Dear Daniel

                                                                                                                                               By:  Wonderland   



CATEGORY:  General 







Dear Daniel,


If you think the SGC is nuts, you outta see this place. Every idiot in this town somehow managed to procure a driver’s license. I think they paid off their elected official, personally. I finally gave in and agreed to a driver. My hair is gray enough.

There were so many things that I wanted to say that last day, but couldn’t. I didn’t want to embarrass either of us. The whole ‘spacemonkey’ thing still looms in my mind; sorry about that, I know you bore the brunt of the teasing about that.

On the flight, I had plenty of time to think. I thought about all the people who we have lost in this fight. Kawalski, Ferretti, Jacob, Fraiser, Sha’re. But then I think about all the ones we managed to save. Skaa’ra, your Sarah, Merrin, Loren, R’yac. And millions of others whose names we’ll never know. I guess I was trying to convince myself that we were fighting the good fight, doing the right thing. Sometimes, that question wakes me up in the middle of the night, and I know it does you, too.

What I really wanted to say was how proud I am of you, Daniel. I don’t believe I have ever told you that and I should have. I want you to know that your parents, had they lived, would have been so very proud of you, too. You have made a difference in life on this planet and I can’t think of a better epitaph. Just don’t get that carved anytime soon, okay?

All right, enough of the sappy stuff. Are you being a good boy and not making life miserable for Hank and Cameron? Give them a break, they don’t know how to take you like we do. Try not to bore them to tears, and talk slower, trust me, it helps. You might try talking a little less and using smaller words, too.

Hank still thinks he’s gonna whoop you at chess. Make me proud, boy, I’ve got a hundred on your sorry ass. I’ll need it to take you out to dinner when you’re here next month; the prices in this place would make even you cringe. Call when you know your travel arrangements and I’ll juggle my schedule so we can spend some time together that doesn’t involve covert operations and super-secret budget negotiations. I tell you, that’s when I wish I were still carrying a P90. Talk about clearing the air.

And don’t forget we’re dining at the White House on the 26th. I understand the Russian ambassador is begging to be seated right next to you, seems you made quite an impression on him. Try to be a little less charming, could you? I’m not trading you to the Russians; I don’t care what they’re offering in return.

Tell everyone I said hi, will ya? And try to stay out of trouble, since I’m not there to bail you out, I can only imagine what kind of a fix you’re getting into today. And please try to stay out of the infirmary, okay?




                                                       * * * *

Dear Daniel,


I hope you’re feeling better now that you’re back home, I will repeat that you looked like shit while you were here. And listen, about that Vala, whoa! That’s quite a woman you’ve got yourself hooked up with, boy.

I’m gonna give you some completely unsolicited advice that you will probably completely ignore. But here goes anyway. Have some fun, Daniel.

For once in your life, do something you’ll regret in the morning. Quit thinking so damn much for a change, I’m begging you. And of course, I must hear all the dirty details.

After you conked out on us, and wasn’t that just like old times? Anyway, Vala and I had a very interesting conversation about you. I don’t have to tell you that she is quite taken with you. I know you’re a good judge of character and you’ve already figured out that most of that act of hers is just that, an act. Beneath the brass and the flirting and the alleged heart of stone, is a good and caring woman. One who could teach you quite a few tricks.

All I’m saying, Daniel, is that Sha’re has been gone a long time and I think it would make her very sad to think that you have been alone as long as you have. I know that you loved her and you always will and I’m not saying that you should ever, ever forget her. I just think it’s time for you to turn another corner, Daniel.




                                                       * * * *

Dear Daniel,


As you may know, Air Force gossip moves faster than the speed of sound. Please find enclosed a set of wings to celebrate your admittance into the mile-high club. Dammit, boy, you’ve made an old man proud!




                                                       * * * * 

Dear Daniel,


I’ve been thinking a lot about our conversation. And I have to tell you, it’s all your fault. No one ever got me to just think as much as you did. But usually, I was either thinking about how to shut you up or how to kill you quietly in your sleep. But, I digress.

