SG-1 Team


                                                                       The Night Sun Part 4

                                                                                                                      By:  Stacy L.




Jacob Carter directed the Tel'tak ship through space heading for the remote planet of Ta-hetchet. He was very worried for Doctor Jackson's safety, though he didn't show just how worried he actually was. Sam had asked him several times if he was all right. Each time Jacob reassured his daughter that he was fine, but in the back of his mind he could only think of his time on Netu and how he had Selmac had felt. He knew that Daniel Jackson would be interrogated. Anubis would do it himself if Osiris refused. Jacob was all too aware of the price Apophis had placed on Daniel's head...that was probably the only reason Anubis wouldn't kill him; he had some value. If it had been any other person Anubis would've destroyed them almost immediately. Jacob hated to think that Apophis was the only one preventing Anubis from killing their friend. He had warned Jack that the young man would most likely be tortured and could see in Jack's eyes just how much Daniel Jackson meant to him. He could see it in all of their eyes...even the eyes of his daughter. She was extremely worried, but she hid it well.  Jacob knew that she was worried. He could tell just by looking at her, after all she was his daughter. The Jaffa Teal'c remained stoically silent. He too was very worried for his young friend. Teal'c knew what torture was like. He had experienced quite a bit of it at the hands of Apophis. Jacob was sure that the Jaffa's mind was wandering constantly back to that time when he was a prisoner as his worry for his friend increased the longer it took them to reach him.


Jacob silently urged the Tel'tak to move faster. Their destination was at least another four days away. He kept hoping that Doctor Jackson was in fact on Ta-hetchet. If he wasn't then he was quite possibly lost for good. He also knew that they had to locate the young man once arriving on the planet. He tried not to think of what would happen should Doctor Jackson be on that planet, but they not find him. Ta-hetchet was a huge planet. If Doctor Jackson was there he could be anywhere. They could easily overlook him depending on where he was imprisoned. They could overlook him and leave the planet assuming he was not there. If only he could get in touch with Jotham...but to contact the Tok'ra spy on Anubis' planet would expose his betrayal...If his identity had not yet been discovered. Jotham was a very good infiltrator. He was young like Daniel Jackson. The two were only a year apart in age, well the human part of him. His symbiote Nivan was much, much older than his young host. Jotham and Nivan worked very well together. They were both very good at infiltration. Jacob only hoped that the young Tok'ra had not been discovered and neutralized. Jotham has been on Anubis' planet for the last year earning the trust of the Goa'uld and slipping information to the Tok'ra Resistance. His transmissions had stopped suddenly four months ago. The Tok'ra Resistance feared the worst...that Jotham had been neutralized. They know he would not reveal their location, even under duress of torture, but also knew to attempt to retrieve him could have dire consequences...especially if he had a reason for suddenly silencing his communications. There were only three main reasons Jotham would have ended his transmissions: if he had been destroyed, if he had been discovered or if he was in so deep that to use the device now could ultimately expose him to Anubis. Jacob hoped that the third reason is why Jotham had ended his contact with the Tok'ra Resistance so abruptly.


Jacob heard the approach of someone. He could tell by the man's footsteps and the way that he remained so quiet that Jack O'Neill approached him. He asked, "What is it, Jack?"


"How much longer do we have before we reach the planet?"


"Four days."


"Four days?"


"Why do you ask?"


"I just...I just...have this bad feeling...that's all...I'm..."


"Worried? Scared for your friend, maybe? Jack, that's a natural response when someone you care about goes missing."


"He's on that planet, Jacob. I just know he is...Daniel is out there...I just know he is."


"We'll find him."


Jacob knew just how hard Jack was taking Daniel's loss. He felt partially responsible for Jackson's disappearance. Jacob noticed just how little O'Neill has been sleeping. The man couldn't sleep, or rather wouldn't allow himself to sleep until he found his young friend. He looked up at the man beside him seeing just how exhausted he was. Jacob suggested, "Jack, go get some sleep."






"I have...just can't sleep."


"You're not going to be any good to Daniel if you're too exhausted yourself. What if we find him and he can't walk or is unconscious? You might have to carry him, Jack. If you're exhausted you'll be no good to him."


Jack shook his head saying, "Okay..."


Then he sat down beside Jacob. Jacob kept watching him. He sighed in relief when Jack finally drifted asleep. He was glad that Jack had finally attempted to sleep. Fatigue and exhaustion were not good to have on a search and rescue mission, especially since the person they were searching for could, himself, be badly injured or even unconscious when finally found.


He turned from his friend and continued to watch the monitor again finding himself silently urging the ship to go faster and hoping Jackson was on that planet...alive.


                                                                                  * * * *

Daniel heard a noise, which brought him awake again. He had a very hard time sleeping in such an uncomfortable position but tried his best anyway. His head still throbbed and his body still ached but the pain seemed to have abated a little bit. He was glad for that. He heard pounding and focused on the noise...footsteps... Someone was coming. Daniel tried to force his legs under himself again and groaned in anguish as his legs gave out jarring his body yet again. He inhaled sharply as the broken rib started throbbing. He tried to block out any and all pain he felt as he again attempted to place his feet under him. This time he was successful, but his body hurt like hell. He inhaled deeply and swallowed hard waiting for the pain to subside some. He kept his head bowed even when he heard the door to his prison being opened to admit two people. He was sure that it was Kelsham and Osiris again. He tried to prepare himself for the next onslaught of torture sure to come his way before the end of the night. He just hoped that they avoided kicking or sucker punching him in the gut. His rib hurt like hell now, another strike would make it feel extremely bad. He heard someone approach him and stand before him, Osiris no doubt. Then someone else took their place behind him. It was Kelsham, Daniel was sure of it. He jolted gasping as the damned shock device found his left side again now feeling the burning and tingling aftereffects of the jolt. Daniel mentally cursed thinking of how he'd love to shove that damned thing against Kelsham and let Kelsham see how it felt. He was not a violent person by nature, but he was about tired of that damned device. Kelsham's voice cut off his thoughts of revenge as he ordered, "Look up at your lord, human. Now!"


