Daniel Jackson   


                                                                                        Personal Sacrifice Part 10

                                                                                                                                               By:  Stacy L. 





En Route to Naveria


He lay still in the silence staring up at the ceiling above him. Even though the lights had been extinguished in the room he knew that the ceiling above him was gold. The entire room was trimmed in gold and white. He could hear the gentle, even breathing of the woman beside him and feel the warmth where she lay curled up against him. Her skin felt smooth and warm. He could also feel her soft, silky hair where it lay across his bare shoulder. Her hand rested on his abdomen possessively and her left leg also rested over his own leg pinning him to the bed. He could smell her natural scent and could picture her so clearly in his mind though he refused to turn and look at her.


Most men would think that this was heaven. Lying in a bed with a beautiful woman curled up beside you atop extravagant covers. Heaven on Earth some men would say...well this wasn't Earth and it sure wasn't heaven either. No this place, this room, this woman all created his own private hell...his eternal hell. Most of those men would not be wearing a gold collar and a gold leash. Most men would have a choice whether or not they wanted to taste the woman or be sampled by her. Most of those men would have the freedom to go where they wanted, go where they pleased and to do what they wanted...but he wasn't most men...oh no. He was far from free. He didn't have the freedom to go where he wanted or do what he wanted. He hadn't had freedom in a very long time. Freedom was something that was not granted to prisoners or captives. Freedom was something that was not offered to slaves and servants. No, he was not free, probably would never be free again. He had known freedom but it had been cruelly stripped from him. When was the last time he had actually tasted freedom? How long had he been with this woman who wasn't a woman but a creature residing within the woman? Would he ever know what true freedom was again? Would he ever be free again?


He hated her, hated her so much...but it wasn't her he hated...not really. He hated the thing inside her. He loved the woman, had loved her at one time, had cared for her and had trusted her but now she was twisted, evil, and malicious...now she was his enemy and his captor. Now he was forced to offer himself freely to her. He was made to do whatever she bid of him. He was her prisoner and now he was her little whore. She used him to satisfy herself. There was no love, no caring...just pure raw passion. He didn't love her, could never love her for his heart belonged to another who was so far away from him. His heart cried out for the one he loved with all his soul. Would he ever see his love again or would he be forced to live with only memories to keep him company?


God how he missed that man, missed him, ached for him, yearned for him...he needed that man so badly, needed his love, his comfort, his safety...needed all of him desperately; for Jack O'Neill was his lifeline. Jack O'Neill was the reason he fought to survive each and every day. Jack O'Neill was the reason he so willingly went to bed with his captor, pleased her...or rather it, made love to it, responded to it...allowed it to fuck him and fucked it in return. He felt dirty and used each and every night but still went to bed willingly with the monster that now owned and controlled him. He had no choice, for too many would die if he denied the being what it demanded of him. He was a slave to Osiris. He was Osiris' servant, his favored, his captive and his bitch. The sexual demands of his captor were extreme, and he struggled to comply, hating himself more and more each time he offered his body up to his lord for pleasuring. Each time he was made to please his lord sexually he allowed raw passion and primal instinct to take over. He detached his heart, his soul and his love from what his body was doing. Each time he came back to himself after Osiris was through with him he felt guilty, ashamed, humiliated, degraded and so angry, so very outraged. He felt defenseless, helpless and hopeless. There was no escape for him. He was to live his life as Osiris' slave and his sexual plaything. God how he hated having to offer himself freely whenever the Goa'uld lord demanded. He hated it!


Each time he serviced Osiris sexually he felt as if he were betraying his lover. He felt as if he were marring their relationship and throwing Jack's love in his face, but he wasn't doing that. He kept his heart and his love locked up nice and tight so that no one could ever hurt him there or tarnish that love that was only intended for Jack O'Neill. But his body was still dirty, filthy and repulsive for Osiris touched him over and over again. Osiris used him every night for whatever his perverse needs were. God the things he did for Osiris and had had done to him...how could he ever tell Jack those things? How could he ever explain to Jack why he allowed those things to be done to him? How could he explain to Jack how it felt to be repeatedly raped by a sick, perverted snake wearing the face of a woman he had at one time loved, a woman he had at one time considered asking to marry him? How could he explain all that? How?


He tensed automatically when the woman beside him moaned softly. He tried not to move. God the last thing he needed was for her, it, to wake up again and have another go at him. He clenched his eyes tightly shut as the hand on his abdomen moved silently pleading to whoever was listening that the hand would not stray anywhere near his groin. As she shifted he turned his head away balling his fists at his sides hoping and praying that the thing was only shifting and not preparing to openly maul him for the third time this evening. He still hurt from Osiris' little sex games earlier in the evening. The fuckin' snake was into blood sports: biting, pinching and scratching... Doing whatever it could to draw blood. The methods were supposed to be stimulating...some of them were for the snake knew how to balance pain and pleasure. The snake was very good at balancing pain and pleasure and making him scream and beg for more... He also had quite a few bruises on his thighs, and groin and several splashed across his buttocks as well. Osiris liked to have rough intercourse occasionally as well and tonight was one of those particular nights, so needless to say he now had quite an array of bruises and cuts on his body that were created by the voracious sexual appetite of the Goa'uld lord still resting beside him.


He released his breath only when he was certain that the snake was settled and still deeply asleep. Thank God it was asleep. He glanced over in the dark noticing that Sarah was lying on her left side. Closing his eyes as relief flooded through him Daniel slowly sat up being careful not to jar the sleeping woman beside him. He needed to get out of here. He needed some air. He needed to be closer to his lover. He was determined to leave the room without being caught. He carefully stood up and headed for the door pausing when he realized that he was naked except for the collar and leash. Shit, Osiris had removed the belt earlier to make love to him. He quickly grabbed his robe wrapping it around him before quietly exiting the room, glad that the floor was carpeted as he silently escaped his prison.


When he entered the hall he noticed that the halls were empty. Most people were asleep except for the few guards scattered throughout. He quickly made his way towards his favorite spot on the ship...a view port that provided an awesome display of the stars above and around them. He was glad to see that no one was in his spot and quickly moved to take his normal position staring at the brilliant array of stars before him. The instant he focused on the sky he felt himself beginning to relax and allowed his mind to wander freely.


Somewhere out there was Jack and he was probably looking up at the same set of stars. He wondered if Jack were on some distant planet or on Earth. What was he doing right now? Was he sleeping or standing watch? Was he with anyone or was he alone? What was he thinking? Did Jack miss him or even think of him? How was Jack handling his lengthy absence? Were his friends any closer to locating him? Would he ever see Jack again?


He swallowed hard as more and more questions entered his mind. The more questions that invaded the harder it became to relax so he quickly silenced those rampant thoughts focusing instead on memories...memories of his lover and his friends. He smiled softly as he recalled the many evenings they all sat around the fire joking and bantering back and forth. Teal'c would always sit so still watching and listening adding comments when he wanted to speak. Sam, Sam, would sit in front of the fire with a permanent smile on her face. Jack usually would sit staring into the fire or staring at him. Most of the time it was staring at him. He would usually return the favor and stare at Jack. They had such great times around the fire at night. God he missed those times, he missed the way Sam would always stump Jack when she started talking in her techno babble. He missed the way Teal'c would speak of his home world and of times gone by. He missed how Jack would make sarcastic comments to counter Sam and he missed how he, himself, could stump them all when he started speaking of an ancient civilization that interested him. He felt a single tear running down across his cheek as he thought of those he'd left behind but didn't care. In fact, he didn't even bother to wipe it away choosing instead to leave it continue to trail down his face and drip onto the floor. He jumped when he sensed that he was no longer alone and felt relief fill him as the First Prime's voice spoke gently to him.


Zeenan decided that he needed to take a walk. He was worrying excessively about the meeting they were going to have with Dionysus. Their trip to Dionysus' world was going to happen shortly and he felt anxious about it but couldn't understand why. He had heard many things about the system lord and felt very uncertain about this meeting. As he walked the halls he paused noticing Daniel Jackson standing by one of the open portals staring at the stars like so many other times. He approached the man and asked softly, "Why are you not with your lord this night, Daniel?"


"I couldn't sleep. I needed to get out..."


"Does Osiris know that you are no longer in your chambers?"


"No, but I'm certain that My'la will tell him if he awakes."


Zeenan studied Daniel's profile. The man seemed upset. He continued to stare at the stars without turning to face him. He started to worry about Daniel. Anybody could tell that Daniel was not happy here but was trying to make the best of things. Zeenan didn't know what to say or do to help make the man feel better so he simply asked, "Does he know that you like to look at the night sky?"


"No. No. He doesn't know much about me."


"He seems to know much about you, young one."


Daniel merely nodded knowing that the things Osiris knew about him were from what Sarah's memories had revealed to him. He pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the sky again.


Zeenan continued, "Why do you always look upon the stars?"


Daniel smiled warmly as he answered the question with one of his own, "Why do you always ask me that?"


"I am just curious..."


"Hmm, I sensed that about you..."


Daniel fell silent looking as if he were contemplating something before he spoke again, "Zeenan, do you ever miss your world?"


"My world? No."


"Never? Do you even remember where you are from?"




Daniel turned to focus on Zeenan in surprise. He then questioned, "Really? Then you probably know my friend...he's also from Chu'lak..."


