy for his inability to offer any aid to the man and for that briefest moment Jack felt chills encompass his body. Something very strange was occurring. He couldn't break his eye contact with Anubis, even if he wanted to. It was almost as if Anubis held him stationary in a grip of iron. Jack felt a bit nervous about the new foreign sensations now flooding his system when suddenly he felt the faintest of brushes across his brain. The touch felt as light as feather and made him catch his breath. Had he only imagined that faint touch? He was about to discard the strange sensation as just an overactive imagination when the voice of Anubis filled his mind saying, "It is Sutekh, also known as Seth. He will take us to Avaris. There is nothing you can do for us, Jack O'Neill..."


As quickly as the voice filled his mind it fell silent and, at the same time, Anubis and Seth's guards disappeared within the tight circle of the rings as the device transported them aboard Seth's vessel.


Jack felt chills climbing his spine. He knew that the message was from Anubis, but how the hell was that even possible? Jack decided that now was not the place or the time for him to be considering the possibility of things he thought were impossible occurring. Anubis and Daniel were now in danger and neither of them had anyone to help them, no one except him.


Jack would be damned if he'd leave the stubborn man to a fate that was most likely worse than death. Seth Jack knew of. His SG-1 team had a little run-in with that particular Goa'uld themselves. Seth was the Goa'uld who hid on Earth for many thousands of years. He was the one who used nishta, an alien form of a mind-altering drug, to enslave many humans throughout his time hiding on Earth. Jack's team had, unfortunately, had the pleasure of experiencing that nishta firsthand. Sam had killed Seth herself after he had tried to kill both him and Daniel. Seth had then attempted to flee by remaining hidden among his followers. When he was caught he attempted to kill, but Sam was faster. She destroyed Seth. On their world Seth was dead. Oh he knew Seth all right. He also knew that Anubis was in a hell of a lot of trouble.


He had to find help. He was in an alternate reality so he had very few options available to him to help aid Anubis. He could return to his own world and get help but...no, that wouldn't work. His SGC was presently dealing with locating Daniel Jackson. He would have to find another means to help Anubis. He hated to even consider the idea, but was sure he had no other option... He would have to see if the SGC of this world would be able to help him.


Jack shook his head in anger and rage. This was not turning out to be a very good day. How the hell could two different Daniel's in two very different realities both disappear? What the hell was going on? Damn it, it seemed like in every reality luck just was not on Daniel Jackson's side!


Jack hesitantly approached the Stargate preparing to input Earth's address. He couldn't deny the fact that he held quite a few uncertainties concerning what exactly he was planning to do. Would this crazy plan even work? He hoped so. He remembered Daniel's explanation of the time when he had gated from P3R-233 to Earth. He had touched one of those damned mirrors that opened up portals to other realities. Daniel had thought that he was gating back to his Earth but when he arrived at the SGC things were very different. Jack wondered if he would arrive on the Earth of this world if he did as Daniel had done on that planet all those years ago. If Daniel could do it then he could too.


Jack inhaled deeply then without further thought or hesitation he punched in the coordinates for Earth. As soon as the wormhole opened Jack sent his GDO code through and deeply sighed. God, he hoped this worked.


Shortly after sending the signal Jack stepped through the Stargate hoping against all hope that this SGC didn't have their iris firmly in place or else he would soon be very dead.


General George Hammond was pacing his office thinking of the events that had transpired over the last few days. He was very aware of the fact that a lot of things have been happening. He was beginning to wonder if things would soon settle down some, of course he knew that when you worked at the SGC there was never a dull moment. He paused as he heard the speakers suddenly blaring, "Incoming travelers, incoming travelers!"


Hammond jerked his head up in response to that announcement. His thoughts quickly changed from reflecting to worrying. No SG teams were due back yet, so what the hell was going on? Before he could stop himself, he headed directly for the control room.


As General Hammond entered the control room he noticed a flurry of activity. Everyone was obviously aware that no SG teams were due back yet. So who was now knocking on their gate? He looked towards one of his officers waiting for someone to speak up. He demanded, "What's the report?"


"No teams are due back yet, General."


“So who is visiting us today?"


The man before him suddenly froze staring in shock at the screen. Hammond noticed the immediate change in the man's posture and questioned, "What is it?"


"It's... This is impossible...It's SG-1, sir."


Hammond jerked his head up again looking down on the now activated Stargate. The iris was still firmly in place. They were receiving a code for SG-1? Hammond knew that was impossible. He responded, "What? SG-1 isn't off-world. Are you sure it's their code?"


"Yes sir...SG-1...Should we open the iris or...?"


Hammond continued to watch the Stargate expecting to hear the impact of a body shortly. He knew that no one from SG-1 was off-world. No one...except their missing teammate Doctor Daniel Jackson, but Jackson no longer had an iris code. Hammond knew he had to make a decision and make one quickly. He only had a scant few seconds before the traveler, or travelers, would impact their iris. He quickly replied, "Open the iris!"




"Open the iris! That is an order!"


"Yes sir."


As the iris was being opened Hammond was already halfway to the gate room prepared to face whoever was dialing them. He entered the gate room noticing Doctor Carter glancing nervously his way. He saw questions in her eyes and quickly approached saying, "Doctor, please stay back here."


"Why? What's wrong? If there’s anyone hurt I need to..."


"We received a GDO code...from SG-1."


Doctor Samantha Carter felt her heart momentarily skip a beat and her breathing stop. The code was SG-1? But everyone in that team was on base and accounted for. Everyone except her husband...could he be? No, she couldn't do this to herself. No, she had to believe that the person coming through that iris was a stranger. It would kill her if she was positive it was Daniel finally returning to her but ended up being someone else. She couldn't allow herself to hope. She just couldn't do it, but despite all her efforts she still couldn't help being a bit hopeful. She quickly spoke as she once again found her voice, "WHAT?  Daniel..."


General Hammond looked down into the youthful face of Doctor Carter and could see her hope shining in her eyes. God, it was so unfair that she had to suffer so much. He hated to put a damper on her mood but he didn't want her to get her hopes up too high, in case they were wrong. He remorsefully replied, "No, I don't think so."


"Then who...?"


Hammond inhaled deeply as he watched that faint glimmer of hope start to die in Samantha Jackson's eyes. God, if only it were so. If only Doctor Jackson was the one returning, but Hammond was sure this visitor was not her husband. He was about to reply when the unknown traveler stepped through the Stargate. The room fell deathly quiet as a very familiar voice spoke up, "Whoa, hold your fire! Hold your fire! I come in peace! I need to see General Hammond or...Colonel O'Neill."


Jack held his breath hoping that damned iris was disengaged or he would end up unceremoniously smeared all over Earth's gate. Now that would be a nasty way to go. He left out a long breath, sighing in relief, when he stepped through the gate into a room full of heavily armed guards. Well, thank God he was still alive! He wasn't sure what to expect and found that entering an actual place was a lot better than impacting a titanium iris.


As he spoke his first words to the guards the room fell into complete silence. Jack could swear if someone were to drop a pin on the floor it could be heard crystal clear. He realized that he was now the center of attention and found the idea a bit disconcerting. He quickly tried to dispel his qualms by jokingly stating, "Wow tough crowd."


No one was laughing. Okay, humor was not working. Great so now what? He just stepped through a gate into a very familiar SGC with a ton of guards aiming semi-automatic weapons at him. He hoped that they would ask questions first then shoot later. He found that being in this place was very strange. He was in the SGC but not in...his SGC. This was definitely bizarre. He didn't know how to continue so instead he chose to scan the room hoping he could spot a familiar face in the crowd. He stopped as his gaze fell on one General Hammond and standing beside the man was none other than Sam Carter. Good, he at least found someone familiar. He quickly spoke up, "General!...or is it...?"


George Hammond had seen a lot of things in his days but nothing quite prepared him for what he would see in the strange world of the Stargate universe. Ever since becoming the head of the program Hammond has seen all kinds of unusual things. He found seeing a mirror image of one Colonel Jack O'Neill now standing before him to be on the top of his list of strange things, indeed. He had a hard enough time accepting the alternate Daniel Jackson's sudden and unexpected arrival here, but now he had to deal with a certain alternate Colonel. Hammond could say one thing for certain...things never got dull around Cheyenne Mountain. He approached the "other" Jack O'Neill questioning, "Just who the hell are you?"


"George, good to see you buddy! Look I really need to speak to...myself. Could you please let him know that I'm here?"


Hammond didn't even know what to say in response to that comment. He felt as if he was in the midst of some horrible B-rated film. This situation was truly bizarre, to say the least. He responded, "Who the..."


Doctor Carter approached General Hammond as soon as the shock of seeing another O'Neill dissipated. She could now think clearly. As she approached the man before her she was a bit surprised when he referred to her as Carter. She wondered if he was the O'Neill from the reality Daniel Jackson had come from only several days earlier. She quickly voiced her suspicions, "Sir, I believe that this man is...Daniel's Jack."


"What?" responded Hammond in total confusion.


Sam tried again, "This is the Jack O'Neill from Daniel's world...the best friend...Daniel's best friend."


General Hammond looked at her for the longest time trying to make sense of what she was suggesting. They were suddenly interrupted by a gasp followed by another booming voice questioning, "What the hell?"


Jack glanced up at the two newest visitors and could only stare in shocked disbelief. Could that be...himself? Jack felt chilled as he looked into the face of himself. This was all too damned weird! The man who just spoke was identical to him, in fact, the man could be his twin for crying out loud!


Jack couldn't speak at first as his complete attention was solely focused on the replica of himself. When he finally managed to break eye contact with his alternate he noticed Janet Fraiser stood by the man's other side. He was glad to be seeing another familiar face in the crowd and quickly addressed her, "Doctor Fraiser..."


Janet Fraiser stared at the man still standing midway up the ramp leading to the Stargate. The man was an exact replica of the man now standing beside her. She couldn't speak or even think at first until the man on the ramp spoke. When he addressed her he caught her undivided attention. She recognized the title immediately. Another person had also referred to her as Doctor...that other person was Daniel Jackson, the alternate Daniel Jackson. She felt her Colonel O'Neill tensing beside her and, without thought she quickly placed a gentle hand on his arm.


O'Neill also recognized the title this...man used when referring to Fraiser. He called her Doctor just like another person had addressed her recently. The alternate Daniel had also called her that. O'Neill felt himself go cold as he realized that he was seeing himself, but not himself, a double, an alternate version of himself from another reality. The whole situation was unnerving. He glanced up as his...twin looked at him saying, "Daniel's in trouble...are you actually willing to help him this time?"


Several gasps filled the room at Jack's simple comment. O'Neill paled visibly in response. He had no idea what to say. How dare this person come in here and... How dare he! He felt his anger simmering just below the surface. He couldn't give it voice. He remained stubbornly silent gritting his teeth. He chose to forget the sarcastic tone that was behind those simple words and instead focused on their content. Daniel was in trouble. He looked at the man before him demanding, "What do you mean Dan...Daniel's in trouble?"