Daniel didn't move, instead he remained stubbornly still. Kelsham wasted no time as he reached out quickly grabbing a handful of Daniel's short hair and entwining it in his fingers for a more painful grip. He then glared into Daniel's eyes as he violently jerked Daniel's head upright. Daniel couldn't help it when he screamed as the pain in his head, that had managed to drop to a dull ache, now flew back at him with a vengeance erupting through his mind and threatening to drive him into the chasm of blackness that was patiently awaiting his return once again. Daniel clenched his eyes shut trying to fight back the pain swarming through his head. His scream turned into hissing then he fell silent still keeping his eyes clenched tightly shut wishing the pain to end while also struggling to force away any signs of pain from crossing his features. He didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing just how much pain he was actually in.


Kelsham didn't even bother to loosen his grip. He held his grip firm waiting for the prisoner to do as ordered. When Daniel managed to ignore most of the pain he was presently experiencing he opened his eyes glaring angrily at his tormentors. Kelsham smiled evilly when he saw he prisoner do as ordered. Kelsham saw the coldness and anger flashing in the man's vivid blue eyes and reacted. With his free hand he formed a fist and drove it into the man's lower left kidney. Daniel arched backwards as the strike drove into him. He didn't scream this time only winced loudly then again clenched his eyes shut so they could not see his pain reflected in them. He inhaled shakily swallowing hard as the throbbing pain slowly started to abate a little. He felt a hand on his left cheek again and attempted to jerk away from the touch knowing it was Osiris, but Kelsham showed no mercy and only yanked his head back further. Daniel left a grunt of pain slip out from between his lips and then fell silent again. He tensed as he felt the hand against his cheek and remained still. He was ready to lash out at Osiris but contained himself. Osiris' grating voice came to him as he commented, "Daniel Jackson, why must you test us again and again knowing that it is only you who will suffer more? You can end all your suffering if you would just tell me what I want to know."


"I've told you already...I know nothing..."


Daniel felt the grip in his hair intensify again and set his mouth in a grim line, resisting the urge to give voice to his suffering. His head echoed its own outrage of the cruel, cold clutch on his hair as waves of agony tore through his mind. Osiris' voice spoke again, "Why do you refuse to tell me what I want to know?"


Despite the persistent aching in Daniel's head he managed to open his eyes glaring coldly at Osiris. He hated seeing Sarah knowing that she was no longer in control of her own body. He had great difficulty seeing her for what she now was. The same thing had happened when Sha're had been taken over by Amunet. He only saw Sha're and, therefore, placed himself in some dangerous situations thinking, believing that he could some how reach his wife. He knew Sarah was a prisoner in her own body. He knew that she would never allow Kelsham to hold such an abusive grip in his hair or allow him to remain chained and imprisoned that was how he managed to separate the two. He often wondered how a creature so evil could go into the body of a woman who was so good and kind. He vowed to free Sarah. He had to reach her. He had managed to speak to her earlier today...or rather she had managed to get a message to him. He hated seeing her this way. Osiris again demanded, "Tell me!"


"I can't help you. I don't know anything."


"You lie! Tell me Doctor Jackson, how does it make you feel to see this body, to know that Sarah is no more? Do you desire this body? Did you desire her?"


Daniel felt red-hot anger and rage travel throughout his body in response to that comment and before he realized what he was doing he spit directly into Osiris' face. Then said, "Why don't you go back to hell where you came from!"


Osiris nodded to Kelsham who released Daniel's hair then faced him. Daniel saw Osiris step back and clean the spit off of his face. He glared at Kelsham as the man stepped before him staring at him with eyes full of rage. Kelsham demanded, "You will apologize to your lord, human!"


"Go to hell."


Kelsham smirked evilly at Daniel as the human dared to defy him yet again. Then without a second thought Kelsham drove a brutal, vicious kick directly into Daniel's gut. Daniel screamed as he felt the pain in his broken rib spark to life. He doubled and went down hard screaming again as the restraints on his wrists cruelly stopped his descent, jerking him viciously to a halt in mid-air. He couldn't breathe and started choking. He coughed violently and tried to keep himself from throwing up. The pain was nearly unbearable. His legs no longer supported him. The only reason he remained upright was due to the cruel chains around his wrists. He vaguely felt another strike go to his lower left kidney again then one ricocheted off of his upper left leg. He dimly realized that Kelsham was driving into him punching and kicking at him repetitively. He felt extremely lightheaded and could tell he was wheezing. God, he hoped that broken rib didn't puncture a lung. It sure felt that way. Daniel felt the darkness calling to him and he found that he wanted to fall into it. He felt himself tumbling over into that bleakness patiently awaiting his return. The last thing he heard before he was engulfed in blackness was Osiris ordering Kelsham to stop. Then he heard nothing as blackness grabbed him and dragged him mercifully under yet again... Kelsham felt outraged when the human refused to apologize to his lord then he just snapped. He started punching and kicking the human to make him suffer not paying attention to where his strikes were connecting. Then Osiris' command cut him to the quick making him stop, immediately. Kelsham looked at the human before him and noticed several areas on his body were now bleeding. He had realized he lost control beating the archaeologist harshly. He quickly bowed to his lord as he realized his mistake in letting anger take over him. Kelsham immediately apologized, "I am sorry, My Lord. I have no idea what came over me. Please forgive me."


"You may rise, Kelsham. You are forgiven."


Osiris then approached the stubborn, non-compliant human. He lifted Doctor Jackson's head up. The man was unconscious again and his breathing was some what labored. Osiris looked at the human's rib cage noticing the black ugly bruises that lay overtop. Osiris was sure the human had at least one broken rib...that would explain his labored breathing. Osiris had studied human physiology before his banishment and knew that broken and fractured ribs could become a problem. He was sure Jackson had a broken rib or two. He gently pushed on it and heard Doctor Jackson inhale shakily nearly screaming as the slight pressure was added. Osiris had a feeling Jackson might also have a few other fractured ribs as well. He looked up at Kelsham then said, "Kelsham, do not kick him in his chest area again."