"Who is this friend?"


"Oh, he's just a friend...you remind me of him. He is a Jaffa also."


"How did you meet this...friend?"


"Well...our first meeting wasn't all that pleasant. He helped a system lord to...abduct someone who was very important to me."


"And he is your friend?"


"Yes. I miss him...I miss them all."


"Who?" but Zeenan already knew the answer to that question...his friends, Daniel missed his friends. He missed his family. He missed his planet and he missed his old life. Zeenan could see the yearning in Daniel's eyes as he turned to once again focus on the stars. He glanced up as Daniel confirmed his guess, "My friends, my planet...my life...when I look at the stars I feel like...I don't know...like I'm home, maybe...I don't...I don't know. It's kind of silly really. I miss them, I miss Earth...I miss my life...when I look at the stars I...I feel closer to them some how...I don't know..."


"Your friends mean a great deal to you."


"Yes, yes they do."


Daniel glanced up as Osiris' voice filled the room as he softly addressed, "My precious Daniel, are you feeling all right?"


Daniel down cast his eyes not knowing what to say. He felt his heart sink and his fear return yet again. He had been relaxed but now with Osiris so near him all his tension and nervousness returned full force. He tried to quell those feelings so that Osiris wouldn't easily pick up on them. He was unprepared for the Goa'uld lord to approach him, gently press his finger to his chin and lift his head to say, "Something is troubling you. Will you tell me what to do to make you smile again?"


Daniel shook his head no as he responded, "There isn't anything. I'm all right. Really."


"Then come back to bed."




No. No, he didn't want to return to that room, to that bed...he wanted to stay here and think of Jack and of his friends. He wanted to stay right here but he knew that Osiris would never permit him to do so. He wanted to cry but refused to do so in the snake's presence. He felt so alone and so upset. He was very disappointed that Osiris awoke after all and immediately searched for him. He had hoped that his absence in the bed wouldn't have been noticed but obviously hope just wasn't working for him. He lowered his head further as the Goa'uld lord spoke again, "Please, Daniel, will you come back to bed?"


Daniel hesitated then simply nodded his head before turning to follow Osiris to their chambers. He spoke softly to Zeenan thanking him for listening before following Osiris back to their chambers. Zeenan shook his head noticing just how sad Daniel was at the moment. He didn't want to return to their chambers. It was obvious to him that Daniel wanted to remain and watch the sky but he was too shy to tell Osiris that...too shy or too fearful...Zeenan didn't know which. Daniel didn't realize that he had choices and that if he were to simply voice his needs to his lord then Osiris would most likely grant them. He knew that if Daniel had told Osiris that he wanted to stay the Goa'uld lord would have willingly conceded to his decision. Zeenan noticed that Osiris was listening to his favored more often then before and was trying to allow him more power and control but Daniel didn't see that. All Daniel saw was that he was a prisoner with minimal rights who had no choice but to do as his lord commanded or he would suffer and be punished. Daniel still believed that he was trapped with no escape and he needed to cooperate to survive.


Daniel hesitantly followed the Goa'uld lord down the hall feeling more upset as he left the window behind. He drew such immense comfort from being able to see the stars, knowing that Jack, Sam and Teal'c were out there somewhere. It was the only way he could feel comfortable and at ease. It was the only way he could feel closer to his friends and family. But, of course, Osiris owned him and controlled him. He belonged to Osiris. Hell he wore the Goa'uld lord's emblem on his collar. He had no choices. His only choice, his only right was to do as Osiris requested so like the obedient slave that he was required to be he trailed his lord to their chambers feeling resentment fill him at the snake for being made to submit or watch people being destroyed for his defiance.


Once in their chambers he allowed Osiris to guide him to the bed, removing his robe before lying down and stretching out across the huge mattress. Osiris immediately lowered beside him and entwined his arms around him. He remained quiet saddened by having to leave his solace to join his captor in his prison cell. He knew that sleep was going to be nearly impossible tonight so he simply laid there staring off into the darkness believing that Osiris had drifted asleep again not realizing that the snake was listening to him and completely aware that he was far from asleep. He jumped as Osiris spoke softly, "Daniel, tell me what is troubling you."


He closed his eyes not wanting to reveal to the snake that he was awake but Osiris rose up on his right arm and gently turned him onto his back. He then focused on Daniel's face asking, "Please, tell me. I know that you are unhappy, but I do not know what to do to help you."


"You...there's nothing you can do..."


"Hmm, you are missing them. Is that what is wrong?"


"What?" Daniel looked at Osiris in surprise. Osiris continued, "Your friends, Daniel. I see the longing within you, the yearning to return to your friends once more. You have to accept that you have a new life now. You cannot return to your world. I will not allow it."


"I understand, My Lord."


"I believe you understand it better than you know."


"My Lord?"


"Is there anything else that I may do to help you adjust better to your surroundings, my precious one?"




"Come, Daniel...all you have to do is ask me for things that you desire and I will do whatever I can to satisfy those needs. You need only ask me."


"There's nothing..."


Osiris cocked his head not quite willing to believe that. He then continued in a soothing tone, "Sarah has told me that on your planet you were a great linguist. Well versed in over twenty different ancient languages. She has also told me that you are a scientist...one who loves to explore and loves to meet new people and visit new planets. I may have something that will help ease your mind."


"I doubt it..."


Osiris was not put off by the sadness in his servant's voice, instead Daniel's response only made him desire to make a suggestion more readily. He didn't like to see Daniel so unhappy. It was as if he was depressed and Osiris was certain that depression was partly due to being inactive. His host told him that Daniel loved to learn, to study, to read, to meet people, to watch people and here he really could do none of those things so after speaking with Zeenan they figured out something that might help Daniel to be happier here, "I told you at one time that I would like you to serve as a liaison for me. I have not allowed you this opportunity. I am offering it to you now."




Osiris felt excitement fill him at the slight interest he heard in Daniel's voice. Perhaps this is what his servant needed after all. He continued, "If you were to do this for me then you must be willing to meet my followers and meet with other system lords. You must be willing to speak on our behalf. You must be willing to help me negotiate peace treaties and forge alliances. You have attended me and you carry yourself as a god. I would much appreciate your help in such matters as negotiations and treaties. It will give you something to do and will allow you more freedom. You will be allowed to travel amongst the inhabitants of other worlds and speak with them...though you will be attended by Zeenan for it is too dangerous for you to travel alone...many would seek to destroy you or claim you and I cannot run the risk of someone attempting to do so. At least consider what I am offering you, Daniel. Please."


"But...the collar and lead will put others off..."


"No. I have told you once before that I am allowed to treat my servants in whatever way I choose. You know how to carry yourself as a god. You have been educated in such manners and have been educated in how to show honor and respect to other system lords and present yourself to followers. You will do fine...that is if you choose to accept this duty..."


Daniel remained silent for the longest time contemplating what Osiris just told him. He weighed the pros and cons and quite frankly this option was much better then sitting by doing nothing while counting down how many days he remained here so far. He spoke softly, "I would like to try this duty...if it pleases My Lord to do so."


"It pleases me greatly, my precious, but the most important question is does this please you? Do not feel that this is an order. I am not ordering or commanding you to do this, Daniel. The choice, the decision is all yours to make. I would be lying if I were to say that this duty is easy for it is not. You may spend hours, even days working on treaties and negotiations. The decision is yours to make."


Daniel nodded responding, "Yes, I'd like to give it a try..."


"Then the duty is yours."


"Thank you, My Lord."


"You are welcome...Daniel?"


"Yes My Lord."


"Should you desire or need anything please feel free to ask. I want you to be happy here. I do not like to see you upset or saddened. I know that this is hard for you to accept. I know that the position I have granted you was given to you without your consent but I will not free you. You belong to me now but should you ever need anything please ask and I shall do my best to grant it."


Daniel focused on his hands speaking softly in a slightly joking tone, "A journal would be nice...some place to record my experiences..."


"A journal?"


Daniel shook his head rapidly as he turned to extinguish the light in the room. Osiris watched him and waited for him to settle. Once he was settled Osiris could hear his last few words muttered so quietly that they were nearly inaudible, "Never mind. You would never do anything for me..."


Osiris felt his throat constricting in response to that barely audible comment. He watched in the darkness as Daniel curled up on his right side before falling completely silent. Osiris became concerned and mentally questioned, "Sarah?"




"What is wrong with, Daniel?"


Sarah knew that Daniel was upset and sad. He had been like that since his capture. He didn't like to be kept a prisoner and he didn't like to yield. She focused on him now feeling the conflicting questions and emotions flowing to her from her symbiote. She knew that Osiris didn't understand what was going on. She spoke softly, 'Daniel is upset. He's having a hard time dealing with being here. He is used to being free. You stole his freedom and kept him here. The two times he attempted to escape you punished him severely...'


“He should not have attempted escape! He will know now not to do so again."


'No. No. He'll do it again.'


"He will not."


'Yes he will. Daniel will never truly be happy here. He will try to escape when the opportunity presents itself...'


"I do not like to see him so unhappy."


'Neither do I.'


"What am I to do? I will not let him go..."


'Give him more freedom.'


"What? Even you have just told me that he will attempt to run..."


