More Trouble Than She’s Worth  

                                                                                                                                             By:  shiny rosie   




SEASON/SPOILERS:  Season 9, up through “The Ties That Bind”



AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Challenge 19 for sg_challenges.





Vala was prepared to admit that this had not ended up to be one of her better ideas. In fact, she just might say that it was turning into one of the worst. Not that any of it was her fault mind you. It had started out as a simple recon mission. All she’d wanted was to know what planets were on SG-1’s mission list.

Daniel had developed this excessively irritating habit of not telling her where they were going until they got there. The fact that she had business transactions to complete didn’t seem to count for much here at the all mighty SGC. She had places to go and people to strike deals with. She really couldn't spend the rest of her life footling around the galaxy like this. How did they expect her to survive? The only choice they’d left her with was to break into the upcoming mission files so she could plan accordingly.

What she hadn’t counted on was that she might not have gotten all the security codes. How was she supposed to know she only had five of the six she needed? Actually it seemed a bit like overkill. All she was trying to access were a few piddly gate addresses.

The other tiny detail she hadn’t quite anticipated was that this missing password, or rather her subsequent attempts to override said password would initiate a lock down on this section of the base.

And it was pure dumb luck that Daniel just happened to come sprinting into the room seconds before the blast doors closed.

So here they sat three and a half hours later and she was bored out of her mind. She wondered if it was safe to start talking yet. She glanced over to where he sat against the wall head back and eyes closed. Surely he’d cooled off enough by now.

“So Daniel…” She began, fiddling with the key card she’d lifted off a very nice Major earlier that morning. He raised a hand and cut her off.

“Vala I swear to god—“ She bit back the retort ‘Which one?’ and tossed her head in frustration. Sighing she'd just resigned herself to more silence when he caught sight of the slip of plastic in her hand.

“What is that?” He said sharply. Realizing too late what she was holding she tried hide her hands in her lap.

“What?” She grinned at him, eyes as wide as she could make them. Too late, he was already on his feet.

“That.” He pointed to the hand that was tucked under her leg. “The key card you’ve got in your hand.” She pulled her hand away and stretched it out to him with her fingers spread wide.

“I don’t know what you mean.” She said innocently. He rolled his eyes and reached down to pull her to her feet by the arm. Then he bent and retrieved the offending card and held it up in front of her face.

“This.” He waved it under her nose.

“Oh that, I borrowed it from that lovely Major Hartman who bought me lunch today.”

He brought a hand up to his eyes.

“Vala.” He sighed. “You cannot keep doing this.”

“Look.” She took a step closer. “All I wanted to do was find out what planets we're headed for. If you’d just tell me in the first place I wouldn’t have to resort to borrowing at all.”

“Vala, what part of ‘restricted information’ don’t you understand. If I haven’t told you something its because I have a very good reason not too. You prove me right on an almost daily basis. This..." He waved the card at her again "isn’t just simple mischief. Do you know the kind of wasted time and trouble your little shenanigan has caused the base today? I’m missing a meeting with the Chinese delegate even as we speak. Not the mention the hours and man power that its going to take to clean up what ever it is you did to the computer system!” She’d gone from annoyed to angry now.

“Don’t shout at me!” She pushed herself closer into his face “did it even once occur to you that maybe I had a life before this little adventure? That maybe I had better things to do than sit around and watch you read your dusty books?”

“Well you might have thought of that before you pulled your little bracelet trick.” He said, his voice rising in volume despite him his best efforts. She moved to turn away but he caught her arm, pulling her closer. “If your shady dealings have suffered its your own fault. And I can’t say I’m all that sorry!”

“Well my bracelets would have worked just fine if your little Ancient device hadn’t scrambled the signal.” She squirmed out of his grasp. “If you’d left well enough alone we wouldn’t even be in this situation!” He was so close to her now she could feel his heart pounding.

“Damnit Vala!” And then, without warning, he was kissing her. It happened so fast it took her completely by surprise. Something that; had she been able to collect a coherent thought; she might have admitted did not happen often. Just as suddenly as he’d leaned in he pulled back, the look on his face somewhere between relief and horror.

What might have happened next was anyone's guess but it was then that the blast doors finally opened. Daniel whirled, still looking rather shell shocked, and stood blinking at General Landry who now filled the doorway.

“Dr. Jackson, would you mind explaining to me why your security codes were used to hack into the computers?"

Daniel opened his mouth and then closed it again as Vala leaned over his shoulder.

“Oh boy, are you in trouble now.” She said lightly and sauntered out of the room.

Still trying to catch his breath he watched mutely as she disappeared around the corner.

She’d never spoken truer in her life.


                                                                                   ** The End **


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