"Oh my God, you can't even say his name! What the hell happened to you? Are you an idiot or what?"


O'Neill clenched his jaw firmly closed feeling a sudden incredible urge to punch the man now standing before him. Who gives a damn if the crazy nut looked exactly like me! If he is going to stand there and spout a bunch of insults...!


General Hammond's voice interrupted O'Neill's train of thought as he spoke, or rather commanded, "Colonel..."


"Colonel or Jack is fine with me, sir." interrupted the alternate before O'Neill could respond to his superior officer. He found that slight interruption from their newest visitor annoyed the hell out of him.


Hammond nodded his head at the simple comment then continued to command, "Let's take this elsewhere, shall we?"


Hammond watched both O'Neill's noticing how tense the situation was becoming. If he didn't step in quickly these two would end up killing each other. He quickly interceded before the discussion, if you could call the exchange of insults and glares a discussion, escalated to the point of destruction. He waited tensely for both O'Neill's to do as ordered. The alternate Jack was first to respond, "No problem sir. I have a lot to tell you."


"I imagine you would."


Hammond waited for his O'Neill to likewise respond. The man eyed him up then shrugged his shoulders. Hammond looked from one O'Neill to the other then ordered his guards to stand down and allow the new visitor to pass. The guards obeyed immediately. He watched as their visitor walked over to the Colonel and Captain Fraiser, eyed them both up then quickly replied, "God, I have no idea how the hell Daniel could get use to this. This is just too damned weird for me."


Captain Fraiser merely smirked in response to that comment. Colonel O'Neill, on the other hand, openly glared at the visitor. Jack ignored him. He knew what this O'Neill was like and without thought commented, "I see you still have that damned chip on your shoulder."


Jack quietly winced in response to his uncalled for jab at his "twin" noticing the man pale further. He almost regretted the sudden remark...almost.


O'Neill paled in response to Jack's comment as he remembered the alternate Doctor Jackson saying almost the exact same thing to him. God, this was totally ridiculous! He finally managed to get rid of the aggravating version of Doctor Jackson and now he had to deal with a sarcastic copy of himself. Damn, this alternate reality shit really sucked! He relaxed some when he felt Captain Fraiser's reassuring touch. He was very glad for her silent support.


The group followed after General Hammond leaving behind a room full of rather confused guards. As the small group of SGC members entered the conference room each taking a seat Doctor Carter questioned, "What's wrong with Daniel, Colonel?"


Jack looked up at...Carter sure that she was addressing him. At least he thought she was. Okay, so they would have to find a less confusing way to communicate with two O'Neill's on the planet. He quickly suggested, "Just call me Jack. It'll probably make it easier on everyone here."


"Ain't that the truth," responded the Jack O'Neill of this reality sarcastically.


Jack briefly glanced at the Colonel before returning his attention to Doctor Carter. He responded, "He's in trouble. He's been captured."


"WHAT? BY WHO?" questioned Doctor Carter in worry.


Jack looked at her for a moment noticing just how distressing the news of Daniel's disappearance was on her. Well, that is a rather extreme reaction to such news. Jack noticed her paling. She looked extremely worried and fearful. He wondered why she was reacting so strongly to the news.


Sam fell completely silent as her mind became solely focused on her missing husband. He had been abducted? By who and why? Why would anyone want to abduct her husband? It was bad enough that Isis forced him to become a Goa'uld host now he had also been abducted. Why did the fates always seem to be conspiring to keep her and Daniel apart? She shook her head in anger and frustration then stared at Jack when he answered her question, "Seth. He’s been taken by Seth."


"Shit!" responded Colonel O'Neill. Jack looked at his "alter ego" commenting, "Exactly."


Sam continued to grow more worried about her husband. He was being held prisoner by Seth? She didn't like the sound of that. Seth was an arch enemy of Isis and if her husband was now host to Isis' Beloved...things didn't look good for him. She hoped that Daniel would come back to her. She sent yet another silent plea to the heavens for her husband's safe return. She then remembered the alternate Daniel. She found that she wanted to make sure that at least he was safe so she quickly questioned, "Your Daniel? Is he...?"


Jack fell completely silent dropping his head. He felt all the fear and worry again swirling to the surface regarding the sudden disappearance of his best friend. He hoped that the people of his SGC have made some progress in locating his missing friend. He cleared his throat after inhaling sharply. Doctor Carter didn't wait for a response from Jack. She could tell by his actions and body language that something was wrong, very wrong. She gasped saying, "Wha...what happened?"


She watched Jack for the longest time. She was sure that he wouldn't respond to her question. Something had obviously happened to Daniel after he returned to his own reality but what? Sam felt fearful not only for her husband but for the Daniel of this Jack's reality as well. He was in danger. She sensed that he was. She was ready to tell him he didn't have to answer when his voice broke the silence. He said, "Daniel...he was... He's also a prisoner."


"WHAT? Not of Set that would mean...!" interrupted Captain Fraiser. She felt fear threaten to choke her. If Jack's Daniel was with Set and their Daniel was also that would mean... God, she hoped that wasn't the case.


Jack interrupted her distressing thoughts as he shook his head no saying, "He's being held by the NID, I believe."


O'Neill jerked his head up in response to that comment. The alternate Daniel was possibly being held by the NID? If that was the case that would mean...he hoped not. He hated to admit it but he actually liked the alternate Daniel, both Daniel's, a little bit. He didn't want to see either of them face such a grisly fate. He interrupted, "What? You have Simmons breathing down your necks too?"


Jack glanced up at his double a bit surprised that the man knew of Simmons. He shook his head partly in denial as he answered, "Not sure if Simmons is involved yet."


"Then who?"


"Colonel Maybourne."


The room fell silent once again as Jack said that name. Four pairs of eyes turned to look at Jack after he said that. Why was everyone staring at him as if he lost his mind? His double was the first to speak, "He's dead."


"Not in my reality."


"What the hell would they want with Doctor Jackson?"


Jack bowed his head. How much should he tell them? How much did they really need to know? He could tell that the people in the room were concerned for his friend. It was very obvious...so Daniel managed to work his magic even in an alternate universe. Jack answered, "Daniel, the Daniel of my reality, is one of only two people residing on Earth who can speak, read and write the Goa'uld language and dialect. He also has a lot of knowledge that certain people would love to get their hands on...and he has managed to piss off Maybourne in the past."


O'Neill quirked his eyebrow up at Jack in disbelief. Daniel pissed off Maybourne? O'Neill found that a bit hard to believe. His Daniel was soft-spoken and wasn't as outspoken as the alternate Daniel. He had a hard time picturing his Daniel pissing off many people. He wondered how the hell the alternate Daniel was abducted only a short time after departing this world. He quickly questioned, "How could Doctor Jackson have been abducted in the first place?"


"They were on PQR-189 when he...arrived there."


Captain Fraiser interrupted, "You mean that he was abducted immediately after he left this reality?"


Jack only nodded his head watching everyone to see their responses to his comment. Then he continued, "It was luck. They had luck on their sides. Daniel was abducted from that planet before he even had a chance to return to the SGC. We would've never known what happened to him if Anubis..."


Colonel O'Neill quickly jerked his head up feeling rage fill him. Anubis, he knew that name. Anubis was the damned parasite who now inhabited Doctor Jackson. He yelled in outrage, "ANUBIS? The snake that imprisoned him?"


"Yes Anubis and no he did not imprison your Daniel."


"The hell he didn't! He took him by force! Doctor Jackson was made a host against his will!"


"Well, he's still a host and he seems to be getting along just fine with Anubis. They're very close. It's a host-symbiote thing."


"That snake has to be removed!"






Jack became angrier. Didn't his double realize that Daniel was now a willing host to his symbiote and didn't want to be parted? Jack continued to defend Daniel's choice, "Maybe you're not hearing me Colonel O'Neill, Daniel and Anubis are very close. They will not accept separation. They have grown closer throughout the last several months. Those two are inseparable."


"That snake can't stay in him!"


Damn it! Jack forgot just how stubborn he could be sometimes. God, but this was so strange. He was arguing with himself for crying out loud! He had to make his twin see the aftereffects separating Daniel from Anubis would create. He continued, "If you force him to become separated from Anubis then you will completely lose your Daniel. Trust me on this. The two don't want separated. They get along just fine. You should watch them sometime. It's really interesting the way they relate to one another. Odd and a little strange but neat."


"A snake is a snake, Colonel! What the hell would Doctor Jackson want to be a host for? That damned thing is destroying him!"


"That damned thing has been Daniel's friend and supporter for the last year. He was there for Daniel when his friend chose to abandon him!"


Jack knew that he shouldn't have made that comment, but he couldn't stop himself from saying it. The comment had its desired effect as Colonel O'Neill's face fell and guilt seemed to swamp the man. Way to go, Jack. Drive the man into despair and suicide. Yeah, make him feel guilty. You idiot! That is you, was you, after Charlie died and what do you do? Say the absolute wrong thing to the man who is obviously seriously contemplating ending his life. Smooth move, Jack! You are such an idiot!


Jack watched his double in the tense silence regretting the slip of his tongue that sent the man into silence. He was sure the man wouldn't speak again when O'Neill said, "A snake is a snake..."


Jack softened his voice. He was all too aware that this man before him was on a suicidal roller coaster and that anything could set the man off. He shivered as he remembered a time when he was like this man...broken, cold, angry and bitter. Then along came this annoying archaeologist who had the damned nerve to risk his life, to actually forfeit his own life, to save a suicidal man. He wondered where in his double's life the man had messed up. Why did this O'Neill turn out to be so different from himself? He was sure that Daniel Jackson had something to do with that. This man had pushed Daniel away when Jack had managed to allow the young man to weasel his way into his life and had actually started caring for him. The two were best friends. Jack couldn't even imagine a life without Daniel. He felt sorry for his twin. What would make the man see what his life was worth? Jack shook his head and focused again on his double saying, "Anubis is a Tok'ra."


"What? One of those damned good snakes? The kind who don't force themselves on a host? The kind who share the body with their host?"


"Yes, one of those."


"Doctor Jackson tried to tell me about those snakes. To me the best snake is a dead snake!"


"The Tok'ra are allies."


"Colonel, Doctor Jackson already explained this to me..."


"I take it you didn't believe him?"




"Well, you stubborn son of a bitch!"


"If you are anything like me then you have nothing to say! According to your Doctor Jackson we are very similar."


"Yeah, except I wasn't stupid enough to shove Daniel away when he offered his help! If not for Daniel I would probably be like...well, I'd be a mean bastard."


"Like me? Is that what you were going to say?" yelled Colonel O'Neill in a voice full of fury.


Jack snapped back, "If the shoe fits!"


"Why you..."


General Hammond, who managed to get so caught up in watching the exchange between the two Colonels that he fell silent, interrupted, "Colonels please! We are here to discuss Doctor Jackson! You can argue amongst...yourselves later."