'You can't prevent that from occurring. He is backed against a corner. He doesn't like to be trapped. He will escape again. He needs more freedom even though in granting him more it will make escape much easier. He needs to have some control. You have stripped him of everything including his control. He's trapped in helplessness. He knows he can do nothing for you tell him what he can and can't do. For instance, he wanted to remain at the view port earlier...'


"Then why did he not say so?"


'Because he is uncertain and afraid...afraid that you will punish him or that you will refuse him. He wanted to remain behind. I could see the need within him but he came with you.'


"Why did he not remain?"


'Because you ordered him to return to bed...you didn't just ask you ordered and he knows that he has to obey or you will destroy more innocent people...'


Osiris fell silent and so did Sarah wondering what triggered the symbiote to speak to her and call her by name. Osiris confused her. She noticed that he genuinely seemed concerned for Daniel and seemed as if he wanted to help Daniel in any way he could. She was startled as Osiris questioned, "What is a journal?"


'A journal? Why are you...?'


"He asked for one...but then he said that I would never grant him anything...I would like to get him one of these if I am able."


'A journal is a book with blank pages...on Earth we use them to record our thoughts, feelings, experiences...Daniel always kept expedition journals during digs and used to have a whole shelf of them...they help him I think. I don't know. He's always had them and I'm certain that he still writes in them now.'


"I would very much like to get one of these...journals for him. I want him to be happy. He does not believe that I will do so."


'Well, I'm not sure where you can find them other than on Earth...perhaps Zeenan will know of some place.'




Osiris then fell silent focusing once again on Daniel noticing that the man was still curled up on his side. He pressed his hand to the man's face gently stroking his hair as he spoke softly, "I cannot fulfill your needs if you do not tell me what you want, my precious one. You must not be afraid to speak to me of things you desire. I will grant you what I can..."


Daniel clenched his eyes tightly shut as the snake resorted to stroking his hair gently. He felt every nerve stand on end and had to resist the urge to jerk away from that unwanted hand upon his face. He heard Osiris speaking to him but refused to acknowledge what he heard. After several long minutes of silence he felt Osiris settling beside him on the bed and continued to stare at the far wall keeping his back towards the snake.


                                                     * * * * * *


Planet of Nightmares


Daniel focused on Osiris as he was told to prepare to be transported to Naveria. They were to meet with the system lord Dionysus and discuss merging their armies and working together. He noticed that Zeenan seemed a bit edgy about this meeting and watched the Jaffa intently. If Zeenan was feeling uncertain about this meeting then what was wrong? He was worried, of that Daniel was certain but the worry confused him. He, himself, had reason to be worried for he was merely a human slave attending a meeting between two system lords. Most human slaves were not permitted such privileges so he had reason to be worried but not Zeenan. He knew that something about the system lord was disturbing to him and if Zeenan was disturbed then so was he.


As the rings deposited them Daniel glanced around noticing that they were now in an elaborate hall that was lined in crimson and silver. Interesting. He glanced up as a servant questioned, "You are here to meet with Lord Dionysus?"


Daniel bowed then made the introductions, as was his duty as Osiris' favored. The servant bowed to him before leading them to the meeting chambers. The servant opened the door to admit the three stopping Daniel as Osiris and Zeenan preceded him. He spoke softly, "You are indeed honored to be allowed to accompany your lord to the meetings. My Lord Dionysus will be greatly pleased with you."


He then reached up to gently stroke Daniel's face. Daniel turned away feeling anxious and uncertain of exactly what the servant's intentions were. The servant then continued, "You are truly a most formidable creature...beautiful, exquisite, exotic...my lord will indeed be pleased with you."


Daniel started to back away suddenly feeling weary and nervous. The servant was making passes at him knowing that he belonged to Osiris? No, he couldn't be. He was confused and felt relieved when Zeenan approached speaking gently, "Come Daniel, your lord awaits your attendance."


"Uh, excuse me. My Lord Osiris requests my presence so I must go."


The servant quirked his eyebrows in response to the emphasis Daniel placed on 'my lord Osiris'. He merely grinned in response before casting an appreciative glance his way then turning to walk down the hallway. Daniel glanced nervously at Zeenan trying to read the First Prime's expression and mood. When Zeenan showed no outward signs of worry or concern Daniel decided that maybe he had just read too much into the servant's odd gestures and instead focused on his new duty as liaison for Osiris.


As he approached Osiris extended his hand and Daniel willingly took it allowing the Goa'uld lord to guide him to his side and make the introduction. Osiris introduced him to the system lord Dionysus making no secret of how proud he was of him. Daniel was rather surprised that Osiris even dared to show affection and appreciation for him in front of another system lord. As he looked at Dionysus he wasn't surprised at all to see that he was a very handsome young man. All Goa'uld symbiotes chose very attractive hosts to reside in. This man was no exception. He was tanned to perfection. He had eyes that were as dark as midnight set into a finely chiseled face. His hair was long and blond nearly the same shade as Sam's, and hung loosely about his shoulders. There was a thin braid that trailed down the center of the golden mane. Someone had braided two thin strips of hair in the front then pulled them behind his head to tie them together in the back. He wore a rather elegant red and silver outfit that left little to the imagination. It was formfitting and skimpy to say the least balanced out with a long red cape traced in silver threads...obviously this Goa'uld had a great admiration for the human host he now resided in. The man towered over Daniel by at least a foot and had broad shoulders that led to long sinewy legs that seemed to stretch on forever.


The system lord seemed a bit imposing and when he focused on the snake's face he felt chills climb his spine. He felt on edge as the Goa'uld lord slowly raked his eyes down over his body showing a definite interest in him. Daniel felt queasy and felt his stomach muscles clench in response to that lecherous, hungry gaze now being cast his way. Why was it that he seemed to draw the attention of system lords all the time? He glanced anxiously at Osiris and Zeenan but neither seemed to notice the heated gaze that was being directed his way at this very moment. Daniel sensed that if he were not already properly marked by Osiris then this snake would not hesitate to make a play for him. His attention was quickly drawn away from Dionysus as a servant approached and whispered in the Goa'uld lord's ear before turning to exit the room. When the servant saw him she stopped and stared at him. Daniel tensed recognizing the woman immediately. He wondered why she was here and felt the urge to ask her but remained silent. Only breaking eye contact with her when Dionysus spoke, "Oh Sarien, have you met the great god Osiris, his First Prime Zeenan and his most favored Daniel?"


The woman gasped as she heard the title given to Daniel. She knew who he was but wondered how the Tau'ri came to be in Osiris' possession. As she observed him she noticed that he wore a collar, leash and chastity belt that were marked very clearly with Osiris' seal. She knew that she would have to contact the Resistance and report the capture of one of their allies. She watched as Daniel broke eye contact with her when Osiris spoke his name. As he addressed Osiris as his lord she became even more surprised.


Dionysus watched the two servants finding his interest sparking as he noticed the unspoken exchange between them which prompted him to suggest, "Sarien, perhaps you would be so kind as to bring refreshments for our guests."


"Yes My Lord."


She then exited the room to retrieve the refreshments. When she reentered she tried to keep from focusing on the Tau'ri that accompanied Osiris and bore his mark. Not wanting to draw attention to herself she quickly focused on what was being said in the meeting. As she watched them discuss an agreement she was surprised to see that Daniel Jackson was the one who was presenting the treaty to Dionysus. It was very unusual for a system lord to permit a slave to present his agreements, but obviously that didn't bother Osiris in the least.


As she watched Daniel she noticed that he spoke in perfect Goa'uld and carried himself as a Goa'uld lord. When he addressed Osiris he spoke in softer tones and presented him with much respect as he did so. Observing him helped her to understand why a system lord would allow a servant to be involved so deeply in diplomatic relations. Daniel Jackson was an adept speaker. He carried himself with confidence and control. He was very persuasive and his voice was pleasant to listen to. As she glanced at the others in the room she noticed that Jackson was the center of their attention. Those in the room did not look upon him as one would look upon an inferior servant. They were genuinely interested in what the man had to say and they seemed more than a little eager to continue listening. He wore the marks of a slave yet he carried himself as well as any system lord. Osiris had chosen well when he selected this man to act as his orator and mediator. She found herself wondering just how long Jackson had been serving Osiris before appearing here. How long has the man been with Osiris? How long has he been serving as the system lord's favored? How did he even end up in Osiris' possession in the first place? She jumped as Dionysus addressed her blushing when she realized that she had been openly staring at Jackson with obvious interest. She glanced around wondering if anyone had noticed her sudden preoccupation with the Tau'ri slave. She felt relieved when no one seemed to have even noticed that she had been watching the man. Dionysus indicated that she should begin to serve the drinks, and finding that she was glad to have something to keep her attention for the moment she quickly set to work fulfilling the order.


She started to sit drinks before the guests listening to the negotiations being tossed about. The outcome of this meeting could change the inner workings of the system lords. Osiris obviously was the Goa'uld lord who had been gleaning followers by the thousands and who had been making agreements with other system lords. They knew that another Goa'uld lord was making a play for total control and now they knew who that system lord was...Osiris. Osiris had returned and was successfully accumulating a huge following wherever he journeyed. They had heard whispers about the one who traveled with a human slave and entrusted much to a mere servant who was granted a title of high honor in Osiris' legion. Now they knew who that one was and who had been accompanying him.