"Yes My Lord."


"Another strike could cause him to have a collapsed lung. Please be careful when striking him to avoid the area."


"Yes My Lord."


"I will not use the sarcophagus until it is absolutely necessary. I want the good doctor to experience what happens to those who continually refuse to speak."


"Yes My Lord."


Osiris felt a familiar presence in his mind just then. He quickly spoke, "Kelsham, you may go."


"My Lord?" Kelsham questioned in surprise. Osiris noticed his First Prime's reaction to that statement then quickly commanded, "You are excused."


"Yes My Lord."


Osiris watched as his First Prime left the cell area. When he was sure no one was close enough to hear he walked over to the recorder and shut it down. Then he walked back over to Doctor Jackson. He gently placed his hand under Jackson's chin and slowly raised his head up again. The man was still unconscious and probably would be for quite some time.


Osiris felt...her pushing out again, trying to fight against him. Sarah would not give up her struggle. She wanted her body, her soul, back. Osiris could feel her pain and her sorrow for Doctor Jackson and cursed. He had been told that once he takes a host nothing of the host remains. Sarah was proving him wrong. She had fought against his possession bravely but eventually lost the battle...or so Osiris had thought...until his arrival on Ta-hetchet. As soon as he had arrived on this planet he could sense her presence. He could feel all of her feelings regarding Doctor Jackson. She cared for the man deeply. Osiris fought against her pushing her back and silencing her yet again. He thought he had succeeded, but he had been wrong. He had felt her presence again this morning...when he reached to touch Doctor Jackson's cheek. His intention was to make Jackson feel uncomfortable and confuse him, use his past history with Sarah against him in hopes to get the man talking. He had accessed her memories of Doctor Jackson...most of them. She shielded the ones that could hurt Jackson the most from Osiris' prying. He had wanted Jackson to remember his life with her and maybe, in remembering, it would loosen his tongue up a bit. But Jackson caught on quickly and had kicked him away. Osiris had doubled from the strike as his attempts to suppress Sarah drew his attention temporarily away from the man or he would've never got the kick in. He had been brought back to reality when Doctor Jackson's screams of anguish tore from his throat filling the room, and had looked up in time to see his First Prime drive a harsh kick to Jackson's gut. He had also heard the loud crack that had immediately followed, and had known at that instant that Kelsham had broken at least one of the younger man's ribs. He had ordered Kelsham out of the room after that. He could feel Sarah pushing to get out again. He could feel her horror and her fear at seeing Jackson collapse in agony. Her emotions were so strong, so vivid and so real that they caught Osiris totally off guard. He had managed to overtake her then momentarily, but as soon as he had grabbed the young man by his hair yanking his head upright Sarah had once again gotten the upper hand. The pain and anguish reflecting in Jackson's face drove her to break out. She had said several words to him before Osiris forced her back. As quickly as she had taken her control back Osiris had again wrenched it from her.


As he examined Doctor Jackson for broken ribs he felt her presence again and quickly ordered his First Prime out of the room. Then he shut off the recording device so no one would realize that he was still battling against his host. She was a fighter. She was strong just as Jackson had said earlier. Osiris found that he actually respected her for that, but he was not about to give her the chance to regain control of her body again. Every time Jackson screamed or pain appeared across his features she was there...pushing, desperate to get out and help him. Osiris wouldn't have it! He looked at the man before him who still labored to breathe. The man was pale and sweaty. He would probably not awake for quite some time. Osiris again felt his host silently crying for her friend. She wanted desperately to comfort Doctor Jackson. Osiris wouldn't hear of it, and he no longer wanted to feel her emotions regarding the young man who was now his prisoner. She spoke Daniel's name and Osiris became aware that she had said the name not him. Doctor Jackson must've heard her because even in his unconsciousness he found his voice and spoke, "Sarah...I"


Then he fell deeper into the valley of unconsciousness. Osiris glared down at the young man who was his captive. He said, "This is how it is going to be, Sarah, my dear. I own this body do not! If you persist in trying to reclaim it then I am afraid that Doctor Daniel Jackson will draw breath no more. I will not revive him. I will kill him. Is that understood? IS IT?"


Osiris felt Sarah retreating to the back of her mind yet again. He smirked sinisterly as he knew he had won that battle. She would not fight against him because, after all she has witnessed him do, she knows he would kill Doctor Jackson without a second thought. He felt triumphant but still sensed a remnant of her emotions regarding the young man. They would still be present just not as overwhelming. Osiris looked down at the unconscious man once more then released him and left the room leaving Doctor Jackson alone in his prison cell to suffer his pain in silence.


                                                                                  * * * *

Jotham waited until night fell heavily before he went to Doctor Jackson's cell. He told the two guards standing watch outside his prison that he was only checking on the condition of the prisoner.


As he entered the cell he heard no sounds. The young archaeologist didn't move. He only hung in silence, suspended upright by the chains encircling his wrists. As Jotham approached him he noticed that Doctor Jackson was being held up only by those chains, unlike earlier not even his legs were supporting him. He hesitantly approached Daniel fearing what he would discover. When he stood directly in front of Doctor Jackson he could hear the man's labored breathing and occasional wheezing. He didn't like the sound of that. He whispered, "Doctor Jackson? Doctor Jackson?"