Jack looked up at Hammond all too aware that he left his anger take over again. Damn it, why couldn't he control that sarcastic, spiteful side of himself? He found that arguing with himself was like talking to a wall. He wondered if his friends ever felt as frustrated as he did right now when arguing with him. He had a feeling that they probably did. God, this man, his double was just too much of a reminder of the hardcore military man Jack had left behind and promised never to dredge up again, if it could be helped. Seeing his old self in the man before him pissed him off to no end. He couldn't help but argue with the man. He looked at Hammond feeling guilty and upset for getting so caught up in arguing over small things that he had lost sight of the real reason they were here...to discuss the disappearance of their Daniel, to discuss his abduction by Seth. Jack cleared his throat responding to Hammond's statement, "Yes sir. Sorry."


Colonel O'Neill glared at Jack a few moments longer. Damn it, but this alternate version of himself knew how to piss him off. He wanted to kill the bastard! Instead he also mumbled a quick apology and focused on the General.


Hammond watched the two O'Neill's exchange a few more hostile glances before they both fully focused on him. When he was certain that he now had their undivided attention he continued, "Tell us what happened to Doctor Jackson."


"He was helping us to locate our Daniel..." Jack began to say when O'Neill suddenly interrupted, "He was helping you? HOW? He has a damned snake in him!"


Jack tensed up and glared coldly at his double. Damn it, but this Colonel O'Neill was a hell of a pain in the ass to deal with! He found himself wondering how Daniel put up with the man. He was irritated that he had been so rudely interrupted before he even had the chance to start his explanation. He glared at the Colonel seething and commenting, "Are you done yet, Colonel? Because if I'm not mistaken I was talking."


Captain Fraiser watched the two men. God, they were so alike yet so different. They couldn't even seem to agree with themselves on anything. She quickly interceded noticing that General Hammond was becoming aggravated himself. One O'Neill was trouble enough add in a second O'Neill and all hell seemed to break loose. She spoke, "Gentlemen, please!"


Both O'Neill's continued to glare at each other for the longest time before Jack broke the contact and continued, "Anubis is a Tok'ra. He was also helping us."


"What? HOW?" questioned Colonel O'Neill.


Jack felt his anger simmering just below the surface. His temper was becoming harder to handle. He made himself take a deep, calming breath and refocus. He glanced up as Doctor Carter attempted to answer the question, "Remember what Daniel said? He told us that Anubis possessed the ability to..."


"Communicate telepathically..." finished Captain Fraiser.


"Yes, remember he was...he experienced what our Daniel went through when Isis made him Anubis' host. Then he told us of..."


"I remember."


Colonel O'Neill chuckled sarcastically. He couldn't believe the direction this damned conversation was taking. He quickly put in his two cents worth, "Now we're back to that psycho mumbo jumbo...please!"


Captain Fraiser chose that moment to take her turn glaring at Colonel O'Neill. The man could be a royal pain in the ass at times! Why the hell was he being so damned difficult all of a sudden? She interrupted, "Colonel, you are not helping here!"


Jack glanced at an obviously perturbed Captain Fraiser then at his double. He couldn't help it as he added, "So in other words shut up and let me talk!"


Colonel O'Neill's face flushed with anger. Doctor Carter had to conceal her smirk. She discovered that she actually liked this other Jack. She knew she shouldn't be making light of such a tense situation but she couldn't help it. She glanced at Colonel O'Neill as he replied, "Fine. By all means continue."


Jack again glanced at his double briefly. Get a grip, Jack. Remember he is you and this was you before Abydos. Patience. You have to remain patient. He inhaled deeply then exhaled and continued, "He...some how your Daniel was empathizing with our Daniel. Anubis also had visions of our Daniel in danger..."


"Precognition," added Captain Fraiser.


"Yes. He stayed to help us find Daniel. The longer he stayed the closer he came to experiencing cascade tremors."


"Entropic cascade failure," interrupted Doctor Carter.


"Yes. Well, he allowed himself to deteriorate to the point that he became too weak to return here on his own, so I came with him. Together we gated to PQR-189."


"Tethys," added Captain Fraiser.


"Yes Tethys. I found the pillar of hieroglyphs that Daniel had been looking at the day he disappeared. I found the symbol he had touched and did so. We were both enveloped by an intense bright white light…we lost consciousness. When I awoke I heard a whirring sound...transport rings, Goa'uld transport rings. When I looked up Daniel was being held by a Goa'uld and surrounded by guards. I fired on the rings but the bullets didn't penetrate. Then they all disappeared. I lost him on that damned planet!"


"Do you have any idea where my husband is, Jack?" asked Doctor Carter.


Jack looked at her again, this time more intensely a bit confused by her referral to her husband. Was Daniel her husband in this reality? He questioned, "Husband?"


Captain Fraiser noticed the look of sudden confusion crossing Jack's face and quickly provided him with his answer to his unvoiced question, "Daniel is Doctor Carter's husband in this reality."


"Whoa. Really?"






"You're...you're not surprised?"


"No. Hell, I was married to Carter in an alternate reality."


Colonel O'Neill looked at his double in shock questioning, "What?"


"Yeah. She was engaged to me in one reality and in another she was married to me."




Doctor Carter interrupted, "Jack, about my husband?"


"He sent a message to me...Anubis that is."


"He sent a message to you? How is that possible?" questioned the O'Neill of this world still a bit perplexed.


Jack glanced at his alternate then answered, "The mental telepathy thing."


"You actually believe in that stuff?"


"Never said that but I do know it's not just science fiction."




"You'd be amazed at all the things my team has discovered in the last five years."


"Five years?" inquired O'Neill. His curiosity was now peaked. Had his alternate been traveling via the Stargate for five years? He glanced at the man as he answered, "Yes. We've been using the Stargate for the last five years...six if you'd like to get technical."




"If you count our first trip to Abydos..."


"First trip?" asked his double wearily.


"Yes. When we destroyed Ra."


"What was the second trip?" O'Neill found his curiosity only continued to grow as Jack provided him with more information. He wanted to know what could ever possess his alternate self to ever want to return to that cursed desert planet. All that remained on that planet for him, his team and the majority of his SGC was heartache and rage. Why then would his double want to return to such a horrid planet? He glanced up at Jack as the man continued, "When we returned to retrieve Daniel."


"To retrieve..."


Whoa, now wait a minute here. Was his double actually saying that Daniel Jackson stayed on Abydos for a time? Now that was totally ludicrous. Out of all of the SGC employees Doctor Jackson would be the last person he could ever see wanting to go to Abydos. The man hated that planet and vowed never to return. He focused on Jack as the man added, "Yes. Daniel lived on Abydos for a year. He was married to Sha're. Unfortunately, Apophis abducted her...and Skaara. Daniel lost almost everything to Apophis."


Dead silence filled the room yet again. Jack felt a little bit spooked by the sudden quietness. Was it something he said? He looked at each person in the room who were in turn staring back at him. He quickly questioned, "What?"


At first no one spoke up then Doctor Carter broke the silence, "Jack, we never went back to Abydos. Not for a couple of years anyway. No one is really keen on returning there anytime soon."




"Because a lot happened on that planet. That planet holds a lot of bad memories for a lot of people at this facility. No one wants to return."


"I see."


O'Neill decided it was time to change the topic of discussion. He noticed that he wasn't the only one very uncomfortable with the topic of Abydos arising again. When would they ever be free of that damned planet? He shook his head then mentioned, "We've been using the Stargate for four years."


"Four years?"




"That's it? Only four years?"


Jack found that information a bit hard to digest. These people have only been using the Stargate for four years? Why? What happened? Was the Stargate discovered later here or was there another reason why the Stargate became...a relic. He found his curiosity was now peaked. He glanced at Doctor Carter as she responded, "Yes."


"Okay, that could explain why none of you seem to know what a Tok'ra is. You've never met them have you?"


Captain Fraiser replied, "If we have we probably...killed them."


"Oh...not good, that is so not good."


"Yes, that was what your Daniel said."


Jack looked at her for the longest time. He found it hard to believe what Captain Fraiser just told him. If they had met any Tok'ra on their journeys then they most likely shot them? He was hoping that he could track down the Tok'ra in this reality and convince them to help the alternate SG-1 to locate their missing teammate. If they killed any Tok'ra in their many adventures then, most likely, the Tok'ra would refuse to join with them or even allow them to speak up. This was not good at all. Jack found himself wondering about this alternate SG-1 team. How much was different? Did they also never meet some of the Goa'uld Jack's team had encountered along the way? He wondered if they ever met the Asgard or Hathor or even Heru-ur. Had this team of SG-1 ever had any similar experiences? Jack found that the answer to that question sparked his interest and without thinking he commented, “You never met Apophis either have you?”




“Believe me you don’t want to.”


“Yes Daniel told us that, as well."


"Talked your ear off, did he?" Jack smiled as he said that. The smile looked so out of place on Jack O'Neill's face that everyone stared, except for the O'Neill of this world. He saw the smile then looked away as guilt swamped him. It was obvious that this alternate Jack cared deeply for the archaeologist in his world. He also noticed just how easy it was for this alternate Jack to smile. He couldn't help but wonder if that easy smile had come from knowing and befriending a pain in the ass archaeologist. Had he truly made a huge mistake when he chose to push Daniel Jackson out of his life forever? He wondered what he would be like now if he would have allowed Doctor Jackson in. Would he be as happy as the man before him now was or would he still be miserable? O'Neill had a feeling he would indeed be happier, but nothing could change the past all that could be changed was the future.


Sam, Janet and Hammond couldn't speak when they saw the smile on Jack O'Neill's face. They rarely saw their O'Neill smile and to see this alternate smile so easily was a shock. No one had any doubts in their minds about this Jack. This Jack seemed rather happy with his life. He was a definite contrast to the O'Neill of this world. They were so different, like night and day. It was amazing.


Doctor Carter smiled at Jack in return saying, "Daniel's always been a talker...at least my Daniel has."


Jack looked at Samantha Jackson noticing how much she loved her husband and how much she missed him. He felt his insides cramping up in sympathy. He had been there himself. He lost his wife due to his own stupidity. This version of Carter had lost her husband to a Goa'uld. He wanted to comfort her, to pull her into his arms and tell her everything was going to be all right. He knew she needed to be reassured. It was very obvious by the look in her eyes. Just the mention of Daniel made this Carter get upset. She was a very lonely woman who only wished to have her husband back safe and sound where he should have been all along. They had to find this Carter's Daniel or she would soon be lost herself. Jack spoke softly, "Yes, our Daniel is like that as well. He loves to talk and talk and talk. He's out there. They’re both out there and we will find them."


Doctor Carter smiled softly at the alternate Jack O'Neill. He must have sensed that she needed some sort of reassurance and just hearing him say those words made her feel a whole lot better. She wished that their O'Neill was as easy to talk to as this one. She glanced up at Hammond as the General questioned, "So where is Doctor Jackson?"


"Yes, getting back to Daniel. Anubis told me...mentally that he was with Set..."




"Yes. You may know him better as Seth."