Sarien realized that her mind was wandering again and turned back to the task at hand continuing to serve drinks to Dionysus' guests. When she approached Daniel he suddenly glanced up and said a quiet thank you to her before turning and focusing on Osiris again. She stood there for the longest time just watching him. Then, without thought, she reached out and wrapped her hand around his wrist. Daniel instantly focused on her. She wasn't sure what to expect, but when she looked into those vivid blue eyes of his she saw a man who was full of loneliness, of fear, of uncertainty...she saw a man who was very anxious and had a deep longing in his eyes...was that a longing to return to his former life she was seeing reflected in those liquid blue depths of his? She attempted to read more in those captivating eyes when suddenly, without warning, he shut the door on his emotions, locking them behind a mask of calm acceptance. It was as if he'd realized that he was projecting too much in a simple glance. She shook her head at her newest realization. She had wondered if the man enjoyed the life he was now living...she now had her answer to that question. He didn't want to be here any more than she did and he was trapped with no escape. She wanted to ask him how he came to be in the service of Osiris and how he came to be here, but knew that to do so would reveal her identity and possibly jeopardize him so she settled for simply nodding her head before releasing her grasp and exiting the room.


Daniel had sensed the woman's presence behind him even before she had touched him. She was obviously here undercover spying on Dionysus for the Tok'ra Resistance, she had obviously not expected to see him here. She had looked surprised when she noticed his presence, but she had managed to cover her initial shock very well. As she gently gripped his arm in her hand he'd felt intense fear for her. To touch him so openly wasn't a very smart move. No one was to touch Osiris' favored. She had drawn unnecessary attention to herself when she had made the unconscious move. When no one spoke up or pointed out what she was doing he felt relieved and certain that no one had noticed. As he looked into her eyes he could see her desire to help him. Knowing the dangers of such unexpected attentions cast on him from a servant of another system lord he quickly broke eye contact. The movement was enough to effectively remind her of just where she was and the consequences that would befall them both should her identity be revealed. As she left his side he focused his attention once again on Osiris feeling suddenly edgy. He felt as if he were being watched and risked a quick glance at Dionysus. Sure enough the system lord was watching him with open interest. Dionysus smiled lecherously his way when he caught the quick glance, and Daniel rapidly broke the contact glancing at Zeenan and noticing that neither the First Prime nor Osiris seemed to even realize that the exchange had occurred.


Daniel felt very uneasy in this room, in this palace with that...thing. He was very self-conscious sensing that Dionysus was trouble pure and simple. Again he glanced at Zeenan and Osiris but neither seemed to realize that he was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment. All he wanted to do was leave this place as quickly as possible and never return. Something about this place, something about...him...it...bothered him. He could hear the warning bells sounding in the back of his mind telling him of danger. He could almost hear Jack O'Neill telling him never to ignore those internal signals for when he felt threatened, those feelings were what could make the difference between life and death...I hear you, Jack, believe me. I hear you loud and clear...keep my guard up, don't show any weaknesses, don't let it see me scared or anxious...got you, Jack, crystal clear... He glanced at Dionysus again, feeling his stomach roil as the Goa'uld lord licked his lips before grinning his way. He instantly turned away trying to ignore that snake that was sitting less than ten feet away. Dionysus was not to be trusted...ever.


As the meeting drew to a close they all stood up and started to shake hands. Osiris was speaking to Dionysus' First Prime and not paying attention to anything else. Daniel was caught up in the conversation and failed to realize that Dionysus was directly behind him until the system lord spoke softly in his ear, "You are very interesting, my pretty one. I shall enjoy bringing you to my bed."


Daniel gasped and jerked away from the system lord, jumping as he backed directly into a guard. He glanced at Osiris before attempting to move away from the guard. The guard grabbed his lead chain yanking on it enough to cause pain to flare up in his throat. His worry and fear threatened to choke him. God he had left his guard down only for a moment...a single moment and that was all it took for Dionysus to make his move. How could he be so stupid! He knew the snake was dangerous, knew he was a definite threat yet he allowed his guard to slip for just an instant and that was all it took for the snake to gain the upper hand. Shit! Okay Daniel, don't panic do what Jack said...don't let them see your fear, don't panic, don't give in. You can get through this. Dionysus wouldn't dare make such a stupid move while Osiris is standing less than five feet from you. Calm down. Don't panic everything is going to be all right...but damn did his throat ever hurt! The guard still hadn't let up on his lead chain. He was yanking the leash so tautly that the collar was pressing painfully against his windpipe threatening to choke him. God, why the hell would someone be so stupid as to attach a fuckin' leash to a collar anyway? Damn!


He jumped again as the system lord breathed into his ear. Shit! How fuckin' close was it to him now? How come he didn't notice the snake moving against him again? Shit! He tensed attempting to jerk away only to be rewarded for his struggles by another sharp yank on his lead chain. Oh, God it was starting to get hard to breathe! He tensed as Dionysus hissed in his ear as he attempted to maintain control over him, "Now, now pretty one, there is no need for you to cause such a scene. Osiris is very pleased with our new negotiations as is his First Prime so how about you go nice and quietly with my guards. I will be along shortly to see how you are adjusting to your new accommodations. I shall send Sarien to attend to you for she seemed rather enamored with you earlier. If you resist she will not live long...nor will you... Take him quietly to my chambers now while his lord is distracted."


"Yes My Lord."


Daniel felt panic fill him and disbelief as the realization of his predicament struck him. He was being abducted right out from under Osiris' nose. How was this even possible? This was absolutely crazy! How could this be happening when Osiris and Zeenan stood only a few feet from him? HOW? They were supposed to be keeping an eye on him weren't they? Shit! Obviously this had been pre-planned...it had to be. He saw Osiris begin to turn only to be stopped as Dionysus' First Prime drew his focus yet again. Daniel closed his eyes as he heard the evil lord harshly whisper for the guards to leave now before it was too late. He was then jerked into movement the pull on his leash not easing at all...if anything it was becoming crueler choking off any attempts to voice so much as a single sound. Shit! Damn, he was in so much trouble now! Damn! Why did so many desire to claim him and control him? He wanted to fight, to resist and to refuse but as Dionysus spoke of the woman and the fate that could soon befall her if he failed to remain quiet he knew that he had no other choice so he willingly allowed the guard to escort him out of the meeting chambers.


The instant he was ushered out of the room his abductor was joined by another guard. The new arrival nodded before more pressure was added to the leash attached to his collar. In record time he quickly found himself plastered face first against a wall. He was immediately pinned in place only managing a small gasp as tension was added to his leash again. Damn it, he so wanted to kill Osiris for placing him on a damned lead like a fuckin' dog! The lead made it easier for Osiris to control him and also made it much easier for others to control him. Damn! He struggled, managing to groan as his arms were twisted painfully behind his back. He yelped as the first guard added more stress on his leash ordering him to remain silent or suffer dire consequences for failing to cooperate. He began to feel lightheaded as the extreme tension now being maintained on the leash made him feel as if he were being hanged...slowly. Damn at this rate he'd die of fuckin' asphyxiation!


He winced as his hands were cruelly lashed behind his back with ropes and again tried to deny what was happening to him. God he had just been kidnapped from a damned meeting and Osiris didn't even realize he was gone! Even Zeenan had failed to take notice of his sudden, mysterious disappearance. They had both been so focused on the First Prime that they had turned their backs on him...a perfect diversionary tactic which Daniel was now certain Dionysus used to his full advantage to successfully pull off this farce of an abduction. Unbelievable! Abducted right out in the open and not one single person even noticed that he was gone! Not one!


He quickly grew tired of being manhandled and shuffled between these two thugs and felt the urge to resist and to fight become overwhelming. He yanked away from the guards cursing as the second guard latched onto his upper arm gripping it so tightly that Daniel was certain the bones were being crushed to a pulp. He attempted to yank away quickly finding that the tension on the leash was being increased. Oh God he was seeing bright flashing lights now. His breathing was so damned restricted that he was certain he would soon pass out from oxygen deprivation. Morons! Total fuckin' morons! They go to all this trouble to abduct him out in the open then they start to strangle him to death with his damned collar and leash. What is wrong with these people? He felt the pressure suddenly ease, and he gasped for breath, managing enough air to cough and wheeze. As he slowly started to recover from his near strangulation, he focused on the newest arrival and felt his stomach beginning to churn again. Shit, it was the servant who openly ogled him upon his arrival here. What did this guy want with him now?


The servant immediately demanded to be given his leash and to Daniel's surprise the guard willingly handed it over. Okay, a guard yielding to a slave? Since when? He had little time to toss that question around in his mind before he found himself being dragged towards a room by the cursed lead chain that Osiris had secured to his collar so long ago. He attempted to resist quickly discovering that on either side of him were the guards and they were both holding him immobile between them as they gripped his upper arms painfully...he was effectively trapped.


He watched the first guard open a door at the end of the long corridor he had just so kindly been dragged down and quickly found himself being jerked into the room. He jumped as the door to the room was slammed behind him. He ended up on his knees groaning from the impact as he was yanked off balance as the servant took great pleasure in jerking him into the room. He remained on the floor for several long moments stunned by how rapidly he wound up here. The servant then turned to him and sneered saying, "Your god is not very honorable for he does not even realize that his favored is now missing. Such a pity, but do not worry my beautiful one for Dionysus and I shall make you happy here."


