Cameron’s Adventure in Babysitting  

                                                                                                                                                 By:  Assilem   



CATEGORY:  General, Humor






"We'll be fine," Cameron said as he waved and closed the door to the house, holding the youngest, Dele, he faced the other two children, Calvin who was five, and Josh being two years old. "Well kiddos, what do you want to do now?" Calvin stared at Cameron, with his blue eyes staring him down. "Ah! Don't do that. Come on Hobbs, we'll make lunch."


"We just had lunch," Calvin said as Josh nodded and pulling on Cameron's pants, leaving a smudge of peanut butter.


"Okay, then lets go outside and play," Cameron said before he groaned, his jeans were now peanut butter jeans.


"Dele too lil," Josh explained as he walked into the livingroom, leaving Cameron standing with the teething little girl, trying to play with his dog tags.


"Wanna play with these?" he asked pulling them out as Dele squealed in delight and shoved one in her mouth. "There we go squirt, you eat those."


Walking into the livingroom, Cameron sighed as he saw the boys, Josh was running around with his toy plane and Calvin already opened the glass doors leading outside to the back yard. "Yo Hobbs, come back in, your folks dont trust me that much yet!" Calvin frowned and stood in the door way, folding his arms over his chest, just like his mother. "Just wait okay Bud?"


"Fine," Calvin said stomping back into the house.


"Uncle Cam! Look!" Josh called as he ran around with his plane.


"That's pretty awesome! You know, I fly a plane," Cameron said setting Dele down in the playpen, who started to protest rather loudly. "Oh hush."


"Uncle Cam!" Josh yelled, vying for some attention.


"Uncle Cam, outside!" Calvin called as Dele started to scream louder trying to reach for his dog tags.


"Boys, just give me a minute," Cam said reaching for the baby's sucky and giving that to her. "See, better than these," he said waving his tags as they jingled. Turning around, Cameron looked to the door, where Calvin was, but no longer. "Cal?"


"Uncle Cam look!" Josh called throwing his plane, as it hit Cameron square in the head. "Ooops!"


"Okay, owe," Cameron said rubbing his head. "Josh? Calvin?"

Not hearing a response, Cameron dropped his head and turned to look at Dele, who was laying on her back, feet up in the air as she tried to suck on her toes. Why can't your brothers be like you?" not expecting a response, Cameron grabbed the baby monitor that was sitting on the coffee table before he walked outside to the backyard where Josh was sitting in the sandbox. "Where's Calvin?"


"Dunno," Josh said.


"Calvin?" Cameron called, "Come out!" When he didn't appear, Cameron groaned. "CALVIN GET OUT HERE NOW!"


"What?" Calvin said poking his head out from under the porch. "I"m hiding, Daddy plays hide and seak with me."


"Well Hobbs, we can play hide and seek inside okay kiddo?"


"No," Calvin said crossing his arms. That kid completely reminded Cameron of Vala, just by his attitude.


"Calvin, why don't we go watch a movie, that way we can keep an eye on Dele okay?"


"I wanna play," Calvin said as he crawled out from under the porch, his jeans now stained from grass and dirt.


"Your mother is gonna kill me," he said grabing the five year old under his arm. "Inside we go Hobbs, come on Joshie."


"But I playin!" Josh whined, as his tears started to build up.


"We'll play after nap," he said as Josh stuck out his bottom lip at his uncle. "Nope, that doesn't work on me kiddo. I was told you need a nap."


"No I don'," Josh said shaking his head as he walked over to Cam, bucket of stand in his hands.


"Yes you do," Cameron replied. "Come on, we'll go watch a movie. That I know you're allowd to do."


Josh sighed and dropped his bucket on the patio as Cameron ushered the two boys into the livingroom, as he shut the glass door. Putting a movie on, Cam walked over to the playpen, picking up Dele who started to protest until she found the shiney pieces of metal that hung around his neck.


"You're getting heavy kiddo," he said walking into the kitchen and grabbing the bottle of breast milk that was in the fridge.


Popping it into the microwave he let Dele play with his dogtags. He'd give the baby her bottle, help her fall asleep, he'd put Josh down for a nap, and then he and Calvin would play a video game until their parents came home. Babysitting wasn't so bad.


Walking back into the livingroom, Cam sat down, and tried to cradle Dele while holding the bottle.


"You doin that wrong," Calvin said watching his 'Uncle' with his little sister.


"Yeah, how am I supposed to do it?" Cam asked looking at the boy.


"Like this," he said crawling on his knees and taking the bottle. "Hi Dele, look food," he said holding the bottle on an angle as the little girl sucked on its nipple. "Thats good huh?"


"You help your mom feeding Dele?"


"Yeah," Calvin shrugged as he handed rubbed Dele's black hair. "You sleep. I'll tell you a story. A long time ago, there was some aliens, and they decided to come to earth, and then they built pyramids and then they left and all those people lived in those pyramids and they looked at the aliens as gods, and then those people said that aliens can't be gods." Calvin stopped as he noticed Dele's eyes were shut. "See, makes her sleep all the time."


"Did your Dad tell you that one?"


"Yeah, he reads Dele his big books, she likes them, but sleeps whenever she hears that story."


"Your dad is special," Cameron said shaking his head as he stood up. "Come on Joshie, nap time."


"Not yet," Josh said smiling as he played with a toy car. "


An hour later, Cameron just finished giving the boys a snack as Dele woke up with loud wails, and Josh was whining to be held, and Calvin was trying to get Cameron to play with him, meant that he was standing, baby in his arms, toddler crying at his feet and Calvin running around him. He was just about to cry or yell or something when the front door opened, Calvin stopped running, staring at the door, Dele stopped crying and Josh ran straight into his mother's arms.


"Hi baby boy," Vala smiled catching her son. "You're sleepy, look at those eyes. We'll go have a nap okay honey?"


"Hey sweatheart," Daniel smiled taking the baby from Cameron.


"Hi honey," Cam smirked. "You're home early."


"You seemed to be having a bit of an issue," Daniel smiled as he shifted Dele in his arms so that her head rested in the crook of his neck, her favourite place.


"I could handled it," Cameron said as Vala walked back into sight.


"Josh is napping, did he put up a fight?"


"Always," Cam laughed. "How did you get him down?"


"Mother's touch," Vala smiled. "Calvin, go clean up your toys."


"Okie Mommy," Calvin said as he ran into the livingroom.


"Thanks Cameron," Vala smiled leaning over and kising him on the cheek. "I hope they didn't cause that much trouble."


"They were angels." Both Daniel and Vala laughed as Cameron shook his head. "But I'm never babysitting by myself again, got it?"



                                                                                 ** The End **   



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