"But how? How could Seth have managed to get his hands on Doctor Jackson?"


Jack looked down clenching his fists tightly in rage. He had messed up and Set had managed to successfully get his grubby hands on this world's Daniel. It was his fault. He was here to help Anubis; he was here to protect him and he failed to do so. Jack was still very angry about the events that occurred on Tethys upon their arrival. Jack said, "Set was on the planet when we arrived."


"We have to find him! Set will destroy him!"


O'Neill eyed up his alternate then accused, "How could you let this happen, Colonel? Why didn't you stop him?"


"I wish I could have. I was still unconscious when Set got his damned hands on Daniel. When I awoke he already had Daniel in his possession! I tried to help him but it was no use. Set got away with him. Now we have to help him. Anubis said that there was nothing I could do to help him..."


"Do you have any idea where Doctor Jackson was taken?" Hammond inquired.


Jack shook his head yes then answered, "Avaris. He said that Set would take him to Avaris."


"He said?"


"Yes, when Anubis sent me that mental message he told me that Set would take them to Avaris."


"Well, then I say we locate Avaris and get Doctor Jackson the hell out of there."


"Agreed General," added Captain Fraiser.


Jack glanced at his double then looked at Hammond commenting, "The Tok'ra would really be helpful, you know."


Colonel O'Neill glared at Jack. God, this man was infuriating! He was a persistent little bastard! Colonel O'Neill looked at his alternate self noticing the man had confidence, strength and seemed...relaxed. Too damned relaxed if you ask me! I'd never be that damned relaxed! He let's his guard down too damned easy! It'll get him killed one of these days! He shook his head to clear it of those negative thoughts then wondered when was the last time he had felt that way himself? His answer wasn't very encouraging as it echoed back to him, almost tauntingly, 'Before Charlie's death.' Before his son's death was a hell of a long time ago. He hadn't been confident or relaxed since then? No wonder everyone tried to avoid him like the plague. He carried his bad attitude around with him almost like it was a second skin. Damn, he really had to work on changing some things about himself. He knew that he was a competent CO and could do the jobs demanded of him, but name one CO who lost a team member due to bias? He cursed as he thought of that day yet again. The fight before departure had been nasty. Doctor Jackson and him argued for the longest time. Both of them only succeeded in making the other angrier. The arguing only ceased when it was time for them to report to the embarkation room for their newest mission. Doctor Jackson and him stepped into the Stargate still very angry with one another. They had temporarily left their guard down in their rage. They were all caught by surprise when they stepped through that gate and into an entourage of Horus guards. He had known, immediately, that he and his team were in trouble. They were far outnumbered and were completely surrounded. They had no choice but to surrender. If they would've fought then they would've been slaughtered.


On that day O'Neill had noticed a particular guard separate from the group and immediately seize Doctor Jackson. O'Neill had been so stunned that a guard would single out the archaeologist that he failed to react at all. He had watched as Jackson was led away from them while him and his other two teammates were kept at the Stargate. He had wondered why they chose Doctor Jackson of all people. Wouldn't they have been quicker to choose the leader? He had stood there silently watching as a member of his team was marched away to face some grim fate and he had done nothing. Nothing at all but let them lead the man away. God, did he even bother to demand where Jackson was being taken that day? Or did he just allow them to take the man away without even speaking up on his behalf? He felt extremely ashamed of himself. He had said nothing. He had let his anger and hatred towards the young man rule for only an instant...an instant too long. He had given Doctor Jackson over to the enemy. He just handed the man over as if he were a commodity. What the hell was wrong with him? He had been a fool and had allowed his bitterness and anger against the young scientist to rule long enough for him to be taken away and separated from the rest of SG-1. God, he was so stupid! He hated to think of all they must have put his young teammate through before they made him a host. He had been missing and separated from them for at least a week before the news of his fate was told to them.


Jack eyed up his alternate. The man was very silent. Jack remembered a time when he, himself, was the Jack O'Neill now standing before him. Looking at this man before him, looking at this man who was him only...not, was the oddest sensation. He felt as if he was looking into his own past as he stared at the man who looked so much like him, was him only...different. This man before him was himself six years ago...before the Stargate program, before Abydos, before a stubborn, persistent archaeologist entered his life, before his reinstatement, before SG-1... This was himself after Charlie had died. Jack shivered as he looked at the man who was a mirror image of himself...almost. The man before him looked old, tired, bitter and angry. The man before him was a coldhearted bastard, a man who pushed everyone away and built a brick wall around himself. A man ready to kill himself if the opportunity to die honorably would occur. Jack didn't like seeing this man before him. This man was himself six years ago. How many years had they traveled using the Stargate? Four years is what they had said, and in four years time the man before him never learned compassion, never learned to accept that there was nothing he could have done to stop Charlie's death, never learned to stop blaming himself for that death, never learned how to begin healing, never gave the one man who could help him a single chance. How could this man be so blind? How could...? Before Jack realized he was speaking aloud his thoughts slipped out, "How could you push Daniel away like that? Why couldn't you see that Daniel was the one who could help you find yourself again?"


After he spoke those words aloud he became aware of the sudden tenseness in the room. He glanced up at everyone then at...himself. The man's face was unreadable. Jack shook his head saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to speak out loud."


“No. No. You're right."




"I didn't realize that Doctor Jackson could..."


"Help you want to change yourself? Do you realize how much of a gift that man is? Without Daniel... I would probably be dead. Hell, I would be dead...I would be wishing to die. I'd be like you. You really don't know just how important he is do you?"


"I...never mind. Look..."


"No, wait..."


"I have to go," came O'Neill's very rapid response.


Jack looked at his alternate in shock. He knew what the man was doing. He had been guilty of using the same tactic when a topic of discussion was breached that he refused to deal with. The man was trying to run away. He was trying to take the coward's way out by running from his problems in hopes that they would magically disappear. Jack, himself, had learned how useless such a tactic was. Running away and refusing to deal with a problem only made things so much worse. He wasn't about to let the man walk away as he pointed out to his double that he knew what the man was up to and questioned, "Where? There's nowhere to run to, Colonel. You should have learned that already. You created your own prison, Colonel. If you would've only..."


"One man could not have made that much of a difference in my life! He's an annoying scientist for crying out loud! He's a bookworm! He's a geek! What do you see in that man?"


"Obviously I see a hell of a lot more in Daniel Jackson then you do or ever will! Do you even realize how special that man is? My God he hates no one! He forgives everything. He is so full of compassion...You never even gave him a chance did you, Colonel?"


"He killed Skaara! It's his fault that Skaara is dead!"


"Daniel would never kill anybody, especially not Skaara. God, Skaara's his brother-in-law! Skaara is his family! Do you know how important family is to Daniel? My God! He doesn't have any family left, except Nick Ballard and Nick, well, he's on another planet right now."


"Who the hell is Nick Ballard?" demanded O'Neill.


Jack stared at his double for the longest time. This man had no knowledge of Daniel's background at all, obviously. Was the man really so unconcerned about Daniel that he didn't even bother to get to know the man he obviously chose to shun? Jack remembered how they, him and his team, had found out about Nick. Nick had been Daniel's grandfather. He had checked himself into a mental institution for believing in some giant aliens; the man truly believed he had met such beings. They found him when they discovered he had found a crystal skull in Belize identical to the one they had found on one of their missions off-world. They went to a planet and had entered a huge cavern. The cavern housed a crystal skull. When they entered the cavern they could see the skull from their vantage but had to cross a rather narrow walkway to get to the pedestal the thing sat on. When they approached the skull Daniel had looked at it then suddenly disappeared before their very eyes. He had been made invisible. He was there but no one could see him. SG-1 searched for Daniel's grandfather to see if the man could help them locate their missing friend.


Now Jack stood here wondering if he should tell his double of Daniel's grandfather. Did he even have a right to? Should he say anything or...? He didn't know. The decision wasn't too hard for him to make as Doctor Carter quickly stepped in and answered his double herself, "Nick is Daniel's grandfather."


"WHAT? He has a grandfather?"


O'Neill found this new information very hard to fathom. Jackson had a living relative? O'Neill had been certain that the man had nobody. Now he was starting to find out differently and found he didn't like being kept out of the loop all that much. He glanced at Doctor Carter as she said yes. Then he questioned, "But...why didn't he say so?"


"Well for one, you never gave him the chance. You shoved him away remember, Colonel O'Neill? For another, Nick... He's the grandfather who chose to abandon Daniel after his parents died. He had the chance to take Daniel into his care and chose not to. He shoved Daniel away, as well."




"Because he was traveling the world at the time and didn't want to be saddled with a kid. He's an archaeologist. He didn't take Daniel in because he didn't think Daniel would have much stability with him. What he didn't realize was that Daniel would've loved to travel the world with him and would rather have had his grandfather taking care of him than being reared by complete strangers. Daniel still visits him when he can."


"Where is he?"


Jack looked at his double interrupting, "In my reality we...he was in a mental institution. He's not there any longer."


"Then where?"


"He's on a planet learning of another culture, another civilization. He believed that when he was younger and he first stumbled across a crystal skull in Belize that it transported him to another planet where he saw these giant aliens. He checked himself into an institution. He discovered later that he was totally sane. You see his giant aliens really did, do exist."


Colonel O'Neill didn't know how to respond to that statement. Daniel Jackson had a grandfather? His grandfather abandoned him after his parents had died? His grandfather checked himself into a mental institution?


O'Neill found that he didn't really know Doctor Jackson at all. There were so many things the man never spoke of, and as he learned more about the man his curiosity was increasing. Doctor Jackson was a very private person. O'Neill always accepted that about the man and after Skaara died he didn't want to get to know the man at all anyhow. Now he found that there was a lot about Doctor Jackson that he wanted to learn which prompted him to inquire, "Just...how did his parents die?"


Jack glanced at his alternate for the longest time. He wondered where that question came from. He then said, "You have no idea how...? He...how could you not know?"


"He never told me."


He never told him? My God, the Daniel and Jack of this world really were at odds with one another. How could he not know how Daniel's parents were killed? Had he completely shut the man out of his life or something?


As Jack thought about it and looked at his twin he was sure that was exactly what had happened. The tensions running between O'Neill and Daniel were extreme in this reality. It was very obvious the two men didn't get along...at all. Jack found that knowing this greatly saddened him. His double had no idea what he has done to himself by shutting Daniel Jackson completely out of his life. Jack shook his head sadly then answered, "Well in my reality...they died traumatically."




O'Neill found that he wanted to know. He wanted to know more about the man he so quickly shut out of his life. Discovering that Doctor Jackson had a grandfather bothered him a lot. When he discovered that Jackson's parents were dead and he had no idea why it bothered him even more. He had to know. He found that he desperately wanted to know. He wanted to learn more about this young man he so quickly dismissed from his life.


Jack paused for a moment. Should he answer the question? He glanced at...himself then said, "They were killed when he was eight years old. It was an accident. They were in the New York Museum of Art when a...a cover stone fell on them...crushed them. They died instantly. His parents were archaeologists..."