Okay he definitely did not like the sound of that. He felt angry and outraged that he had been so quickly taken from the meeting room. He growled out, "You won't get away with this..."


The servant cast a sinister smirk his way before he lashed out backhanding him so brutally across the left side of his face that he flew to the floor and his nose began to gush blood. He was momentarily stunned, surprised that the servant had slapped him across the face. He quickly recovered, feeling blood leaking from his nose and watching the man with hooded eyes. The servant yanked harsher on his lead chain growling, "A slave does not talk back even though he is a most beautiful creature! Dionysus will teach you the true meaning of subjugation, my pretty one."


Daniel shivered as he was addressed as such, and cursed as he could feel the buzzing in his head and the warm moisture flowing freely from his nose that resulted from the impact of that strike. He knew that he was in great danger now. He watched the man trying to determine what his next move would be. As the servant leaned down towards him Daniel felt his breath catch and his heart pound in his chest. He prayed that he was misreading the servant's intentions but as the man brushed his lips ever so lightly across his own Daniel lashed out fighting and trying to ward him away. His struggles were relatively useless for the servant merely gripped his leash harsher and shoved him. He rapidly found himself lying on his back as the man continued to attempt to kiss him. Daniel fought attempting to buck him off and quickly becoming aware of just how hard that was with his hands presently secured behind his back. Oh shit!


He felt panic threaten to consume him and felt an extreme urgency rush through him. He had to get up! He had to get away before his unexpected attacker openly mauled him. He started to fight harder, struggling to break free of the man who was so effectively pinning him to the hard, stone floor. He nearly succeeded in accomplishing his task when a sudden, sharp, debilitating pain traveled through his side. He screamed as he realized that the sudden pain originated from a painful kick. He tried to ignore the sudden emergence of pain fighting against the one who was still attempting to kiss him. He could only gasp as more kicks impacted his side. He had to get up! He was an easy target lying on the floor like he was. He had to get up! He attempted to focus on who was attacking him and caught a brief glimpse of one of the guards sneering at him. Shit he had forgotten about the damned guards! As he realized he was most likely trapped with no escape he fought harder nearly retching as the second guard began to kick him in his gut. He no longer felt the intense weight pressing him to the floor but was in too much pain to realize what that meant. The kicks continued to grow in intensity and speed driving into him again and again until he was coughing violently. He attempted to curl up realizing that he couldn't prevent the assaults being directed to his sides. The kicks were succeeding in driving him towards open complacency, as pain became his newest partner.


His mind quickly snapped back to the servant as he realized he was being pinned in place once more and the man was again attempting to kiss him. Oh God he was going to be sick! So damned sick! He shouted as he continued to fight yelling, "NO! NO! STOP! PLEASE!"


Daniel could feel his resistance giving out and knew for certain that he wouldn't even be able to defend himself. As the pressure eased on top of him again the kicks continued to come raining up and down across his sides and his gut. God he was losing! He couldn't lose! He sensed suddenly that this attack was leading quickly to rape and there were three others in this room besides him...oh God gang raped? NO! He immediately silenced those thoughts still feeling certain that he was about to be raped brutally...oh God why did these things always happen to him? WHY? Better yet how could Osiris be so damned unobservant? HOW? As he continued to struggle he quickly realized that he was fighting a losing battle but that still didn't stop him for he continued to fight even as the guards and his attacker continued to beat him into submission. He screamed louder as sudden brutal hands clamped down on both of his arms and a heavy weight settled on top of him. OH GOD NO! He felt ill as warm breath brushed across his face and quickly jerked his face away from the person now hovering above him. He shuddered as a kiss landed on his cheek...oh God when would this end? When?


Osiris continued to speak with Dionysus' First Prime then turned to address Daniel. When he saw no sign of Daniel he became afraid then as his eyes scanned the room revealing that Daniel was not here he felt rage and anger enter him. Surely he hadn't tried to...not here! Surely Daniel didn't attempt to escape here! He scanned the room yet again noticing that his servant was definitely no longer in the room. He felt rage fill him as he could only think that Daniel had escaped...again. Without thought he ordered, "Zeenan, come here!"


"Yes My Lord?"


Noticing that Dionysus was now watching him with extreme interest Osiris deliberately leaned forward to whisper in his First Prime's ear not wanting Dionysus to realize what the problem was, "Daniel is missing. Search for him. He must have decided to attempt escape while we were distracted. Find him!"


Zeenan didn't want to believe what his lord was saying so he quickly whispered, "My Lord, are you certain that he has attempted to flee again?"


"Is there any other reason why he is not among us, Zeenan?"


"No My Lord."


"I want him found and I want him returned to me. Find him!"


"Yes My Lord."


Zeenan quickly exited the room searching the halls for Daniel. He didn't want to believe that Daniel had attempted to escape yet again but the longer he searched the more he started to suspect that is exactly what happened and the angrier he became. How dare Daniel attempt to escape while they were in a very important meeting? How dare he! The last thing he would've expected was that Daniel would try something like this when on a strange planet with a system lord. What had he been thinking! He continued to grow angrier and more agitated as his search yielded nothing. No indications of Daniel's passage, no signs of him and no Daniel Jackson. Where had he gone and why did he decide to make an escape here of all places?


Zeenan continued to walk the corridors growing more and more aggravated with the still missing slave. He was foolish, foolish and stupid to have run off in this place. What had he been thinking! He continued to walk down the hall preparing to turn around when a sudden loud shriek filled the air. Where had that come from and just who was making that loud noise? Instantly his mind jumped to thoughts of Daniel Jackson...could that be him? Without thought he headed towards the room listening carefully for any more sounds of a struggle or screaming. He paused as he came to a door that was closed. He could hear harsh voices and loud thumps as well as what sounded like someone whimpering. Without thought he threw open the door just as a scream sliced the air, emerging from inside the room.


When he threw open the door he hadn't been sure of what to expect but as he saw the horrid scene playing out before him all he felt was pure rage. There on the floor fighting like a damned wildcat was Daniel Jackson and on top of him was another man trying to kiss him. On either side of Daniel were two guards pinning him to the floor trying to subdue him as he continued to buck, writhe and squirm to break free of the pinning holds on his body. Without thought he attacked the guards quickly disposing of them before he turned his full attention on the one attacking Daniel. He wasted precious little time yanking the man off of Daniel and making quick work of ending his wretched life. As the man lay on the floor dead from a broken neck Zeenan turned back towards Daniel. When he focused on Daniel he was shocked to see that the young man was now curled tightly in on himself shaking violently. It was then that he noticed the restraints on the man's wrists securing them firmly behind his back, which caused his rage to triple in its intensity. He wanted to kill; he wanted to maim...he wanted that worthless servant to be alive right now so that he could beat him to a bloody pulp. It was obvious by the sight of those bound hands that Daniel Jackson had not attempted to flee from his lord for his hands were secured tightly behind his back.


Pushing his anger and rage aside Zeenan focused all of his attention on the shivering young man. He immediately lowered beside Daniel gently touching his shoulder and jumping as the man shrieked in response. He realized that Daniel was still in the midst of panic and quickly lowered his voice to a soothing pitch as he spoke his name repeatedly telling him that he was safe now, and telling him of who he was with. He continued to speak quietly to the young man attempting to calm and quiet him. After trying to dodge several well-aimed kicks and ignoring the sudden flaring of pain in his lower leg from their impact he noticed the man beginning to calm. When he was certain that Daniel no longer felt threatened he focused on the restraints. He made quick work of removing the binds that secured the young man's wrists and watched in a mix of fear and worry as Daniel wasted little time pulling those arms around the front of his body attempting to hug himself tightly. That simple move showed Zeenan just how fearful Daniel Jackson had been. Without thought he pulled the man against him, wrapping his arms around the shivering man, not thinking about what he was doing or how odd it felt to hold someone against him. Daniel resisted at first until Zeenan told him of who held him and continued to assure him that he was now safe. When Daniel finally began to calm Zeenan helped him to carefully sit up, discovering that Daniel had little strength to do so on his own. Daniel had obviously exerted most of his energy fighting against his assailants so without thought Zeenan tugged the young man against him offering his body as support for Daniel to remain upright.


Daniel was desperate to get away certain that he would have no escape when the heavy weight and bruising arms pinning him to the floor suddenly vanished. As hands touched him again he felt his panic surge to the forefront a second time and resorted to kicking at the one touching him. It took him several minutes to realize that the one now with him was Zeenan. When he realized Osiris' First Prime was now present he started to relax automatically feeling safe in the Jaffa's presence. As he started to quiet down, his breathing also began to even out and sound more normal. Upon the realization that he was no longer in danger Daniel instantly accepted Zeenan's offer of strength and support. He settled against the Jaffa, resting against him before choking out, "Zeenan...Zeenan..."


"Shh, hush now. You are safe. I have disposed of those who strove to hurt you, young one."


Daniel felt relief enter him and without thought turned to curl up against Zeenan finding solace in the Jaffa's strong presence. Zeenan focused on the man now curled up against him and gently stroked his hair in an attempt to soothe him. He could feel the shivers that still plagued Daniel beginning to subside some as he held the young man in his arms and offered him comfort in simple touch. Several long minutes of silence dragged by before Zeenan broke it as he questioned softly, "Daniel, why did you leave Osiris' side? You were told of the dangers should you stray. Why then did you choose to directly disobey him?"