He gently lifted Daniel's face up and saw that the man was presently asleep. He spoke Daniel's name again louder, but the only indication that Daniel even heard him was a moan that escaped from between Doctor Jackson's dried, cracked lips. He continued to attempt to revive the young man but couldn't get through to him. He then gently guided Daniel's head back down, not wanting to let it just flop back in place, knowing all too well the pain Daniel's head must be in. Doctor Jackson had been beaten worse than before. He could see a huge nasty black and blue mark on Daniel's lower left back lying directly over his kidney. He had been struck there several times. He also noticed the young man had multiple bruises across the expanse of his chest and sides. As he continued to survey the damage he saw that several injuries had broken the skin in several places. He also noticed that the bruise that covered the flesh overtop of Daniel's rib cage was now darker and bigger then before. He felt himself wince as he looked at the damage that had been directed there. He gently touched the area and heard Daniel nearly scream out in anguish as the simple touch ignited fresh pain across his rib cage. Doctor Jackson mumbled a hushed no then lapsed into a cough. Jotham hoped that he was awake but any attempt to get the young man to respond failed. Daniel Jackson was completely unconscious. Jotham knew he should try harder to wake the man to get liquids into him but was positive all those efforts would be futile. He made another quick sweep of Daniel's body, ascertaining the damage he had sustained up until now, then left vowing to return to check on him the next morning.


                                                                                  * * * *

As Jotham returned to Doctor Jackson's cell early the next morning he saw that the man still hung from the cruel, cold shackles that bound his wrists keeping him momentarily suspended in an upright position. The young man hadn't moved much from the previous night. Jotham again hesitantly approached him fearful that Doctor Jackson's life was seeping away from him a little bit more each day. He knew that Osiris could bring the young man back, revive him, resurrect him from the dead only to do it to him over and over again. He just hoped that Osiris wouldn't get to the point where he would make the man die repetitively. He knew that this was Osiris' plan, but unlike the other system lords, Osiris derived more pleasure from dragging out the harsh treatment. He liked to see how long his victim's could last before death found them. If Doctor Jackson were to die now Osiris would revive him again and start the cruel torture again testing Jackson's pain tolerance and his ability to remain alive under such cruel ministrations. Osiris would make it a game, experimenting on the young man, seeing if Jackson could hold out longer against his torture the next time around. Jotham shivered at those cryptic thoughts. He felt that Osiris' decision to stall Jackson's demise as long as possible was even more horrible then providing him with repeated quick deaths. Osiris liked to toy with his prisoners, and Jotham felt himself go cold at the thoughts of what all Osiris could still do to the young man before Doctor Jackson would die his first death then be resurrected for the first time. He would make Doctor Jackson's life a living nightmare, an eternal hell, with no chance of escape...doomed to be tortured brutally then killed again and again and again for as long as Osiris wanted the man around, and from what he's been hearing Osiris was just getting started. Osiris held an almost personal vendetta against the young man. He wanted Jackson to suffer and suffer for all eternity. Jotham had no idea why Osiris was so angry and so hateful towards this particular prisoner. His horrible abuse of Doctor Jackson went far beyond the norm. Something more was going on here. He was making his torture of Daniel personal. Jotham wanted to know why Osiris hated and despised the young man so much. What was it about Doctor Daniel Jackson that drove Osiris to cruelly abuse him in such a way?


Jotham's thoughts were interrupted as a moan of pain escaped from the man before him. Jotham reached out gently touching Doctor Jackson on his left cheek. Jotham jerked back as the young man suddenly yanked away from him uttering a quick, "Don't." Followed by a scream of torment as Daniel's conscious mind suddenly registered all the pain his body was presently in at once. Daniel winced and groaned trying to slow his labored breathing as any attempt to inhale or exhale sent a flood of sharp twisting agony ripping through his rib cage. Jotham heard the horrible wheezing and struggling of Doctor Jackson's breathing as he tried to find himself amongst the onslaught of severe pain his body was presently wracked with. Jotham spoke, "Doctor Jackson? Doctor Jackson, listen to my voice. Please Doctor Jackson, you must relax and try to slow your breathing down. You must try, please."


Daniel faintly heard the voice speaking to him from a great distance. He tried to respond to the simple request by opening his eyes, but any attempt to do just that sent piercing pain throughout his scalp and temples. He muttered, "Head hurts..."


Jotham looked at Daniel. He heard the hoarse reply to his gentle urgings. He was positive the man's head hurt severely. Exposure to the shock device was extremely painful, even to a Tok'ra who carried a symbiote within him. It would cause a human excruciating torment. Even at a lower setting the device was very cruel and very agonizing. The aftereffects of such a weapon was sometimes even worse then the actual application of the device to flesh. The pain that the crafty torture device provided was extremely agonizing. It was usually placed at the base of the neck to cause the most excruciating torment and damage into the body that it was capable of emitting. It would start out at the base of the neck sending a painful, gut-wrenching wave of severe electrical current down the spine of its victim directing shooting pain to each individual limb, rendering the victim helpless, paralyzing the victim and locking him into extreme convulsions. The charge of the device left its victim to writhe and twitch several minutes after its discharge. What remained after the convulsing and writhing ended was a very extreme migraine and the body feeling as if it was broken and cut up into thousands of tiny shreds, burned from the inside out. The Goa’uld made the device so powerful to use on their own kind. A symbiote could handle more pain then one without a larva, to counteract the higher pain tolerance of the symbiote the device was created. If a person was a host then the device placed at the back of the neck was placed directly above where part of the symbiote was entwined in its host's spinal cord and brain. On a person without a symbiote placing the device there ignited all the nerve endings sending the vicious, ravening wave of electricity slicing deep into the person causing excessive pain and subjugating the victim to severe, twisting, unending torment.


As Jotham examined Daniel he couldn't miss the severe burns located at the base of the man's neck where the device had previously been applied. This was most likely another reason why the young archaeologist continued to fall prey to unconsciousness and struggled to respond. The aftereffects of the device still caused pain in him even now hanging heavily within him refusing to give him even a moment's solace. Jotham noticed several other areas on Daniel's body where burns lay. He could tell by an older burn that the man had been exposed to the crude device more than once since his captivity here.