“And he was only eight? I'm glad he didn't see it happen..."


O'Neill found the news very disturbing, indeed. His parents were killed in a museum, crushed under a cover stone. God, it must have been terrible for Jackson. He found that he was very glad the man didn't see his parents killed, but as silence entered the room he found himself nervously eyeing up Jack.


Jack glanced at O'Neill a bit longer before continuing, "Uh, actually in my reality...Daniel saw his parents die. He was there the entire time. He saw the whole thing happen."


O'Neill felt suddenly ill. God, he felt so sick. He paled considerably at the news. This Jack's Daniel had witnessed his parents being killed before him? My God. He was only eight when this happened? He tried to speak but no sound could be heard. He just didn't know what to say or how to even respond to the news. In this man's reality Daniel saw his parents die? Surely not...


He glanced up at Doctor Carter suddenly finding that he wanted to know if his Daniel had also been unfortunate enough to witness such a horrible thing. He managed to find his voice as he choked out, "Our Daniel never saw...did he?"


Doctor Carter found she couldn't hold O'Neill's look any longer. She had thought for sure that O'Neill had known all about Daniel's parents. Hadn't he even bothered to read the man's personnel file? She had been positive that Colonel O'Neill had known of Daniel's parents dying. She found it hard to accept that the man was totally clueless. She questioned, "Did you read his file, Colonel?"


"Well yeah, but there was nothing...just said his parents died when he was eight. Doctor Carter, he didn't see...? Tell me that he didn't see...that."


Doctor Carter sighed heavily feeling her body tense at this new discovery. Colonel O'Neill had no idea what had happened in Daniel's past. How the hell was that even possible? She glanced at the Colonel saying, "Yes he did. He was there when his parents died. He witnessed the entire thing. His parents had been working on a cover stone that they had found on a recent dig. The museum was setting up the display when the cables...snapped. The only reason Daniel wasn't under that cover stone with them was because his father had ordered him to sit down away from the area in which the stone was being placed. Daniel...he had a front row seat. He saw everything. He even yelled out a warning but his parents didn't hear him. Colonel, that's why Daniel can't stand to be in enclosed spaces. He's claustrophobic. He still dreams of the day they were killed. He told me that when he was a child he had horrible nightmares in which his parents were trapped under that cover stone, trapped in the dark, unable to move and slowly suffocating to death. He can't stand enclosed spaces because of what he witnessed..."


O'Neill didn't know how to even react to what Doctor Carter just told him so he simply stated, "Yet he can crawl around in tombs at digs..."


"Yes. His parents were archaeologists. He can only handle enclosed spaces when he's surrounded by the things his parents loved to work on, but if you place him in a room and lock the door... He can't handle it. Daniel...he's always felt...responsible for their deaths. He thinks he killed his parents because he didn't save them."


Colonel O'Neill felt extremely ill as she said that. He couldn't speak as he thought of all the horrible things he's done and said to Daniel through the years. My God, he even accused Daniel of killing Skaara... He accused him of killing so many when Daniel had been innocent. God, he...how could he have been so hateful so...? He muttered, "God, I'm such an ass! Why didn't you tell me about his parents?"


“I thought you knew..."


"Shit! I probably confirmed his beliefs that it was his fault. Oh my God, I...the things I accused him of...the things I appointed him responsible for... He probably thinks that he's a murderer..."


"Daniel accepts full responsibility for Skaara's death and everyone else you accused him of killing. He believes that he doesn't deserve to be happy. He’s so afraid of losing me. He's so afraid of losing people he has come to care for because all throughout his life people he's dared to care for...they die. They leave him all alone. His parents, Skaara...you...and his foster parents didn't help matters. Some of them were very hateful towards him while he was growing up. Some would accuse him of deliberately killing his parents. God Colonel O'Neill, if you even knew half the things Daniel has suffered through in his lifetime... It's amazing he is like he is..."


"And what do I do? Accuse him of murdering Skaara and act as if the man doesn't even exist!"


Jack looked at his alternate, gritting his teeth, he commented, "You're an asshole! Didn't you even once question where Daniel's family was? His parents? Didn't you find it odd that he has very few connections outside of the SGC? Do you see why Daniel could help you find yourself? He's been there only he was eight and he convinced himself that he killed his parents...you, Charlie shot himself...you blame yourself. Daniel is a survivor and a hell of a good man. You could learn a lot from him if you'd just give him a chance."


"He probably wants nothing to do with me."


"Oh, you have no idea just how wrong you are, Colonel. He is bitter, yes, but he forgave you a long time ago. Now Anubis...Anubis hates you."




"Daniel's symbiote."


"He hates me? Why?"


“Because when he blended with your Daniel he also acquired all of Daniel Jackson's thoughts and memories. He knows exactly what you put Daniel through and he's pissed off that you would have been so cold to Daniel. He's pissed off because you hurt Daniel Jackson a lot."


                                                                                                               * * * *

Ka'tar hesitantly approached his queen's chambers. He heard her voice speak after he knocked, "Enter."


Ka'tar did as was bid. As he entered he tried to calm down his nerves. He was about to deliver some very bad news to his queen and she would be most displeased. He addressed her, "My Queen."


"Ka'tar...tell us what of our Beloved?" Isis inquired. She watched her First Prime as he began to nervously shuffle from one foot to the other then back again. Something was wrong for Ka'tar rarely became nervous in her presence. She noticed he was growing more fidgety the longer she held his gaze. He had bad news for her. She instinctively knew it and it upset her greatly. She quickly inquired gently, in an attempt to calm her First Prime's nerves some, "Ka'tar, tell us what has happened."


Ka'tar looked up at Isis. He could tell that she was aware that he was about to deliver some bad news. He was very grateful that she was attempting to calm him with her voice. He looked at her then said, "I am sorry, My Queen. Sutekh has captured him and is taking him to Avaris."




She found that the news Ka'tar just delivered to her was, indeed, very bad. She waited patiently for him to continue, "His plans are to lure you to him and once there he will destroy Anubis' host and remove the symbiote. Then he will destroy Anubis. After he is done he will...destroy you."


"What? This cannot be! We must free our Beloved!"


"Did you not hear me, My Queen? Sutekh wants you to do so. Then he will trap you, destroy you and appoint himself ruler over the system lords. You cannot go to Avaris."


“But we must! We will not stand by and watch our Beloved being destroyed! We have experienced much sorrow when we lost Osiris. We will not lose our Beloved again!"


"My Queen, I will go to Avaris to attempt a retrieval. Let me first attempt a rescue before you decide to surrender to Sutekh."


"No Ka'tar. If you fail in the attempted rescue of our Beloved then Sutekh will also have you."


"I would rather he capture me then you, My Queen."


"Ka'tar, what you are asking of us...you do not realize how much you are asking us to give up. We will not lose our Beloved and we will not lose you."


"My Queen, there is no other choice. Surely you must know that."


"Very well...you may go to Avaris and attempt an extraction, but you must be careful for Sutekh has knowledge of you. He has not seen you but he knows of you. You must be careful, Ka'tar."


"Yes My Queen."




"Yes My Queen?"


"We would make but one other request of you."


"Please tell me of this request."


"The host must be saved, as well. We have grown rather fond of the one our lord now inhabits. Our beloved Daniel Jackson is as valuable to us as is our beloved Anubis. If you cannot save them both then do not save them at all."


"I cannot save them both, My Queen. When My Lord Anubis took the human as a host the host no longer existed."


"Ka'tar, do not always believe what you have been told. Daniel Jackson is, indeed, very much alive. Anubis keeps his host suppressed, but he still very much exists in his own mortal body."


Ka'tar had no idea what to say. Wasn't the idea of the host still surviving impossible? In a Jaffa the host and symbiote were both alive, but Ka'tar didn't think such was the case when a Tau'ri and a symbiote were joined. If Daniel Jackson was in fact still alive in his body then why did his queen not rid herself of the man?


Ka'tar found himself wondering if his queen chose to keep the host intact as a way to torture and torment him. If he was still alive then Anubis could torment him for as long as he possessed his body. Ka'tar felt sudden coldness grip him at that thought. Could the host be alive when a Symbiote has possession of him or her? The idea sounded totally ludicrous.


Ka'tar glanced up as Isis addressed him, "Ka'tar my dear, you look very much confused. Why is that?"


"My Queen, is it possible that a host still remains even after possession?"


"Yes. The host is very weak and frail, and is kept at bay by his new master… Anubis draws great pleasure from forcing his host into subjugation. We chose not to use the sarcophagus to ensure a complete blending. We find that knowing the host still exists has proven very exciting to us."


Ka'tar felt ill at that admission, so his queen enjoyed knowing that Anubis' host was still very much alive and intact. She most likely drew great pleasure from knowing that he was no longer free and that he was at her mercy as well as at Anubis' mercy. Ka'tar had to help Daniel Jackson somehow. He just didn't know how to go about helping the Tau'ri man. He glanced up as Isis continued, "We would like our lord back complete. Do not fail us."


"Yes My Queen."


"You may go."


Ka'tar bowed to his queen trying to keep a tight grip on the anger bubbling just below the surface. His eyes were now starting to open. He was truly beginning to see just how sadistic a race the Goa'uld were. He was beginning to realize that they were merely a race out for domination and that they had no god-like powers. He found himself growing even angrier as he realized that he has spent years pledging his allegiance to false gods. The Goa'uld would pay for their treachery one day...oh how they would pay. He vowed to find a way to some how help the Tau'ri that Isis was so enamored with. He hated to think of what life must be like for the young man. He was obviously trapped in his own body, in his own mind, and being kept at bay by pain and anguish. What the Goa'uld were doing to the Tau'ri was inexcusable and unforgivable and one day Ka'tar would get back at them...one day.


Ka'tar quickly exited Isis' palace and prepared for his departure to Tethys.


                                                                                                              * * * *

Anubis knew that he was in danger when he awoke to find himself surrounded by the guards of Sutekh. He glanced at O'Neill to see how the man was fairing and was glad to see the Colonel was still unconscious. Sutekh's guards had quickly seized him and surrounded him. Anubis had prayed for O'Neill to remain unconscious fearing that if the Colonel were to awake while Sutekh still remained Sutekh would kill him just for sport. He hadn't expected O'Neill to awake but as the rings were activated he saw O'Neill quickly jump to his feet pulling out his weapon. Anubis had enough time to warn the human not to follow. If O'Neill were to follow there was no telling what Sutekh would do with him. O'Neill was safer on Earth. He told O'Neill where he would be taken in hopes that the man could locate the Tok'ra of this reality and inform them of what was occurring.


As Anubis was transported aboard Sutekh's ship he could feel his host awaking. Daniel questioned, "Anubis what's wrong?"


Daniel sensed that his symbiote was troubled and quickly put two and two together. They were no longer with O'Neill. In fact, they were now aboard a ship, a Goa'uld mother ship from the looks of it. Oh, great so now they were prisoners of some insane Goa'uld. Daniel said, "We're in trouble, aren't we? Who...?"