"I didn't...I had no choice...in the meeting you and...I tried to get your attention throughout the meeting to let you know that I felt very uncomfortable but...neither of you noticed my discomfort...I...he approached me..."


"Who? Who approached you, young one?"


"Dionysus...told me that I was to go quietly with his men or...I would be killed and so would another...I didn't want to...to go but...I was afraid...he distracted you both so easily and...and that was when he made his move...I tried to fight...I tried but..."


Daniel ducked his head as another shudder ran through his body. He curled up tighter against Zeenan who spoke soothingly, "All right, young one. I understand now. You do not need to tell me more of what has happened to you. I am sorry...neither of us wanted this to happen. We were both negligent where your safety was concerned...you just rest and we will return to the ship. You need not worry any longer for we will protect you and keep you safe. You are safe now...rest young one. Rest and calm yourself."


Daniel simply nodded his head jumping as the door suddenly flew open again. He curled up tighter feeling safer as Zeenan wrapped his arms protectively around his still shaking form preparing to take a defensive position if anyone else dared to harm him.


Zeenan glanced up when the woman Sarien entered and gasped. She questioned, "What has happened?"


Instead of providing her with an answer Zeenan simply said, "Tell Osiris that it is time we leave this planet. Please inform him that his First Prime is ready to leave and will meet him at the transport rings."




"Tell him. Now!"


She turned and immediately went to the meeting room. She approached Dionysus and said, "Forgive me My Lord for the disruption but I have a message I must relay to Lord Osiris."


Dionysus nodded his head to indicate that she could proceed. She thanked him before turning to face Osiris saying, "Your First Prime has requested your presence. He says that it is urgent for you to meet him at the transport rings immediately."


"Thank you. Excuse me Dionysus but this is very important."


"Of course."


Osiris headed to the transport rings certain that Zeenan had located his missing servant. His anger was still building in response to Daniel's foolish escape attempt. As he entered the transport room though all anger fled when he noticed Zeenan standing by the rings holding a young man now wrapped up in a warm blanket. He immediately approached Zeenan and focused on the man being cradled in the Jaffa's strong arms. As he looked upon the face of his favored he felt anger and rage resurface but no longer at Daniel, no, his anger was directed at whoever had been coward enough to abuse his favored so horribly. He demanded, "Zeenan, what is the meaning of this?"


He leaned forward to say softly, "This is how I found him, My Lord. A servant of Dionysus was attacking him when I found him. He told me that he had been taken from the meeting room while we were speaking with Dionysus' First Prime. This was an unprovoked attack, My Lord. Daniel did not attempt to escape. When I found him his wrists were bound behind his back and he was fighting with his assailant."


Osiris turned rage filled eyes towards Dionysus who had followed him into the room demanding, "What is the meaning of this outrage? How dare you attack my favored! He is my equal. When you attack him you attack me! How dare you attempt to harm what belongs only to me!"


As Daniel's weak voice filled the small interior of the room Osiris felt his rage immediately dissipate only to be replaced by worry and concern for his favored. Daniel sounded so weak. What had happened to him? He focused intently on Zeenan and his favored as Daniel's soft voice questioned, "Where are we?"


Zeenan focused on the man in his arms noting that Daniel was obviously in pain but also appeared to be worried. He wasted little time attempting to assure Daniel that they were leaving this planet for good, "Shh, young one, we are preparing to return to the ship."


Daniel nodded his head, hissing in pain as he could feel the new bruises he had acquired in the last few minutes. He licked his lips before continuing, "Hurt...hurts...Zeenan...I didn't...I..."


Zeenan grew more worried as Daniel seemed to grow more aggravated in his arms. He was certain that Daniel was trying to convince him that he did not escape his lord. He had to keep the man calm so he continued, "Shh, shh, you must remain calm, young one. We will be leaving this world shortly but you must relax and remain calm. You are safe now. No one will hurt you. I promise you. Sleep Daniel. Sleep."


Osiris continued to observe his First Prime before approaching Zeenan and checking on Daniel. As he focused on his favored, whose face was drawn back in obvious pain, he felt his anger and rage threaten to consume him again but resisted it. He, instead, calmed his voice as he addressed, "My precious Daniel, I am so sorry that this has happened to you, but fear not for we are now returning to our ship."




Osiris reached out a hand to gently rub across the side of Daniel's face. He smiled warmly as he noticed the man starting to respond to the soothing touch by relaxing. He then spoke even softer then before, "Rest. Rest now my precious one. We are taking you home."


Daniel nodded again closing his eyes completely as exhaustion swept over him. He felt so warm and safe being held in Zeenan's strong arms. He smiled as he recalled Teal'c...Zeenan reminded him so much of his Jaffa friend and he was so grateful that he shared Teal'c's personality. He sighed in relief as he placed his head against Zeenan's chest and listened to his heart beating in his ear. He muttered a quiet, "Thank you for helping me..." before sleep attempted to claim him. He heard Zeenan say that he was welcome and listened to some of the exchange now going on between Dionysus and Osiris a bit surprised by what was being said before exhaustion started to take over. He could hear Osiris' last words to the system lord and tensed briefly before drifting asleep.


Osiris turned to Dionysus keeping his voice low so as not to disturb Daniel further before replying, "Our deal is off, Dionysus, for anyone who would dare to attack my favored dares to attack Osiris. This will not be forgotten. If you or your servants ever dare to come near my favored again then I will consider the move an act of war. This behavior is unacceptable. To attack one's favored is an insult and an outrage."


With that said Osiris returned to Zeenan's side checking on Daniel again as the transport rings surrounded them and sent them to their ship. Neither of them looked back as the rings whisked them to their ship.


Once aboard the ship Osiris urged Zeenan to carry Daniel to their chambers and lay him down. He then carefully removed the blanket from around Daniel frowning when he saw the obvious indicators of being kicked and slapped across Daniel's body. He also examined Daniel's wrists feeling his blood boil in his veins as he noticed that both wrists were now badly chafed and bleeding. Daniel must have put up one hell of a good fight to mark and cut up his wrists so severely when he had only been bound for ten minutes at the most. As Daniel coughed then hissed in his sleep Osiris focused on the collar. He gritted his teeth together in rage when he could see the faintest bit of blood there...they had probably gained control of Daniel by seizing his leash...he would have to remove that lead chain soon. He would keep it on Daniel for at least another month or so since the man had so recently attempted escape but the lead could not remain for very long. The chain probably made it so much easier to control Daniel. In fact, he knew that it did for that was one of the reasons he insisted on a leash being attached to his collar.


He gently lifted Daniel into his arms and carried the man into the bathhouse where he undressed then lowered Daniel into the water with him. He then gently cleaned the newest injuries that marred his slave's perfect skin feeling his anger and rage at himself and at Dionysus continue to grow as he noticed the sinister marks now coloring his servant's tanned flesh.


He would never lift a hand against his lover. Never! To deliberately strike his favored simply to gain complete control over him was an outrage. The only times he punished Daniel was when the man attempted to flee from him. The only other times he ever harmed his favored was when he disrespected his lord in front of their legion and when his defiance was so appalling that he needed to be taught a strict lesson so he would never do so again.


He was so angry with Dionysus. The nerve of the Goa'uld lord to dare attack his favored while at a neutral meeting...a meeting to join their armies...the nerve! He would make certain that the other system lords would hear of Dionysus' traitorous acts against a fellow system lord. He turned his lips into a sneer. He was certain that once news of Dionysus' betrayal reached the others they would banish him. One who dared to attack a favored was not to be trusted ever again for if he felt it within his rights to attack one system lord's favored than he would not hesitate to do so again.


Osiris turned his attention back to Daniel as the man softly moaned. He smiled gently at the man knowing that Daniel was awaking. He inhaled sharply feeling heat spark within as Daniel opened his beautiful blue eyes and focused on him. Daniel lay still reclined against him his head propped back against his shoulder. Osiris gentled his voice as he questioned, "How are you feeling, my precious one?"


Mmm...hurt...I hurt...I didn't...didn't try to escape...didn't..."


"Shh, shh, quiet down my precious one. I know that you did not try to flee me. I know..."


"You believed I...did..."


"Hush now. Do not worry yourself so...the truth is that I...we should have never...this should have never happened to you. We should have paid you more attention. Daniel do not be afraid to speak up if something is upsetting to you or distressing to you..."


"I'm...I'm not afraid..."


"Yes you are young one...you have much fear within you...I make you afraid... I do not wish to cause you such distress..."




"Zeenan told me of how you tried to get our attentions in the meeting and we failed to pay attention. I am very sorry, Daniel. We will never neglect you again. Never. You will never have to fear a second attack. I promise you, Daniel. I promise."


Daniel simply nodded his head and closed his eyes again. He swallowed hard listening as Osiris spoke even softer than before his voice barely audible, "Tell me Daniel, how did they first gain control over you? It was your leash, wasn't it?"


Daniel didn't say anything or speak. He clenched his eyes tightly shut wanting to say yes but fearing that by doing so he would anger Osiris further. He remained silent saying nothing and remaining completely still. It was enough to give Osiris his answer. He heard the Goa'uld lord continue, "I cannot remove the leash as of yet, my precious, for you recently attempted to flee me but in time when I feel that I can trust you more then I will have it removed. Is that understood?"