As Doctor Jackson stilled yet again Jotham was sure the young man was unconscious. He spoke softly, "I will come back, Doctor Jackson. You are in desperate need of water. I will return in hopes that you will finally be alert enough to drink some water... For now you just rest, all right? Rest."


Jotham turned to leave when Daniel's hoarse scratchy voice called him back, "Wait..."


Daniel again attempted to moisten his dry lips with his tongue so that he could speak at least a little bit. He tried to call Jotham back and coughed violently for his efforts. Jotham stopped and quickly approached the man. He asked, "Are you still awake, Doctor Jackson?"




Jotham watched as the young archaeologist attempted to lift his head upright to make eye contact. Jotham couldn't help but notice just how much of a struggle that simple movement was becoming for the younger man. He gently reached over to Daniel and slowly lifted his face up to help in the man's attempts to make eye contact. As the man's vivid blue eyes looked deeply, penetratingly, into his own he couldn't miss the look of gratefulness the younger man provided him for that small gesture of aid.


Daniel struggled to look up at Jotham, but the task seemed almost too much. Any movement of his head seemed to send sharp pain into his mind and made his vision swim before him. Just when he was about to give up the feeble attempt to raise his head he felt the gentle touch of the Tok'ra spy as the man placed his hand gently under Daniel's chin and slowly helped him raise his head. God, he couldn't even lift his own damned head the pain was so damned severe! Daniel had a strong feeling that a lot of the constant pressure inside his skull was due to that damned torture device being rammed at the base of his neck. He hated that device. It provided pain when connecting anywhere on his body but the pain was tolerable. When the device was placed at the back of his neck the device nearly rendered him unconscious with the extreme, brutal jolts of electric it sent pulsating down his spine, into every nerve, to each of his limbs and to his head. He would find himself screaming in response and not even realize it was himself that was screaming as the device cruelly lashed out at him attacking his body every where and sending him head long into painful convulsions. The convulsions were the worst. His body would freeze up on him only mere moments before the convulsions would begin. Then his body would begin to jolt and jerk in response to such extreme pain. The convulsions seemed to last the longest. Then finally he was released from them and falling downwards, as the chains stopped his descent, he could feel his body begin to twitch. His arms and legs would begin to spasm. Finally, when the horrendous spasms and shivers started to subside his head would begin throbbing excessively. The device was horrible and subdued very quickly. Daniel found that he was extremely glad it was not a favorite weapon of his present tormentor.


He focused on Jotham. The older man looked at him with concern and worry very evident on his features. Daniel even saw a tinge of fear in the older man. He knew how bad he looked and how bad his situation was when he saw that fear. He tried to block it out. Jotham interrupted his thoughts, "I have water, Doctor Jackson..."


Daniel found that he desperately needed water. His throat was very scratchy and swallowing was harder then before. His mouth was excessively dry, and he could feel his lips were cracked in a few places. He tried to nod his head but only clenched his eyes tightly shut as the severe pain in his head washed over him again. Jotham gently released Daniel's chin guiding his head down towards his chest so it didn't snap and cause the man more pain. He grabbed the water he brought down with him then returned to the man's side once again gently placing his hand under Daniel's chin helping him to raise his head. He spoke softly, "As I said before you must drink slowly... Try sipping at the water, Doctor Jackson. It will hurt and your body will try to expel it again. You must try your best to keep down what little I can get into your system.  Are you ready?"


Daniel thought a moment about nodding his head but the ache in it presently told him of what would happen if he did so. He only blinked. Jotham placed the glass to his lips and slowly tilted it. It wasn’t long before the cool liquid flowed between his cracked lips. As he tried to swallow the pathetically small amount of the life-saving liquid his throat protested. He coughed violently clenching his eyes shut as the pain found him again. He waited for the pain to subside some. Then looked at Jotham. Jotham smiled gently then said, "Good...good you managed to keep it down. Here drink some more..."


Daniel obeyed. Over the next several minutes that was what happened Daniel would sip the water, cough and then Jotham would calmly urge him and encourage him to try to drink more. Gently coaxing the young man into obedience. Soon Daniel knew he couldn't drink anymore without the risk of expelling the miniscule amount that he had managed to already get in him. He tried to turn his head then spoke just above a whisper, "No more...not"


"All right...we will try later."


"Thank you...again..."


"You are quite welcome, Doctor Jackson."


" me...Daniel..."


"As you wish...Doctor Jack...Daniel... You had better try to get some rest. I am going to slowly lower your head again, all right?"




Jotham did so then said, "Doctor...Daniel, you must hold on. They are coming; I am sure of it. You must hold on. I will try to get you out when it is safer... You must hang in there. Now get some rest. You need it."


Daniel had no argument there as he slowly closed his eyes. Soon his breathing slowed and Jotham was sure the young man was again asleep. He could still hear the man wheezing and became more worried about that rib cage. He had to get Doctor Jackson out of here and soon. But if he was not careful and they were captured while attempting to flee Jotham would be thrown in the dungeons unable to offer the young scientist any aid, and without his aid Daniel would not get much water or food. Osiris would also direct all of his anger towards Daniel for the escape even though he was not solely responsible for the attempt. Jotham could not risk it until he was positive it was safer. He didn't even want to think of how many times Doctor Jackson would die a slow, painful death only to be revived, brought back to life, by the power of the sarcophagus and again made to suffer another long, painful death over and over...and over again. He felt ice-cold chills shudder in his body at the thought of the young man suffering such vicious cruelty.


Jotham waited until Daniel was again asleep. He didn't want to leave until he was sure the man slept. He then quickly gathered his things and left the room.