Daniel stopped in mid-sentence as the Goa'uld, who now held them prisoner, spoke. As he focused on the face of the Goa'uld before him he knew exactly who it was: Sutekh also known as Seth. Oh, this was not looking good, not looking good at all. He quickly voiced his concern, "Set? Shit! We really are in trouble now!"


"We will be fine," Anubis replied casually.


Daniel quickly added, "Not with Set we won't!"


"Do not worry so, Daniel."


"The hell I won't! I know Set. Remember I am an archaeologist and I know mythology very well."


"We will be fine."


"Oh yeah, right, sure. Set...bringer of clouds and storms...associated with the Semitic god Baal...representation of evil... One whose powers of darkness the goddess Reret had to keep at bay with fettered chains. God of darkness and evil...oh yeah, Set's a great one to be imprisoned by."


"Daniel, we will be fine."


"Well, pardon me if I don't share your enthusiasm. If you remember he planned to destroy Isis. Remember he tricked Osiris into that coffin and chopped his body to pieces? Last time I checked, Anubis, you just happened to be Isis' Beloved."


Anubis fell silent, of course, his host was correct. Sometimes Daniel's huge collection of knowledge could prove to be a problem, like now. The last thing he needed was his host getting all worked up because he knew the mythology surrounding Sutekh. He stopped his thoughts as Daniel spoke again, "Would you stop worrying, Anubis. I know we're in trouble and I know Set's intentions. I know about him, yes, but that doesn't mean I’m going to panic."


"I know Daniel, but I still worry."


"You worry too much... You know, it does help to know your opponent, my friend."


"Yes, you are correct."


"With Set anything is possible. He has the forces of darkness at his beck and call...You know that he’ll endeavor to destroy us both...?"




"But not before..."


"He lures Isis here to witness our execution."




"Escape will not be easy, Daniel."


"I know...Where is he taking us?"


"To his home world of Avaris."


"Ah, Avaris. Where we'll get the special treatment..."




"The deluxe suite in Seth's dungeon. Anubis..."




"I get the double bed..."


Anubis started laughing in response to Daniel's most unexpected comment. He found that Daniel's unpredictability was just one of the many qualities he liked about his host. He said, "Daniel, you never cease to surprise me."


"Good then life with me will never get boring."


"Oh, life with you young one is far from boring."


"...We do have one advantage over Set..."


"Which is?"


"He doesn't know that I’m still here and he doesn't know that you're a Tok'ra."


"That is correct..."


"What happened to Colonel O'Neill?"


"I believe that he is attempting to help aid us."




"He traveled with us to our reality. Sutekh captured us while Colonel O'Neill was still recovering from the effects of the transportation device. Sutekh did not see O'Neill as a threat."


"So he's alive?"




"What makes you think he'll help us?"


"Because he is an honorable man, and he cares for you..."


"No, he cares for his Daniel."


"And he cares for you. This Colonel O'Neill would probably do anything to help us."


"You're sure?"


"Yes I am."


"But his Daniel is still in danger."


"Major Carter is attempting to locate him now."


"But you foresaw his death..."


"Daniel, how do you know of this?" Anubis spoke up in surprise.


"Nightmares. You’ve been dreaming of him and of me...dying. I simply...connected the dots, so to speak."


"I see. This information you should not have."


"Do you think they'll find him in time?"


"I hope so, Daniel. I hope so."


Daniel found himself worrying about his alternate self. Would he be found in time or would death soon claim him? He knew the beatings would only get worse. His alternate still refused to cooperate, which meant he would continue to be tortured.


Daniel couldn't sense his alternate as strongly in this reality and found that odd. He could sense that his alternate was now unconscious and had been...lashed very brutally. He was surprised that he didn't feel the man's pain as strongly here...but that could simply be because his focus was now on Set and their present predicament. They had to get away from Set or death would soon find them. When Set successfully lured Isis to him he would execute them in front of her. Daniel knew this to be true. Set loved to torment Isis so he might decide to toy with them, as well. Daniel hoped not.


                                                                                                        * * * * * *

Major Samantha Carter started to become increasingly more worried when Colonel O'Neill didn't return from the alternate reality. She checked with Hammond who told her that he would let her know when Jack returned. Hammond then questioned about the search for Doctor Jackson. Sam didn't have great news but she had some. She informed him of searching for a second Stargate on Earth to help narrow their search down. She told him why she suspected a second gate was used in the man's abduction. Hammond then told her to keep working on locating Doctor Jackson and to keep him abreast of the situation.


As General Hammond watched Major Carter leave his office he found his own mind wandering to the fate of their now missing SGC member. He was very worried for Doctor Jackson and hated sitting by waiting for any hint of the man's whereabouts to surface. He tried not to think of what all the young man has been put through so far while imprisoned. General Hammond was no fool. He knew that those who abducted Doctor Jackson had a reason and that they would try to get his cooperation using whatever means possible. Knowing this only made him fear for the young man all the more. Now not only was he worrying about Doctor Jackson but he could add Colonel O'Neill to the list. Two of his best people were now missing. Hammond was sure that O'Neill was in that alternate reality but wondered why the man had yet to return. He shook his head as he thought of the two missing SGC personnel. He hoped that they would both soon return to the SGC. Colonel O'Neill, at least, still had some time before those tremors would seize him in that alternate reality. Once those tremors found the man he would have no choice but to return to his own reality. Now as for Doctor Jackson, the man had been gone for several days already and they were no closer to locating him then they had been before. He couldn't ignore his sense that Doctor Jackson had limited time left. They had to locate him before it was too late. General Hammond would be damned if he was going to lose another SGC member. They would find Doctor Jackson; they had to find him.


He sighed heavily as he thought of SG-1. Once again the team was having their typical luck. Did that team never get a break? Why was it that SG-1 always ended up in trouble or hurt in some way? The fates must be out to get them or something. SG-1 had the highest rate of injury, yet they were his best team and the members of that team were very close. He wouldn't break that team up no matter what. He did tend to worry a little bit more than usual when SG-1 embarked on a mission. Someone had to watch out for them. He knew that many officers at the SGC would place bets on which member of SG-1 would return hurt...or unhurt each week. He knew the betting was happening but even though other members of the SGC would place wagers he also knew they all held immense respect for SG-1 and each of its members. SG-1 was a highly respected team at this facility and no one said or felt otherwise. If they did they never spoke up about it.


Hammond found that he no longer wanted to stay in his office, so he headed towards the control room. His thoughts kept straying to Doctor Jackson. Where was the man? Was he even still alive? He had been gone several days now...a lot could happen in several days. They had to find Doctor Jackson before his time ran out. Hammond hoped that SG-1's luck of surviving so much would continue to hold out. The young archaeologist was in very big trouble and right now all they knew was that he was on Earth...somewhere. They had to find Doctor Jackson!


                                                       * * * *

Levinson glanced at the monitor in his office again. The young stubborn scientist was still very much unconscious and unresponsive. Shit! His men had gone overboard with that damned lashing! Jackson hadn't awoke in several hours...of course, the blindfold across his eyes concealed that some but the man hadn't moved...at all.


Levinson called Ayanna to his office and she entered asking, "Yes sir?"


While keeping his gaze trained on the monitor he spoke, "I need to know his condition."




Levinson looked at her noticing that she seemed a bit confused by who he was talking about so he pointed to the monitor, at the unconscious archaeologist still hanging suspended from the ceiling by iron manacles. He could see understanding dawning in her eyes as she replied, "He’s still unconscious sir."


"Didn't you just check on him?"


"Yes sir. You know I did. You've been watching him."


Levinson once again looked at her. She was very observant. He confirmed, "Yes I have. His condition?"


"Deteriorating, sir."




"He's weaker. He's lost some blood and is still dehydrated...he hasn't had nourishment in several days. He's lost some weight. He's battered..."




“We should keep a closer eye on him just for precautions."


"I need him alive!"


"I know, sir. He’s fine for now."


"Do you think we should bring in a doctor?"


"A doctor? Might help him."


"I have just the doctor in mind for the job."




"Janet Fraiser."


Ayanna stared at him for the longest time after that suggestion. Janet Fraiser? Was he crazy? She was also SGC. The man couldn't be serious. She quickly voiced her opinion, "Sir, you can't bring her here. They'll find him..."


"They’re already searching for him. She'll do fine. She knows his medical history. She would be perfect."


He sounded as if he had his mind already made up. Ayanna had to convince him that grabbing Doctor Fraiser was a very bad idea, but how could she possibly go about doing that?


Ayanna added, "Sir, she's another high priority member of the SGC. You just can't go walking into a Top Secret research facility and grab her. It's bad enough you're holding Doctor Jackson here and now you want to add Doctor Fraiser to your list? Sir, they will execute you for the abduction of Doctor Jackson alone..."


"She'll do nicely."


"But sir..."


"I need Jackson alive! Without him all of this is useless! He is the only one who can do what I need done!"


"I understand that sir, but... There is another way."


"WHAT? That damned alien…no! It has to be Jackson! No one else will do!"


"Why? Why does it have to be him? WHY?"


"I need that man alive! If that means dragging the good Doctor Fraiser here then so be it! I need him alive!"




His voice grew deceptively calm as he spoke aloud a suspicion of his, "You care about him, don't you?"




Blowing off her inquiry he continued sounding almost awed at the revelation, "Jackson. He got to you, didn't he? How? The man's been unconscious for the last few hours. Why would you care so much for someone you don't even know?"


"Sir, I’m only telling you of the dangers keeping him here is bringing. He is very important to the SGC. If you’re caught guess who takes the fall? Not your boss. Hell no. He's covered his ass! You, you will take the fall..."


"I can't believe you're defending Jackson. Damn, what the hell is it about that man that makes everyone want to befriend him so damned much?"


Ayanna didn't respond. She wondered what ever possessed Levinson to say that to begin with. She looked at him as he ordered, "Check on him again. If he awakes get liquids into him. He's already dehydrated and with loss of blood..."


"I know what happens."


"Report to me if there are any changes in his condition...ANY, whether positive or negative."


"Yes sir."


Ayanna quickly exited the room. She didn't miss the loud bang as Levinson slammed his fist onto his desktop. The man was very angry and Daniel Jackson was still unresponsive. Her boss was not too pleased with the news.


Ayanna admitted to herself that she was, indeed, very worried for Daniel Jackson. The man was in bad shape. The lashing was very severe. She quickly filled up a glass with water hoping that she could coax the young scientist to drink it.


She approached the room serving as his cell and opened the door. She then entered the room for what seemed like the millionth time today.


Ayanna approached Jackson slowly, surveying his injuries as she made her way to him. She checked his back first, glad when she noticed that the lashes were beginning to scab over and had ceased bleeding for the moment. She then decided to check him for fever. She hoped fever wouldn't find him. It was not uncommon for such a vicious lashing to send its victim into fever and if that happened...Jackson would be in even more danger than originally suspected.