"Yes My Lord."


"It is time for us to retire. You have had a rough day. It is time that you retire and rest. You will do as I ask of you. I am not requesting you retire; I am ordering you to do so for I know that you are exhausted and in much need of sleep. You will do as I command Daniel."


"Yes My Lord." He sighed feeling his anger spark briefly at being ordered to sleep by his lord. He felt the anger dissipate rapidly realizing that presently he was just too tired, too exhausted, to deny his lord. He simply nodded his head allowing the system lord to lift him from the water, dry him off and carry him to the bed. He was so drained of energy that he also allowed Osiris to gently tuck him into bed and didn't even flinch when the system lord bent down and pressed tender kisses to both his forehead and left cheek. Osiris then whispered, "Go to sleep, my precious Daniel. Rest...rest for your lord."


"Hmm...yes...My Lord..."


Osiris smiled as Daniel's voice trailed off as he rapidly dropped off into dreamland. He was very pleased that Daniel so willingly complied with his command. He ran his fingers across Daniel's forehead smoothing back his hair before whispering, "I shall join you soon, but I must first speak with Zeenan. We will be discussing your security my precious. Sleep well, my love, sleep well."


                                                     * * * * * *


Hope Renewed


Jacob Carter was very happy about the last transmission he received from the Tok'ra Resistance. He needed to find Jack and pass on the news. After searching through the offices of SG-1 he headed for the conference room barging in without knocking. As soon as he entered the room he quickly apologized when he noticed the remainder of SG-1 sitting in on a briefing. He spoke up, "Sorry to interrupt. I...I can come back..."


General Hammond was quick to stop his retreat as he said, "Nonsense, Jacob. What do you need?"


"Uh, George...I received a transmission."




"From the Tok'ra...George he's been found."


Jack jerked his head up to focus on Jacob certain that he was referring to, "Daniel..."


Jacob turned upon hearing that low utterance of O'Neill's. He smiled then said, "Yes Jack...Daniel's been located..."


"What?" interrupted Sam feeling excitement fill her. Daniel has been found? Where was he? How was he doing? Was he all right? Was he hurt? Was he imprisoned in a Goa'uld dungeon or was he working as a slave? Who had him? More and more questions ran through her mind, questions she desperately wanted answers to. She felt her heart rate speed up as excitement filled her. Daniel had been found...they could mount a rescue. Thank heavens! She quickly questioned, "Well, where? How? When?"


Jacob approached the three remaining members of SG-1, aware of just how desperately they hoped to locate their friend and fellow teammate. As he glanced around the room he saw four people now looking at him expectantly. They had been desperate for any news of Daniel. Some said the man was dead while others said that he wasn't. No one really knew what fate befell Daniel Jackson after his disappearance on P47-089. Jacob now knew whom Daniel was with and who owned that planet. He also knew what Daniel's fate now was. SG-1 would want to mount a rescue as soon as they were informed of his locale. He would have to tell them that Daniel was presently aboard a ship and not on the planet. His information wasn't of much help but it would ease everyone's minds and give everyone encouragement to continue to search for the man. He looked at George first asking, "May I?"


"Yes, yes, please tell us what you have on our boy, Jacob."


He took a deep breath and released it before informing them of Daniel's present predicament, "He's alive and healthy according to the spy who contacted us."


Jack was first to interrupt him stopping him before he even had the chance to begin to relay his story, "Where is he? Do they know who has him? What happened? How did they meet him?"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down Jack...do you remember that meeting I told you about that was scheduled to occur on Naveria this week? The one where there was an unusual request made for provisions for a human slave?"


"Yeah so..."


Jacob again took another deep breath and exhaled before continuing, "Daniel was at that meeting."


Jack gasped feeling his heart rate triple and his excitement grow. Daniel was at that meeting? Someone had actually seen him? His Danny was still alive? Oh thank God, thank God! He still had a hard time believing the news so he questioned, "He was the human slave? They saw him? They spoke with him?"


Jacob nodded his head as he continued to relay the news to the others, "We have an informant on that planet by the name of Sarien. She recognized Daniel when he introduced his lord..."


"His lord?" Jack didn't like the sound of that. Daniel introduced his lord? What the hell did that mean? Where was Daniel? Who now held him? His lord? The woman recognized Daniel when he introduced his lord? Does that mean Daniel was now serving as a system lord's slave? No...please no...he focused on Jacob as the man answered, "Yes. He...it appears that he is now serving as a liaison for a system lord."


"No, he wouldn't serve anyone!"


Daniel was proud, he was strong he would never willingly serve anyone. Never! His Danny was not the subservient type. Jack became even more worried when he thought about that. He knew that Daniel would not willingly obey a system lord unless...unless that system lord used certain types of "persuasions" to acquire his cooperation. He shuddered as his mind provided him with a lovely array of just what kind of tactics a snake might use to acquire a stubborn Tau'ri's complete cooperation. The thought had him thoroughly distracted until Jacob's voice invaded again, "Sarien said that he...he is now in service to Osiris..."


"Sarah? He's...no...no...no," Oh God no! He was now in service to a Goa'uld lord who possessed his ex-girlfriend? Sam had told him about how upset Daniel was when he realized that he couldn't save Sarah the day Osiris took control of her. He felt guilty and responsible for exposing her to such a danger. He had made one of his missions in life to locate Sarah and free her from the parasite now within her. To see Sarah...a woman he had loved in the past possessed by an evil creature just as his wife had been so many years ago...it had to be sheer hell on his lover. Danny had to face her and his guilt every single day of his life now and Jack was certain that Osiris was making Daniel's life sheer misery knowing that the host he possessed meant so much to his prisoner. Osiris probably taunted Daniel daily...God Daniel please hang on...please be all right...please don't give in...come back to me, love...don't leave me...please, Daniel...fight it...fight it for yourself and for me...please.


Jack jerked his head up as Jacob's voice interrupted his thoughts. He realized that he had again drifted and tuned out the older man. He forced his focus to remain on Jacob as the man continued to speak, "Yes. She said from the way he spoke to Osiris and the way he carried himself during the meeting he must have had some formal training probably on how to carry himself for Osiris and in front of other system lords."


Again he tried to deny what Jacob was saying, "Daniel would never willingly serve a Goa'uld. He hates them..."


Jacob focused on Jack knowing that the news he was delivering wasn't all that pleasant. He could tell that the Colonel was having a very difficult time accepting that Daniel was now in service to a Goa'uld lord...not only was he Osiris' slave he was the system lord's favored...he had to tell them though he really didn't want to. Daniel was in a very high status position...he was also always in close proximity to Osiris, which meant that to rescue him would be much more difficult than any of them had foreseen. He also had to tell Jack...tell them all that Daniel was now...marked...marked as a slave, as a servant and as property to the Goa'uld lord who now held him prisoner, "Apparently he's not there willingly but he has been obedient and respectful to Osiris...he serves...he is serving as Osiris' slave, as his servant...Jack...Sarien also said that...she said that Daniel has been...he's been fitted..."




"Yes fitted...with a collar..."




"Yes. She said he now wears a slave collar, a leash and a...a chastity belt...they are all marked with Osiris' insignia...she said that Osiris leads him around...by his leash like a dog..."


"I'LL FUCKIN' KILL HIM!" The fuckin' snake was leading his Danny around like he was a goddamned dog? What the fuck! How dare the damned snake do that to his Danny! How dare he fuckin' collar Daniel and...and...he clenched his hands into fists wanting to strike something, anything that would ease his anger and rage...he was so pissed off. How could...how? Why? Of course he was certain that he already knew why Osiris would do such a sadistic thing...humiliation and control. He probably wanted to control Daniel completely and what better way to start to gain the upper hand then to degrade him by collaring him and attaching a leash to the collar? The bastard!


Jacob could see the anger and rage now flaring in Jack's eyes and knew that the news was devastating. Jack was pissed. He had to keep the man calm though so he could finish his story so he spoke softly, "Jack relax..."


Relax? RELAX? Ah, hell no! How could he relax knowing that Daniel was suffering...knowing that the snake was...how could he relax? Again he snapped, "He put a collar on, Danny? He's leading him around by a leash? I'll fuckin' kill him!"


Jacob shook his head, saddened and disturbed by the news as much as Jack was. They couldn't do anything about Daniel's situation at the moment, and fuming about things beyond their control would get them nowhere. Besides he had a few other very important things to tell Jack. Things he knew would piss the Colonel off even more and probably upset everyone present in the room, "That's not all, Jack...while he was there at the meeting he was...attacked by guards of Dionysus."


Jack felt the blood drain from his face when Jacob said that. He was attacked? What the hell did they do to his Danny? He clenched his fists in rage wanting to strangle those bastards for hurting his Danny. His rage and fear came to a head as he thought of the horrors and suffering Daniel has so far endured as a result of his capture. He couldn't even bring himself to question exactly what had happened during that attack just yet so he asked with barely controlled rage, "What did Osiris do?"


"Broke off all relations with Dionysus, and threatened to start a war with him if he or any of his guards dared to come near Daniel again. It would seem that Osiris is very protective of Daniel as is his First Prime Zeenan. Sarien reported that Zeenan is the one who stopped the attack and that Zeenan killed the guards as well as the servant who dared to attack Daniel. She said they had to carry him to the transport rings because he had been beaten so badly."