                                                                                  * * * *

Aboard the small agile Tel'tak ship Jacob Carter found himself becoming extremely worried for their missing friend. It was going on a week now since Daniel Jackson had been abducted from P3X-173 by the god Osiris. Seven days...the man had been gone for seven days so far and would not be freed for at least another three. They were close to Ta-hetchet but still several days out. Jacob hated knowing Daniel had at least three more days and nights on that planet. He prayed that the young archaeologist was being held there or this mission would be for nothing. If he wasn't on that planet... Jacob hated to think of the alternative...dying a thousand brutal, cruel, horrible deaths only to be given life again so that it could again be wrenched away...a lot could happen in three days. He found himself wondering just how many times Jackson probably suffered his own death already at the hands of Osiris. He hoped that Daniel hadn't died at all yet. Then found himself wondering which would be more damaging in the long run: dying again and again quickly and being resurrected repetitively or being made to suffer, having his treatment being dragged out for as long as possible before death would come as a blessing. Then once Daniel would finally find peace he would be again arising from the sarcophagus made to suffer another long and hard death knowing the inevitable was sure to come but not knowing when or how.


Jacob shut off his distressing thoughts as he heard the voice of his daughter speaking behind him, "Dad, are you okay?"


He turned to look at his daughter in concern. She was very afraid for her friend, but she hid it well. The pain and fear of Daniel's fate rested heavily in her mind and in her heart. All her years of military training would not allow her to break down...yet, but Jacob was no fool. He could tell that she has not been sleeping well. She looked exhausted. He was sure that part of that reason was because she knew, or had an idea, of what Daniel was now going through. Selmac even agreed with him on that point. Selmac was the Tok'ra symbiote that Jacob now carried inside himself and shared his life with. He had been dying on Earth of cancer when his daughter suggested something he thought was totally impossible...traveling to different worlds way beyond the reaches of known space. It was more then he could've ever hoped for. She seemed so happy and excited. She loved her job despite the risks of meeting hostiles at every turn.  Selmac had been dying and Sam came to him telling him of the Tok'ra and what she had been doing with her life these last few years. She had explained to him how the symbiote Selmac needed a new host to continue living. Her host was dying. Jacob had met the Tok'ra and spoke with them about what it would mean to have a symbiote within himself. He agreed to the implantation and here he was now sharing his life, his body, with his symbiote Selmac. He was the liaison between Earth and the Tok'ra and he took his new position very seriously. He looked at Sam again gently questioning, "Are you all right, Sam?"


"Sure dad...but what about you?"


"Sam, I know that you're far from all right."


"No dad, I'm fine... Really."


"Sam, you know what Daniel is suffering through. You know how he’s being tortured. You know how it feels. How can you be fine knowing exactly what Daniel is suffering through at the hands of Osiris?"


"I'm...I'm fine dad."




Sam looked at her father feeling tears welling up, accumulating at the edges of her eyes. Tears she swore she would not shed. She vowed to keep her emotions in check but as a lone tear rolled down across her left cheek she couldn't stop the flood. Jacob pulled his daughter against him holding her as she shed tears of pain and anger for Daniel and his present suffering. She knew what Daniel was going through all right. She knew some of what he was going through, and she knew the pain and anguish he must be feeling. She held the memories of Jolinar inside her mind. Jolinar's memories revealed to her just how cruel the Goa'uld were when torturing their victims. She remembered, all too clearly, their mission to Netu. They went to Netu, Sokhar's world...It was literally hell. Her dad had been taken prisoner on one of his missions and sent to the planet. SG-1 rescued him from that horrible planet. They had needed to access Jolinar's memories, the memories of the symbiote that Sam had only carried inside herself for a short time before the symbiote gave its life so that she could continue living. Jolinar had been a Tok'ra spy who had been captured and sent to Hell. She was the only one to have ever escaped that horrible place. They had needed to access those memories of Jolinar's in order to figure out how she had escaped. It was the only way off of the planet. There were no Stargates there. The only way on or off the planet was through the teleport rings. Jolinar had escaped so they accessed the memories Sam carried within her to help in their own escape. While Sam was under the influence of the memory recall device she had flashes and images of Jolinar's suffering. She clearly recalled Jolinar being tortured by that Goa'uld shock device. The device looked almost like a cow prod and when it was applied to the flesh it burned and shocked. Sam had felt and experienced Jolinar's extreme pain as she had been jolted by one of those devices. Sam kept telling herself that Daniel would never be exposed to that crude device but she knew, was positive, it has been or will be used on him. Those thoughts scared her to death. As she would try to sleep other images of Jolinar's torture would enter her mind. She couldn't stop them as they seized her. In her dreams she would see Jolinar and then Daniel. She tried not to sleep so she wouldn't have to see Jolinar's torture or hear her screams, so she wouldn't see that image of Jolinar becoming Daniel...


Jacob held his daughter until she started to regain control of herself. Teal'c entered saying, "Major Carter..."


When he realized he had intruded on a private moment between father and daughter he quickly apologized, "I am sorry," then he turned to leave. Sam said, "Teal'c wait."


As he turned back he saw Sam hastily wipe the remainder of tears off of her face. He didn't even have to ask what those tears were for. She had been crying...for Daniel Jackson. He nodded his head as she approached him. He noticed how she nervously tried to cover up the fact that she had been crying just a moment ago. Teal'c looked at her then gently said, "Major Carter, do not be ashamed for caring. Daniel Jackson is important to all of us. He is a very close friend.  You have every right to feel sad for him."


Sam struggled to leave a feeble smile escape. She said, "Thanks Teal'c."


He again inclined his head. He was, himself, very worried for their young friend. He, like Sam, knew what Daniel was now going through. He heard Major Carter speak, "Teal'c..."


"Yes Major Carter?"


"Do you...I mean... Does Daniel's disappearance...uh..."


Teal'c sensed what she was saying then answered, "Yes Major Carter, I too know how he is suffering. The disappearance of Daniel Jackson is very disturbing to me."


"But you don't seem..."


"Major Carter, years of working as First Prime of Apophis taught me how to suppress all feelings, whether good or bad. I was trained to not show feelings of any kind, and I have great difficulty in changing that aspect of myself. I do not show how Daniel's disappearance makes me feel, but I can tell you that I feel his loss greatly. Daniel is also a part of my family Samantha."