She gently placed her hand against his forehead sighing when she felt no fever within him. She then gently cupped his cheek trying not to hurt him any further by adding pressure to the nasty bruising now marring his face. She noticed that he now had bruises on both cheeks. The man had been beaten several times since his arrival here, all because he refused to cooperate. She froze when she swore she heard the man before her moaning softly. Was he waking up? She hoped so. The man has been unconscious way too long. She gently spoke, "Doctor Jackson? Doctor Jackson?"


She nearly jumped out of her skin when his croaked, barely audible response came back to her, "Wha...what?"


He then lapsed into coughing. She let out the tense breath she didn't even realize she had been holding and winced as she heard that cough of his. God, the man was alive and conscious finally. Thank heavens for that. She was very afraid that he wouldn't survive. The lashing was brutal. She again spoke Jackson's name, and he responded in a hoarse voice, "Hurts..."


Ayanna watched as the man slipped his tongue out between his dry lips and licked them to moisten them. Then he inhaled sharply wincing briefly as doing so caused him some sort of pain. She responded gently to his comment, "Shh I know. I know it hurts, Doctor Jackson... Doctor Jackson?"


He only nodded then groaned as the movement sent pain skirting across his mind. She felt a pang of sympathy shoot through her body as she noticed that he was suffering. She continued, "I need you to drink some water. Can you do that for me?"


Daniel didn't respond and she wondered if he had been awake at all. She was very worried for the man.


Daniel slowly awoke from the deep darkness that held him prisoner for much, much too long. Where was he? What had happened to him? Why did he hurt so much? Why did he feel so weak? He heard a voice speak his name, a feminine voice, and he tried to head for that sound. He found waking was a tad bit difficult. God, was he ever tired and weak. He felt exhausted, drained of all his energy. He tried to remember where he was and attempted to pull his hand to his face. He didn't move it very far before he felt cold metal slice and bite into already badly chafed flesh. He inhaled shakily as the pain that had been only a dull throb in his wrists now screamed to be noticed and in that moment everything came back to him: he was chained upright dangling by his wrists. He had been beaten and recently he had been brutally lashed. As he remembered the lashing he became aware of just how sore, achy and raw his back now felt. God did his back ever hurt like a son of a bitch! How many times did they use that damned whip on him?


He tried to place his feet under himself finding the task to be so much harder than he ever expected. He hated being weak! Damn them! Damn them for doing this to him! He felt totally drained of energy. The lashing had cruelly zapped all of his energy, greedily sucking it out of him to leave him as weak as a newborn babe. God, this was so damned frustrating! He was extremely pissed at his present predicament! He tried to open his eyes and was surprised when he succeeded. At least he thought he had succeeded, but if he had then why was it so damned dark? Why did he see only pitch-blackness where light should have been? Why the hell couldn't he see? Oh, oh right they had blindfolded him. Those bastards had blindfolded him! He found that he wanted to tear the damn cloth off of his eyes. Oh, how he hated that damned, cursed blindfold!


A voice cut through his momentary rage and anger. He faintly heard his name being said again and suddenly realized that he wasn't the only one in the room. Someone else was here, and she was attempting to speak to him. He tried to focus on her voice and ended up coughing. He winced as the cough elicited pain in his chest area. Ribs, he remembered a distinct crack as a rib had been broken earlier. Damn it, he had forgotten about that rib and every time he coughed now the coughs succeeded in renewing that pain. He mumbled without realizing it, "Hurts...dark..."


Ayanna stared at the man longer this time. He was awake. She hadn't imagined that he had spoken. Thank God. Now if she could only make the man drink. He was dehydrated and would probably be kept barely hydrated as long as he remained here so she had to make him drink. She urged again, "You must drink."


Daniel heard that feminine voice again. She was asking him...what was she asking him? Damn, but his concentration was gone for the moment. He couldn't even seem to obtain one coherent thought. He forced himself to focus and concentrate. Okay, she wasn't asking him anything she was...what was she doing? Telling him...she was telling him that he needed to drink. Okay, he could do that. He was extremely thirsty and quickly choked out, "'Kay," hearing her sigh in response. Okay, was that a sigh of relief or impatience? He didn't know and found that he suddenly wished that he could at least see her face. He wanted to see her expression. He wished he could see her but the cursed blindfold successfully cast him into endless darkness. Damn it! He heard her questioning, "Can you raise your head for me?"


Daniel obeyed groaning in response as the minor headache he was experiencing increased. He felt the rim of the glass being pressed to his lips suddenly then heard her saying, "Drink Doctor Jackson. It's water."


Ayanna used her free hand to keep Doctor Jackson's head and neck supported as he drank the water she was offering. She suggested, "Doctor Jackson, you must take it easy. Drink slowly. You are still dehydrated even though you've been given water every day. You have only had enough to sustain you. Please drink."


Daniel found he couldn't resist that request even if he wanted to. He was so thirsty. His mouth was so dry and so raw. He desperately desired water and gladly accepted the water she was now offering him. As the first bit flowed into his mouth it felt heavenly. God, did he ever need water. She was very patient with him he noticed and he found that he was very grateful for that, as well. She helped him to drink then pulled the glass away from his lips giving him the chance to swallow the precious liquid he so desperately needed. He commented, "Thank you."


"Uh...you're welcome."


Ayanna was a bit surprised when the man thanked her for water. Here he was hanging from the ceiling by his chained wrists bloody, bruised and battered. His sight taken from him and being denied food, yet the man still thanked her for water? What was that about? He was a prisoner and knew that she was probably one of his captors yet he still was courteous to her? She found that a bit unusual. She didn't hear any anger, rage or contempt in the man's voice. He sounded truly sincere. She wondered if those stories of him were true after all...or had he decided to placate her and do what they wanted him to do in the first place? But she had a very strong feeling that he’d die before doing what was asked of him. One thing she had heard about Doctor Jackson was that no one should be fooled by his appearance. He didn't look all that threatening, in fact he looked like one who could easily be swayed and easily be coerced by any show of force...that was until you attempted to extract information from him using those tactics. If you did then the man became spirited as hell. She had a feeling Levinson would have his hands full with this particular prisoner. Levinson would learn the hard way just how difficult Doctor Jackson truly could be.


Ayanna questioned, "How are you feeling, Doctor Jackson?"


Before he could stall his angry words he snapped, "What kind of a stupid question is that? How do you think I'm feeling?"


What a stupid question! Why the hell would you abduct someone, beat him and then ask how he was feeling? Oh yeah, he was feeling just great. Sure. Everyone loves to be beaten, sure. He couldn't believe that she had even asked that question.


Daniel listened for her reply and realized that she had fallen silent. He started wondering why then he thought that maybe he had been a bit too harsh on her. What if she had only been sent here to tend him and by snapping at her he... Before Daniel thought any further on the matter he was apologizing, "I'm sorry that was..."






"I understand, Doctor Jackson."


Daniel fell silent in response to that comment. Ayanna looked at the man before her. Again he had surprised her first by snapping at her then by apologizing. She shook her head then walked behind him noticing how he lifted his head and turned as she did, so it was true that when a person's sight was taken their hearing sharpened to compensate. She reached out towards his back shakily. One of those lashes looked as if it was infected and if that was the case...she had to check to make sure. She gently touched the lash and jumped as Doctor Jackson jerked away from her touch violently, groaning as pain reverberated throughout his battered body. She heard his wincing and the shackles clanking in response to his sudden movement. He was just a bit jumpy, wasn't he? Of course, wouldn't you be that way if you've been beaten over the last few days? Boy was she dense at times. She spoke up, "I'm sorry, Doctor Jackson. I was looking at this one particular lash. I wanted to make sure that it wasn't infected."


Daniel said nothing. In fact, he was still clenching his eyes tightly closed waiting patiently for the pain to ease out of his body some. That sudden movement was enough to send all his injuries into bouts of very loud complaints. He remained silent, now extremely tense. As the pain started to abate some he found himself again wondering who the hell was speaking to him. Who was she and why was she working for those who did this to him? He questioned, "Who...?"


"Just call me Ayanna..."


"Oh, the one from before..."




"Artifacts..." Daniel managed to get out before lapsing into a dry cough again. Then he fell silent swallowing hard as the pain in his throat started to dull. He again slipped his tongue out between his lips, running it across them to moisten them again. He continued, "You brought out the tablet...and urn..."


"Yes Doctor Jackson."


Ayanna couldn't help but notice that the young man needed more fluids so she quickly urged, "Doctor Jackson, I need you to drink some more water."




Daniel again felt her one hand brace him behind his head and neck attempting to support them. He then felt the glass press against his lips. The glass was cool and he so needed water. He drank more of the water then she pulled the glass away prompting him to reply with a soft, "Thanks."




"No, not...yet."


"Doctor Jackson...why have you refused to do what is asked of you?"


Daniel raised his head cursing the blindfold as he attempted to look at the woman before him. God, he hated this infernal darkness! He hated not being able to see the one speaking to him. He swallowed then said, "I won't translate so don't even bother attempting to persuade me."


"But why won't you translate?"




"Because of what?"


Daniel fell silent again refusing to speak or acknowledge that she even posed a question to him. He thought for sure that his silence would serve to silence her as well but she spoke, "You will only suffer the longer you refuse. He has already given the order that your cooperation is to be obtained using whatever means necessary. They will soon start breaking bones..."


"Why are you working for them?"


The question Daniel posed served to silence Ayanna. She stared at him for the longest time. Daniel waited patiently to see if she would respond. He could feel the weakness in himself and knew exhaustion was about to capture him yet again. Damn it, he couldn't even stay awake very long. He found that he no longer had the strength to keep his head upright so he gently left his head fall forward. He heard her say his name again and attempted to answer her but found he was just too tired to continue. He felt blackness swamp him and felt himself again tumble into its depths.


Ayanna could only stare as she watched the young man collapse. She knew without having to see his eyes that he was unconscious yet again. Obviously the whipping he had just received served to make him rather weak. She again felt his forehead. He was still relatively cool to the touch. That, at least, was a good sign. No fever...yet. She rechecked his injuries again then left the room leaving the man in silence.


                                                                                                              * * * *

Levinson looked up from the monitor as Colonel Maybourne entered the room. He tried to keep his displeasure of seeing the man yet again from ever reaching his eyes. He didn't like the Colonel all that much but still worked with the man. Maybourne reminded him of a snake. He knew Maybourne was only out for himself and only tolerated his presence because he needed him. He noticed Maybourne was quite a complainer too. He wondered what the hell the man wanted now and looked at him as Maybourne said, "Are you sure the SGC won't find us?"


Not this again. God, how many times were they going to go over this? Maybourne could be a royal pain in the ass and Levinson found that, more often than not, his patience wore rather thin when dealing with the man.


Levinson answered, "No and if they find us we move him."


"To where?"


"I have a place. Relax."


"I won't give him back. Not until I have my revenge on him, the SGC and Jack O'Neill."