They had to carry him to the transport rings because he had been...he had been beaten so badly...oh Danny...if I could only be there with you now. If I could only come to you and comfort you...hold you while you suffer. He felt the ache in his heart only grow as he thought of his lover and how badly he missed him and how desperately he needed that man to be here with him. They had to find Daniel...they had to! He quietly seethed demanding, "How the hell could something like that have even happened? I thought you said that they were in the middle of a meeting."


"They were but apparently Dionysus had some designs on Daniel and set up the abduction..."


"How could he have even known Daniel?"


"Jack, his status is as Osiris' most favored."


"Which means what exactly?"


Teal'c spoke answering, "He is equal to Osiris' queen. He occupies the highest rank a human slave can attain in a system lord's legion."


Jack shivered as Teal'c made mention of human slavery. God was that what his Danny now was? A Goa'uld slave? A servant? Poor Danny...they had to find him and they had to help him. Jacob interrupted his thoughts as he added "He must attend Osiris everywhere. Where Osiris goes Daniel must go. He is serving as Osiris' attendant. Osiris must have granted him the right to serve as a liaison for him. It won't be easy to rescue him, Jack."


"Why the hell not?"


"Because wherever Osiris is Daniel is. They are always together...always, Jack. You won't even be able to get near Daniel. If you see Osiris giving a speech or meeting with another system lord you will see Daniel remaining faithfully by his side. His position, his status requires that he always attend his lord wherever he goes. Getting close to Daniel is going to be extremely difficult, because the only way we can get close to him is if we get close to Osiris and if Osiris knows who we are or suspects that we are there to help Daniel..."


"Things could get very bad?"




"I was afraid of that."


Jack closed his eyes again calling out to Daniel, silently promising him that they would find a way...they would eventually find a way, and when they did they would come for him. Daniel just had to hold on a bit longer.


                                                     * * * * * *

Osiris went searching for Zeenan finding him in the greenhouse standing by the same type of rose bush that Daniel was always drawn to. He gazed at the beautiful garden surrounding them. When he had discovered just how much Daniel loved his palace gardens he decided to recreate a similar room on his ship. It took some thought but eventually he managed to make a garden aboard the ship. He used artificial light in the room and assigned someone to tend to the garden. The garden looked beautiful.


He approached his First Prime as he quietly inquired, "Zeenan, we must speak..."


Zeenan turned to focus on his lord bowing his head before answering, "Yes we must."


"What has happened today should have never happened and we must ensure that it does not occur again."


"How is Daniel, My Lord?"


"He is resting peacefully..."


"You know that he will probably dream. He will need much help when the nightmares find him."


"Do you believe that he will have such dreams, Zeenan?"


"Yes. Daniel is very sensitive, My Lord. Something like this will not be easy for him to handle."


Osiris agreed much as he hated to do so. Zeenan was correct. He had noticed rather early that Daniel was very sensitive. He felt everything. He was affected by everything, and such an experience as what occurred this day would stay with him for many months to come. He continued, "Zeenan we must not allow something such as this to happen again. We must devote our time to protecting Daniel as well as forming an agreement with those we wish to align ourselves with."


"I will stay with him, My Lord."




"I will not let him out of my sight. This I swear to you. I feel much guilt for exposing him so easily to danger. I did not watch him as you have instructed me to..."


"Zeenan you did nothing wrong."


"My Lord, you told me that he would be my responsibility, and that I was to watch over him and protect him. I now fear that I have failed in this entrusted duty."


Osiris shook his head still amazed at how devoted his First Prime was to him and to those who belonged to him. He had noticed early on that Zeenan displayed great courage and faithfulness to the ones he devoted himself too. It upset him to know that Zeenan was feeling extremely guilty and responsible for what happened to his favored. He quickly dismissed that guilt by responding, "I have failed in my duty to protect him, Zeenan. I have failed to watch over him and to listen to him. You are not responsible for what has happened to him. I am responsible for I neglected to watch him and watch how the others responded to him. We must work together to ensure that something such as this will never happen again."


"I will guard him with my life, My Lord. This I swear to you. No more harm shall ever come to Daniel Jackson again. I shall spend my life atoning for my lapse in judgment and my failure to protect him as is my duty."


"Zeenan, Zeenan, you carry much too much guilt and responsibility on your shoulders. Release your burden, for as I have already told you it is my fault that Daniel was placed in such danger. You have done nothing wrong. You must stop blaming yourself."


"Yes My Lord."


Osiris smiled and nodded satisfied with Zeenan's response. He then continued, "We have learned a valuable lesson, Zeenan...a lesson we should have already known. There will be others who will desire him as I. He is too precious to ignore. We must ensure that he will always be safe and always feel safe around us. Many will want to possess him when they realize what a treasure we have in him. We must be very careful, especially when we are around the other system lords and their servants. Do not allow him to roam freely unescorted when we are in negotiations on another planet. Always keep him in your sights. This we must do to ensure that he will always remain safe in our company."


"Yes My Lord."


"I will now return to him. I do not want him to be alone should he be awakened by a nightmare. I do not wish for him to suffer through such a thing all on his own. I must be with him to help him through this ordeal."


"I understand, My Lord."


"I know that you do, my friend. I shall now take my leave. Sleep well, Zeenan."


"Sleep well, My Lord."


Zeenan watched Osiris as he entered the main hall yet again. After Osiris was gone he found himself again drawn to the rose bush before him. As he focused on the bush he found himself wondering what Daniel Jackson ever saw in this particular flower. Every time he searched for Daniel in the gardens he was always by this rose bush. As he recalled Daniel's words to him in which he compared himself to a single red rose he was certain that what Daniel saw in this bush was himself. He saw himself in a single rose and he saw how he once was, how he now is and how he has changed since his capture. He also saw hope in the roses...a single bloom often struggles to open and reveal its beautiful center...Daniel was much like that bloom. He had hope, though his hope was all but destroyed, and he had an inner beauty that shined when it was exposed...though that inner beauty often remained hidden deep beneath the multiple layers of protection he has forged so strong and so high around himself. He was so guarded and so defensive that one rarely caught a glimpse of the inner man. Daniel was beautiful, though he rarely allowed others to see just how beautiful. He was also unaware of his natural exterior beauty as well. His unawareness was partly responsible for Dionysus wanting to risk so much to acquire him.


Zeenan shook his head still amazed that Daniel didn't even realize just how beautiful he was on both the inside and the outside. How could he not know? How could he not even realize that it was so? The man was an enigma. He was very special indeed and didn't even realize. Knowing just how special Daniel truly was made the knowledge that he hadn't protected the man, as he should have hurt all the more. He felt so guilty and so ashamed that he had neglected the man, and when he discovered that Daniel was not with them having mistrusted him to the point that he actually believed Daniel had attempted to escape. He should have known better than to misjudge Daniel Jackson for the man was very honest, had always been honest, yet when it came to Daniel expecting even a little trust Zeenan couldn't openly give it for he was uncertain. He shook his head angry with himself and swearing never to mistrust Daniel again.


He turned to leave the garden, wanting to be nearby should his lord call on him if he were unable to calm his favored down. He was certain that tonight and many nights after would be very difficult for Daniel. He had seen the fear and panic that had filled the young man upon locating him on Dionysus' planet and knew for certain that Daniel would have a hard time dealing with the events that had transpired.


                                                        * * * *

Daniel awoke with a start screaming as his heart raced and sweat dampened his hair. He tried to focus on what was going on around him slowly becoming aware that he was being hushed and told repeatedly to calm down. He also became aware of the soothing hand on his brow and softly moaned. He knew who was soothing him but didn't care. At the moment he was only glad that someone was attempting to soothe him. The dream he had was a nightmare. He was back on Naveria being pinned to the floor and struggling against the servant who was preparing to rape him. He shuddered as he recalled the events that only happened a few hours ago. He softly chuckled as the woman beside him questioned if he was cold. Cold? Yeah sure he was cold, but the chill he felt wasn't because of the room temperature it was because of the newest stack of memories he recently acquired that were quite obviously ready to grant him a whole new set of nightmares. Great, like he didn't have enough of those already.


He focused on Osiris as the Goa'uld lord asked if he was all right. He wasn't but he nodded any way. He saw Osiris relax just a hair and sensed the snake didn't believe that he was okay. He gasped when the snake softly commented, "You were dreaming of what happened, were you not? Zeenan said that you would probably dream. I am truly sorry for not stopping him from hurting you so. I should have paid more attention. I said that you would always be safe with me but I failed to do as I said. I am truly sorry."


Daniel didn't say anything he just watched Osiris through hooded eyes not willing to reveal well what remained of his fading emotions. He then closed his eyes and tried to allow himself to calm. He thought of Jack O'Neill, and instantly an aura of peace fell over him. He shifted not pulling away from the system lord, but making himself more comfortable. As he imagined Jack pulling him into a warm embrace and uttering soft words of comfort to him he quickly drifted back to sleep.


Osiris smiled when he realized that Daniel had finally gone back to sleep. He was worried about the young man, for Daniel was refusing to even speak of what had happened and from what Sarah told him that was not a good thing. He would have to keep trying to draw the man out and make him talk of what had occurred. He watched Daniel a few moments longer before settling and drifting asleep himself vowing to help Daniel through this difficult time.








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