Then Teal'c left feeling very uncomfortable with what he had just revealed to her. Sam could only say, "He's never...that's the first time..."


"What Sam?"


"He called me Samantha...and used only Daniel's first name. He..."


"Sam, Teal'c is taking this just as hard as everyone else. He knows better than any of us what extremes the Goa'uld will take to extract information from prisoners. He knows better tha any of us what Daniel is being exposed to..."


A loud retort of, "Son of a bitch!" echoed down the corridor of the ship. They all knew that Colonel Jack O'Neill was the one cursing. Sam glanced at Jacob sensing that Jack was angrier with himself then anything for losing Daniel on P3X-173. She was very worried about Jack. Jack kept all his emotions and feelings locked up deep inside of himself. He rarely left raw emotion come to the surface. She was sure he was blaming himself for what had happened on that planet.


Teal'c had been walking down the hall when he heard the familiar curse. He recognized the voice of Jack immediately, and went to his friend. He entered the room seeing Jack holding his left wrist in his right hand. He was glaring downwards unmoving, staring off into space. Teal'c interrupted, "O'Neill, are you all right?"


Jack looked up at his silent friend and responded, "Yeah Teal'c, I'm fine."


"Are you sure, O'Neill?"


"Yes," came his quick retort. Teal'c raised his eyebrow knowing that Jack was not fine. Jack rarely raised his voice to Teal'c. Teal'c knew the man blamed himself for Daniel's abduction. He spoke up, "O'Neill, there was nothing you could have done for Daniel Jackson. It is not your fault that he was taken prisoner by Osiris."


Jack eyed up Teal'c with a mix of suspicion and anger on his face. How did he do that? How did Teal'c know exactly what was bothering him? He sighed heavily saying, "It is my fault, Teal'c. I should've been more alert. It was my choice, my decision, to go back for Osiris. Daniel even told me, even asked me, if I thought that decision was wise...I didn't listen to him. All I could think of was that if this snakehead got off of the planet we would have one more enemy to fight. I left him."


"From what you have told me O'Neill, Daniel Jackson agreed with your decision and told you that he would return to help you destroy Osiris. Is this not what happened?"


"Yes that's what happened."


"So why is it your fault?"


"Because I should've listened to him."


"Did we just not agree that Daniel Jackson supported your decision? O'Neill, Kalvin told us upon being transported via the rings that Daniel Jackson went searching for you to help you destroy the Goa'uld. He did not take the transport rings. He chose to stay and help you. He made that choice. Daniel Jackson knew the risks of helping you and he chose to accept those risks. I am sure that he does not blame you for what has happened to him."


"He doesn't have to blame me. I blame myself!"


"Why do you blame yourself if even Daniel Jackson does not blame you?"


"Daniel is a member of my team, under my command. My job, my duty, is to protect the members of my team, to look out for their benefits, to keep them out of harms way. I failed in my duty, and I failed as Daniel's friend when I left him on that planet."


"O'Neill, none of this is your fault. You must not blame yourself for what has happened..."


"Well, I do blame myself Teal'c!" snapped Jack in reply.


"You are on a dangerous path, O'Neill. Guilt can destroy you. Why will you not learn to forgive yourself and stop taking on the responsibilities that you do not need to take on?"


Jack said nothing else so Teal'c left the room leaving Jack to the disruptive thoughts traveling through his mind of what his young friend was now enduring under Osiris' imprisonment.


                                                                                  * * * *

Daniel Jackson slowly awoke not sure what brought him to consciousness. He could still feel the pain throughout his entire body and his ribs making his chest feel tighter and the muscles tense. He couldn't really feel his arms anymore. They were numb from the shackles cutting off circulation and from being made to remain in such a painful position for so long. He knew though that as soon as he moved them the pain would come back in torturous waves. He coughed and winced as in doing so his whole body seemed to shake igniting pain where he had hoped was no more. He heard the approach of footsteps and was positive Osiris was again returning to pick up the interrogation where he had left off the previous day. Daniel felt himself tense up some in fear, some in rage, some in uncertainty of what Osiris had planned for him next. He attempted to place his feet under him, surprised he succeeded on the first try, but he could feel the pain in his body beginning to escalate. He heard the clanging of the cell door being unlocked and being pulled open to admit his visitor, or visitors. Daniel literally forced his head upwards gritting his teeth to keep from screaming out as pain exploded in his head. He managed to lift his head up without a sound and glared coldly towards his tormentors. He noticed that both Kelsham and Osiris looked shocked that he was actually awake and alert. He felt a small triumph inside himself but kept his feelings well hidden.


Osiris approached Daniel saying, "Well, I am most impressed, Doctor Jackson. I was not sure you would be awake."


"You'll find I'm full of surprises," Daniel spoke out in a clipped voice.


Osiris looked at him making a quick sweep of the young man's body trying to ascertain just how much more pain would be too much. He spoke again, "And so I am discovering. You are much stronger than I had first expected from you. You will not die. You are definitely most stubborn."


Daniel continued to glare at Sarah...Osiris he silently chided himself. Osiris found himself smirking. Yes, Daniel Jackson was indeed full of surprises. He never expected the man to be able to awake let alone get to his feet and speak after the previous days' beating he had endured. He hated to admit it, but he found that he was truly impressed with the young man's spirit. This one would prove very interesting to tame. He would break the man; he vowed to. Osiris found that he liked the challenge his newest prisoner was turning out to be. He would derive much pleasure in making Daniel Jackson suffer endlessly until his body no longer drew breath only to revive him yet again and make him suffer even longer the next time. He felt himself getting anxious with anticipation as he thought of the many years of entertainment he would get out of the man's suffering. He heard Sarah mutter a no to that thought. Osiris' eyes glowed white as he directed pain to his host in an attempt to silence her complaints. This host was so damned stubborn. She refused to remain silent. Osiris sent a message to her mentally, 'Daniel Jackson will die if you do not stop fighting me, and his death will not be easy…'


The threat served to subdue her...for the time being. He sensed that she would again attempt to fight him, but not now. Now she was silent. Now he could interrogate Doctor Jackson without interference. He spoke evenly, "Have you thought of what your choice will be? I can end this pain you are in. All I have to do is place you in a sarcophagus and you will be healed; your punishment will be gone. Tell me what I want to know, and I will do this for you."