First, let me tell you that only a fool is never afraid. I’d be scared, too, probably even more than you are.  But I know you can do this. I have never regretted the faith I placed in you over the years. Even when I thought you were gonna get us, and especially you, killed. Landry and Mitch may take a little more time to come around to realizing this. But give them time.

Second, you know this is not your fault. I don’t know how to say this any more emphatically. Not your fault. These people, Harrid and Salis, were fighting for their freedom. And maybe, just maybe, what was done to them in the name of religion turns the tide in their fight. Just think about that, will you?

And it is absolutely not your fault that the bad guys know where to find us now. We know what they are, we know who they are and we know what they are capable of. That is a helluva lot more intel than we usually got. And we have you to thank for that. At least we know they’re coming; I’d much rather know than have them surprise the hell out of us. So, all in all, this is not such a bad thing.

I know how you are and let me say right now, you are not all alone. And I know you miss Carter and Teal’c; I miss all of you, too. And remember, boy, you gave me plenty of practice in the missing-you department. For that year, every damn time I walked into that room, I could never see anything, anyone but you. It was, and always will be, your office; I expect it will be thus until the day I die. So when Carter and T get back, let them make a fuss over you, trust me, it will help them. I know it helped me.

Saw the President the other day, and he wants to know when you and Vala are coming back. Seems the first lady can’t quit talking about you, you dog! She has called first dibs on the I-ate-dinner-with-an-alien story. So now he wants the I-ate-dinner-with-a-dead-guy story. I swear I may sell your sorry ass to the tabloids. I’d never have to work another day in my life. Imagine if I showed them that picture of you and Thor. I’d own the newspaper.

Don’t have any idea when I’ll be back on the mountain and I know you won’t be back here any time soon.  I can’t tell you how thrilled I was, seeing you piled up on my couch, eating my food. Are you sure you won’t take that consulting job at the Pentagon? I mean, since you missed the Daedalus and everything…

Take care of yourself and you know, don’t you, that I am never more than a phone call away.




                                                       * * * *

Dear Daniel,


Didn’t I ask you to stay out of the infirmary? And I meant any infirmary, not just the one on base. What is it with you playing doctor?

After reading the mission report, let me state for the record that I will not believe your Vala is dead until I see a body. And that may not totally convince me, I refer to all the times I thought you were gone only to have you spring up somewhere.

And is everything in the universe your fault? Vala saw what had to be done and she did it. So when she does find her way back to your little corner of the universe, stop being so hardheaded and just listen to her, will you? You and Carter think you can solve all the world’s problems with your superior brains. But sometimes, that less-than-logical mind does come in handy, need I remind you?

I think if she is around the Ori’s home galaxy, I almost feel sorry for those guys. Nah, come to think of it, I don’t really, although I would love to see her take them on.

I am just glad you all are alright. And we know even more of what they are capable of and what to expect from them. I agree with Carter that they will try that again, but we’ll be ready next time. Without the nuke this time.

You have already made believers out of Hank and Cameron both. They were singing your praises in their mission reports. I will bask in the glow, knowing that I taught you everything you know.

T and I have already had a long talk about Gerak and the Jaffa thing. Unlike someone else, Teal’c does know how to pick up a phone and ask for advice. He’s gonna need you and Carter both in this fight, I don’t have to tell you that, do I? Oh, for the good old days, when you could recognize the enemy just by looking at the tattoo on their forehead!

I have very few regrets in taking this job. One is that I wasn’t there to see the four of you go through the gate that first time as a team, but Hank has agreed to send me the gateroom footage of that historic first step. The second version of SG1. (I know it is technically the third, but I never really thought of SG1 as complete without Dr. Daniel Jackson.)

And General Hammond said to tell you that he is thinking about all of you and hoping that “Dr. Jackson has managed to stay out of trouble!” His exact words, I swear!

And remember that we are all, the Pentagon, the SGC, in this together. I am selfishly glad you missed the Daedalus, it couldn’t have worked out better if I had planned it myself.





                                                                                 ** The End **   



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