Levinson eyed up Maybourne. Yes, the man was a total jerk, an idiot, but Levinson knew he could be a cruel bastard. Maybourne had been biding his time waiting for the opportunity to seize Doctor Jackson and reap his final revenge on the man. Levinson wasn't exactly sure what had all occurred between the man and Maybourne but knew Maybourne hated the young scientist with a passion. Maybourne never failed to remind him of just how much he wanted revenge on Daniel Jackson. Levinson knew one thing for sure...he didn't want to make an enemy out of Maybourne or Maybourne's financial supporter, for that matter. Maybourne's financial supporter also hated Doctor Jackson and wanted revenge on the man. He wondered how one archaeologist could attain such direct attention from some rather powerful people. He had heard Jackson had few enemies and had learned otherwise relatively quickly. The man certainly knew how to piss off some high priority people. Between Jackson and O'Neill they both gained some rather powerful foes in the short time since joining with the SGC. It was a wonder the two were still alive and he was sure that the SGC's connection to the president, and Jackson's and O'Neill's importance to the SGC, is what kept the two out of the line of fire. In abducting Jackson, Maybourne had stirred up a hornet's nest of trouble. He placed himself right into the line of fire. He was risking a hell of a lot. If he was caught holding Jackson prisoner...Levinson was sure the man would...disappear for good and if the government didn't do it he was positive that one Colonel O'Neill would gladly rid the world of Maybourne.


Levinson eyed up Maybourne adding, "Jackson isn't going any where. I've taken precautions."


"Jackson better not die either! I need that man alive."


"So do I. Stop worrying..."


"Stop worrying? What the hell kind of a comment is that? Do you know the risks we're running just holding that man here? Jackson cannot be allowed to escape! We need him! SG-1 has quite a reputation for not giving up on their members. Come hell or high water they'll find the man and when they do..."


"It's taken care of! I already have the other facility set up. Once we get what we want from him then you can do with the man what you want...run tests on him, use him in your experiments, whatever the hell you want, but not before we get what we want!"


"You do realize that once Jackson gives you what you want he’ll have to be dealt with."


"Like I said, do what you want to him AFTER I get what I want from him."


"You had better make sure that Jackson doesn't die. I have plans for that man, ones that require him to be at least alive. His death will be a long time in coming. He'll die slowly. The experiments are almost to the testing phase and we need viable subjects…”


“So Jackson is just a liability to you?”


“Doctor Jackson needs to learn the price for interference. He’s so damned concerned about protecting the rights of others...we'll see how he feels when he loses his own rights. He denied me the Tollan when I went to collect them. He was so concerned about their basic human rights... He made me look like a damned fool!"


"So in exchange you're going to steal his basic human rights from him by making him a test subject in one of your demented experiments?"


"It's either that or kill him."


Levinson had to struggle to conceal his feelings about what Maybourne just told him. Forget about Maybourne being a mean bastard the man was downright insane!


Levinson found the idea of handing the scientist over to the man so he could be made to suffer hell on Earth for the rest of his life didn't sit really well with him. He found himself having an attack of conscience. Shit! He couldn't afford that right now!


Maybourne interrupted his thoughts saying, "If you have a problem with my future plans for the good doctor I can always relieve you of your duty and find another replacement."


"No Maybourne, I'm fine."






"Good. If I sense you start taking a shine to him then I can easily get rid of you."


Levinson knew if he were to reveal his true feelings concerning Maybourne's sinister plans for his prisoner that he would be killed. He decided, come hell or high water, that he would have to procure the man's freedom from this psychotic maniac. The only way he could help Daniel Jackson right now was to continue the interrogations and drag out each session. Maybourne promised not to take Jackson into his custody until he got what he wanted using whatever means possible, so all he had to do was stall and keep the man alive long enough for rescue.


Maybourne watched the man before him and decided he couldn't trust him. He would have to find someone else to work with Levinson and keep an eye on the man. Someone who, should Levinson decide Jackson didn't need "interrogated" further, would give the order despite Levinson's protests. He would not lose Daniel Jackson. He had waited too long to get his hands on the man. He had waited too long to get his revenge on the man, his team and the SGC. He'd be damned if he'd give the man up now. Jackson was his. He would be among the first to be experimented on. Jackson would take the place of those Tollan he had helped to escape so very long ago. HE would become the research subject.


                                                                                                              * * * *

Ayanna quickly ducked into a nearby closet as Colonel Maybourne exited the room. She waited until he disappeared before she stepped out into the now empty corridor. She could feel herself shaking as she recalled the exchange that just took place between Levinson and Maybourne. She had been returning to update Levinson on Doctor Jackson's condition when she had heard voices. She had listened both shocked and horrified when she heard of the sinister plans Maybourne had in store for Doctor Jackson. He was to be experimented on, used in Maybourne's sinister research projects. She couldn't allow that to happen! She heard the familiar voice of Tail'ia speak, "Do not worry, Ayanna. We will help Doctor Jackson."


"But how Tail'ia? He's to be experimented on once Levinson no longer has a use for him."


"We must contact the Tok'ra High Council regarding this new information. They must know that more is going on here then we first suspected."




Tail'ia was the symbiote that Ayanna carried within her. The Tok'ra she shared her life with. Tail'ia has been very edgy and worried for Daniel Jackson since he had arrived, but Ayanna didn't know why yet and Tail'ia wasn't speaking about it.


Ayanna entered Levinson's office noticing that he was pacing. He stopped and glanced at her saying, "Ayanna, why are you here?"


"I wanted to update you on Doctor Jackson's current state."


"Yes Doctor Jackson. Ayanna, we need to have a talk regarding Jackson."


"What? What is troubling you?"


"We can't allow Maybourne to take Jackson into his custody."


Ayanna froze staring at Levinson in shock. She had thought the man had no conscience and now here he was saying Maybourne had to be prevented from taking Doctor Jackson into his custody? Could Maybourne's future plans for the young archaeologist have bothered Levinson that much? As she looked at him she could tell that they did. She was a bit surprised. She questioned, "Why?"


"Maybourne has...plans for the man."


"Well yes. Revenge."


"He plans to make Jackson...a subject in one of his experiments... Jackson is in a hell of a lot of danger from that man. If Maybourne gets his hands on him..."


"There's no telling what he might do to him?"


"Exactly. The experiments Maybourne is conducting are inhumane..."


"You know of them?"


"I know about them. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to become a test subject for that man's sinister tests. We have to help Jackson."


"So what's your plan?"


"Haven't thought of one yet..."


"Does Colonel Maybourne know how you feel about this? Does he suspect?"


"No, I don't think so. Why?"


"He may send someone else here to work with you. To make sure Doctor Jackson is interrogated."


"Oh, I'll continue the interrogations. I'll just space the beatings out more. He won't take Jackson into custody until I get what I need from the man."


"So you're going to drag out his interrogations allowing the SGC time to locate him?"


"If I hear of the SGC closing in I have to move him...no one said I had to move him quickly."


"You're walking a dangerously fine line."


"Yes, I know."


                                                                                                              * * * *

Major Samantha Carter focused on locating the second Stargate. Her idea had to work. It just had to! She hoped for Daniel's sake that this plan of hers would work. If it didn't work she didn't even want to consider the consequences. She glanced up as she heard someone entering and smiled saying, "Hi Teal'c."


"Major Carter, have you been successful in your attempts to locate Doctor Jackson?"


"Not yet but I'm working on it."


"We must find him quickly."


"We'll find him, Teal'c."


"I see..."


Sam looked up at Teal'c noticing that he seemed...bothered by something. She knew that he was upset about Daniel's disappearance. She said, "We'll find him."


"We must ensure that they do not have sufficient time to move Daniel Jackson."


"The only way that would happen, Teal'c, is if they knew what we were doing. The only way they could know is if we have a leak at the SGC and that is not likely. We'll find him. We'll get him back."


"I do hope so. Colonel Maybourne holds much anger towards Daniel Jackson. If he has Daniel Jackson in his possession there is no telling what he may do."


Sam shivered at that comment. Teal'c was right. Maybourne wanted revenge on Daniel and would get it any way possible. If Daniel were his prisoner... Sam hated to think of what might befall the man. They had to locate Daniel, the sooner the better. She sensed that he was still in a lot of danger.


Teal'c watched Samantha Carter. He was very worried for her well-being. He could tell how much of a strain Daniel's disappearance and her theory of how to locate him was having on her. He could also tell that she was forcing herself to continue to work even when she needed to take breaks. She was determined to find Daniel before it was too late. Teal'c also hoped that they would soon find Daniel Jackson. He just didn't want Major Carter to push herself so hard that if and when they found Daniel she wouldn't be able to be there. He could see that the work was stressful to her. Major Carter had a lot of pressure on her to locate Daniel from the members of the SGC, as well as from herself. Teal'c decided that it was time he stayed by her side. He needed to keep close to her to monitor her and make sure she doesn't push herself too hard. He watched her as she continued to punch things into the computer and pages of words scrolled before her. He then saw her pause and stop. Major Carter was looking at her screen intensely. Teal'c noticed this and questioned, "Is something troubling you, Major Carter?"


"No I found him," she responded excitedly.




"Well, at least the area he's in. There was quite a lot of activity recorded on the same day Daniel was reported to have returned to this reality."


"Activity that could possibly indicate a second Stargate?"










"He's some where in Nevada."




"Somewhere between Elko and Winnemucca. They must have decided to place their Stargate near ours in hopes that we wouldn't spot theirs."


"We have located Daniel Jackson."


"Now we have to find out where in the area he is. Anubis said that Daniel was in some sort of abandoned warehouse. I need to speak with General Hammond about this."


Teal'c accompanied Major Carter to the General's office making sure to keep a close eye on her should she be in need of any assistance. She was exhausted and still she continued on. She quickly informed the General of the newest developments in the search for Doctor Jackson. Teal'c noticed that the General was very pleased with her newest information. He told her that she did a great job and that she needed to go home and rest. Major Carter refused so Teal'c quickly jumped in to tell the General that he was now keeping a close eye on her and would make her take breaks, eat and sleep when she needed to. General Hammond seemed rather relieved that Teal'c was now keeping an eye on her. He knew, as well as everyone else, just how much Major Carter pushed herself at times and he had feared that she would one day push herself too far. Now that Teal'c would be with her he felt so much more at ease.


After informing General Hammond of Daniel's locale Sam spent her time searching the Internet about warehouses in Nevada. She knew that Teal'c was watching over her and knew that he was there to "mother hen" her to death, but Teal'c was a lot better at being discrete then Jack O'Neill ever was...plus Teal'c didn't stand there and lecture her for an hour regarding how she must take care of herself or she would pass out. She smiled as she thought of Colonel O'Neill. She was very well aware that she sometimes ran the Colonel and Teal'c ragged trying to keep her healthy. Her and Daniel were very similar in that respect. They both kept the Colonel and Teal'c quite busy at times. Once again she thought of Daniel and hoped that they were close to locating him. As she turned back to her search she quickly discovered that she definitely had her work cut out for her, but they were much closer to locating Daniel Jackson now.




      PART 7



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