Banner for Stalking Shadows by Stacy L. 



PART 3:  Subtle Determination 


Perfect, he was so very perfect and beautiful, so beautiful. Watching him was a pleasure unto itself. He walked with an attitude. He was fire and ice, gentle and harsh. He could stop a woman in her tracks with a simple look, or any man for that matter. Yet he didn’t seem aware of his effect on others. Oh he loved the women, true, but had no idea how appealing he truly was to either sex.


He was intelligent and tenacious, a challenge to hunt and no doubt a challenge to capture. He had been where he belonged once, and would be again. This time however he would stay. He wouldn’t run off and leave. He’d remain and be watched closely until he accepted their relationship. Once that happened…once that happened all their dreams would come true. It would happen. It might just take a little time.


Watching him in action was always the most pleasurable…those arms, that body…so fucking beautiful. He was even more beautiful when asleep or resting, challenging or spiteful. He was fierce when he was angry, his green eyes sparking with such ferocity that it made one want to dominate him, reassert control, teach him who was in charge and show him how much was loved.


He was always resistant to that, to the measures that had to be taken to ensure his safety and gain compliance. He was a hell of a fighter full of so much rage and anger, but it would soon be squelched. He would be tamed. The restraints would be necessary again, of course, and the drugs to keep him calm, to keep him strong. He needed help with that, with his fiery temper and self-destructive tendencies. He would become so frustrated at times that he’d strain against the restraints until his wrists would bleed. Leather restraints with extra padding had to be used after that to curb his self-destructive behaviors. Those had to be dealt with first.


Ah he had something to eat in his hands. He was heading inside probably going to go to bed soon. Good. He looked exhausted, and needed to rest. Waiting for it, for the acknowledgement to come was so difficult, the waiting patiently to be seen. Ah he was scanning the parking lot. Good. It was good to be cautious…and then the eyes, his beautiful fucking eyes halted remaining riveted to the spot before he turned and went inside…


Oh yes I’m here. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll keep you safe. I’ll watch over you. You just rest. We’ll talk later. I promise you we will talk later.


                                                       * * * * 

Climbing into the cab of his father’s truck felt odd to him. As soon as he settled in the seat he felt four years old again. Shaking his head he forced his mind off the past and focused it on the present, on finding Dean. He recalled the day he left for college. Dean had stopped him before he climbed into the taxi to wish him luck and nervously fished a phone out of his pocket. He was surprised when Dean gave it to him simply saying that it was ‘for emergencies’ and that his cell was already programmed into it. Then they hugged and he left unable to watch his older brother shrink in the rearview as the cab pulled away. It had been one of the hardest days of his life and one of the hardest things he ever had to do.


It wasn’t until later that night after getting settled in his dorm room that he pulled out the cell phone and turned it on. He smiled at the picture on the screen. It was a picture of Dean and him together, one of the last to be taken of both of them. Smiling and shaking his head he had then jumped to the call menu and scrolled down the contact list. Dean had programmed in several numbers he knew well: Caleb’s, Pastor Jim’s and Bobby’s among them. As he clicked on Dean’s name he had noticed instantly that the number listed was different than the cell phone Dean always carried with him. Tears had pierced his eyes then as he had realized that Dean purchased a separate phone with a number that only he would have. He had declared it was for emergencies and he knew that Dean would never go anywhere without it. No matter what time of day or night it was he’d always have that solid connection to his older brother. It made him feel a hell of a lot better than he had when leaving Dean behind as a cab took him in the direction of his new life.


Shaking his head as the memory faded he glanced over as his dad climbed into the driver’s seat. Once settled he turned and asked, “Ready, son?”


Hesitating for several moments before drawing in a calming breath he nodded managing a tight, “Yeah, dad, let’s go,” before falling silent again. It was a struggle but he managed to temporarily shove all his ill feelings towards his dad deep down inside knowing that they would have to be dealt with at some point in time. They still had a lot they needed to discuss, a lot to talk about and deal with before they could form the easy alliance Dean always seemed to have with their father. For now though their main focus had to be Dean, so momentarily pushing the tension, anger and bitterness aside Sam forced his mind to the present, to Dean and trying to figure out just where in the hell he was.


                                                       * * * *

The phone rang loudly, shrilly, drawing him from a half sleep. He reached out of habit for his cell phone. Drawing it before him he flipped it open and held it up. Shaking his head he tossed it to the bed before turning to rest the hotel phone out of its cradle. Drawing it to his ear he mumbled a soft barely audible, “Hello…” that was met with dead silence. He waited expecting the hotel receptionist to speak or an automated voice to come over the line. When neither came to him he said hello again, hung up the phone and rolled over in bed letting his eyes slip shut once more. Not even five minutes later he was jumping up in bed gasping as the shrill ringing began again. Waiting for his heart to stop racing in his chest he snagged the phone up and held it to his ear again saying, “Hello?”


There was nothing but dead silence on the other end. Angry now that he was again interrupted he demanded, “Who the hell is this?” and silence answered him. Cursing he hung up the phone and glanced at the clock: 2am. Who the fuck would be calling him at 2am in the fucking morning?


Grumbling he settled back in bed beginning to relax when the phone rang again. Snatching it up he snapped, “It’s the middle of the night. Stop fuckin’ calling me!” and slammed the phone down tensing as it rang again. Turning on the light he grabbed it from the nightstand and drew it to his ear ready to snap again when he heard the heavy breathing on the other end.


Glancing at the clock and then at his cell phone resting on the bed he paled realizing suddenly just who was most likely on the other end. He immediately breathed a sharp tense, “Shit!” into the phone before slamming it back into its cradle. Now fully awake he jumped as the phone began to ring again and this time yanked the cord from the wall before jumping out of bed and racing to the door to ensure it was still locked and bolted shut. He then glanced towards the windows relieved to see the curtains firmly drawn closed.


After assuring himself that he was at least momentarily safe he began to gather up his meager belongings and shove them into his duffle bag. Grabbing a pair of jeans he quickly pulled them on before running into the bathroom to see if he had gathered all his supplies from there. Once in the room again he quickly threw on his shoes and a t-shirt before grabbing his duffle bag and racing for the door halting as he suddenly realized he was forgetting his phone.


Running back to the bed he anxiously ripped at the covers drawing them off of the bed as he searched for his phone. Cursing when he couldn’t find it he felt his fear escalating and began mumbling that he was wasting too much time. He HAD to move.


Desperate now he pulled at the pillows next sighing in relief and hanging his head to regain control as his fingers closed around the cool slick metal of his phone. Relieved he shoved it into his pocket, snatched his keys off the table and headed for the door halting at it as paranoia struck. What if…?


Shit, could they have made it to his room yet? What if he opened the door and… Damn it! He couldn’t stay here. He had to leave. He had to! Shaking his head he drew in several calming breaths before settling. He slid a cursory glance around the room assuring himself that he had gathered everything than carefully undid the bolt on the door, his hand shaking violently as he did so. Closing his eyes he tried to relax mentally telling himself there was nothing to worry about. He’d be fine. Now wasn’t a good time to panic.


Nodding to himself he slowly eased the door open and cautiously scanned the hallway. It was completely empty. Closing his eyes again he drew in a calming breath trying to convince himself he was alone, that no one was out there waiting to attack him and stepped cautiously into the hallway. Another cursory glance up and down the length of it ensured him he was alone and he began to make his way towards the exit. Once in the lobby he felt more relieved seeing three other people there, all on duty. The addition of people helped to ease his mind and relax him enough to think of what to do next.


Scanning the area again he carefully headed for the door stepping into the cold night air and pausing to glance around again fully aware that his pursuer could be anywhere and wondering, not for the first time, if this wasn’t the stupidest idea he’d had in a long time. He was at a loss for what to do though. If he stayed at the hotel he could be in danger. If he went to his car he could also be in danger. He had to move. The longer he stalled the closer he was to being apprehended by the psychopath who was stalking him.


He squinted as headlights caught his attention and felt his heart rate triple in speed before releasing an exasperated sigh of relief as a blue Toyota Camry drove by. Damn it, he couldn’t do this! Shaking his head he abruptly turned towards his car and began to walk with more confidence than he had before, but the closer he got to the Impala the more hesitant and nervous he became.


He stumbled halting as his eyes settled on his windshield…and tucked under the wiper blade was…


“Oh no, oh shit…!”


A white envelope…


Halting he glanced around making another sweep of the area. All seemed quiet and calm so swallowing hard he approached the car slowly making sure to scan under it and glance into his back seat before retrieving the envelope. It burned in his hands and he wanted nothing more than to toss it, but he had to keep it…it was evidence and he had to do something to stop it all.


He carefully unlocked the car door before haphazardly tossing his duffle in the passenger seat then sliding into place behind the steering wheel. Turning on the car he cautiously pulled out of the space and made a left out of the hotel parking lot glancing at his rearview to assure himself that he was alone and for once grateful that very few cars were on the road at 2am in the morning. It would make spotting a tail all that much easier for him.


Driving he tried to think of where to go next. He had to disappear again. His original plan had been to drive to Las Vegas and not stop until he got there, but he had been tired and driving had taken longer than expected due to unforeseen car trouble so he risked it and pulled into the hotel for the night. He was certain he wouldn’t be found…he had been wrong. Now he had to ditch yet another set of ID’s and purchase more damned tickets to throw up false trails, and this time he’d make it look more convincing that he was traveling via bus or heaven forbid planes. He’d have to purchase a garage or storage place that way when he was tracked again the addition of a storage place might convince his pursuer that he was no longer traveling by car. It was a long shot but what other choice did he have short of driving into the middle of no where?


Shaking his head he drove onward not stopping until he had to get gas. It was then he opened the letter and discovered it was yet another veiled threat. Cursing, he climbed back into his car and began to work on setting into place more false trails. He also decided that it just might be time to visit Ellen.







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