Daniel jolted wincing as he felt the damned shock device being rammed against his lower back. He felt sudden fear in his mind as he remembered how it felt when that connected with the base of his neck. He tried his best to conceal the sudden fear and anxiety from welling up inside of himself. He managed to keep that fear and anxiety contained.


Osiris smirked evilly at Doctor Jackson then said, "Come now Doctor Jackson, it is a simple request. Tell me what I want to know."


"I know nothing."


Daniel winced clenching his eyes shut as he felt that damned device connecting with his back again. This time it felt like it was higher up on his back. Osiris stepped up to Daniel raising his hand above Daniel's forehead. Daniel could only stare at the Goa'uld hand device shimmering sinisterly as if to mock him. He tensed himself in preparation should the device be used. Osiris continued, "You only have two options. Tell me or suffer."


"I don't know anything."


That was it Daniel saw the device come to life and prepared to steel himself against the wave of nausea and pain he knew would sweep through his already aching mind. He couldn't help it when his scream pierced the air as the hand device drilled into his mind, sending every nerve on end and making what was a tolerable headache in the beginning overwhelming. He saw blackness and felt himself sinking. He struggled not to pass out and felt the pain in his mind triple. He started seeing white spots before his vision as, unlike before Osiris did not shut off the device. Daniel began to wonder if this was it. Was this going to be his first death? Just as he felt ready to pass out the device was suddenly turned off. Daniel was aware of screaming coming from somewhere and realized it was his own screams that were piercing the room. He left his head fall forward panting as his breath came in short gasps. He could feel his lungs protesting the quick pattern of breathing. His broken rib felt like it was digging into his lungs as he labored to regain his already restricted breathing. He vowed not to black out...not yet. He could feel a warm stream of wetness running from his nose and as the stream flowed down over his upper lip he could taste it. It was a metallic taste. Daniel knew that it was blood. His nose was bleeding again. He could feel sweat breaking out all over his body, and could hear his own labored breathing. Just hearing his own struggles made him feel a bit uneasy.


Osiris was patient. He waited for his prisoner to regain his breathing knowing the ribs were contributing to his laboring. Osiris knew Doctor Jackson had at least one broken rib and was sure he had several cracked or fractured ribs, as well as some badly bruised ones. Osiris could hear the wheezing and gasping in Jackson's labored breath. The young man would not last much longer. He was certain he would have to prepare the sarcophagus for Doctor Jackson's resurrection soon. Finally, the man's breathing returned to a somewhat normal rhythm. Osiris waited to see if his prisoner had the strength to again lift his head. He felt certain that this time Jackson would be unsuccessful in doing so.


Daniel tried to ignore the pain and push it out of his mind. He struggled to look back up at Osiris and managed to do just that. Osiris was again surprised as Doctor Jackson raised his head. He spoke aloud without thought, "Most impressive Doctor Jackson, most impressive."


Daniel only glared harsher at Osiris. Osiris again smiled sinisterly at him then touched the side of Daniel's face. Daniel retaliated by spitting in Osiris' face again and ordering, "Don't touch me!" screaming as he felt something sharp and piercing suddenly penetrate deep into his lower left kidney, imbedding in his flesh. Kelsham ordered, "Apologize human!"


"I'd rather die," Daniel uttered in a pain-laced voice. He felt a wave of blackness washing over himself but fought it back. He screamed as the sharp object in his back was suddenly yanked out. He left his head drop forward then heard movement. He could feel blood seeping out of the new wound near his kidney. Kelsham stepped before him then pressed a sharp object against his throat. Daniel knew all too well what object had just been placed against his throat: a knife, and as he opened his eyes he realized it was HIS knife…the one that he always carried in the side of his boot. Every member of the SGC who disembarked carried a knife and usually two guns. When his shirt and jacket had been removed earlier in the week Kelsham had searched him for any other weapons and upon finding the knife had confiscated it immediately.  Daniel winced as Kelsham pressed the knife harsher against his throat glaring at him menacingly before ordering, "Apologize to your lord."




Kelsham lashed out, grabbing a fistful of Daniel's short hair, again showing no mercy as he whipped Daniel's head backwards. Daniel screamed as his head was wrenched backwards by his hair. He clenched his eyes tightly shut knowing, sensing that he would not remain conscious much longer. As another wave of dizziness swept through him he very nearly did follow it, about to let the dizziness swallow him up, until he felt the deadly blade of his very own knife cutting into his neck. He winced swallowing hard as Kelsham moved the blade only slightly opening up a small cut on the right side of his throat. Again he heard Kelsham's order, "Apologize to your god!"




The knife suddenly disappeared from his throat and was rammed into his right shoulder. Daniel groaned loudly trying desperately to keep himself from screaming out as the blade dug into flesh and muscle. He braced himself, the best he could in his present condition, for the extraction of the knife. Osiris' voice boomed as he yelled, "KELSHAM!"


Kelsham's eyes moved to the left as he heard his god saying his name. It was a warning to stop what he was doing. Kelsham glared at Daniel then, without showing any mercy, he violently yanked the knife out of Daniel's shoulder causing Daniel to cry out in pain. Daniel felt warm blood gushing from the newest wound and prayed it would stop bleeding soon.


Kelsham took the now bloody blade of the knife and wiped the blood off on Daniel's pants then put it away. Osiris approached Daniel once more saying evenly, "When will you learn to obey and not fight? You will be spending an eternity with Kelsham and I. We can kill you as many times as we would like, and we will bring you back again and again. You will be tortured repetitively... You are a prisoner, Doctor Jackson. You have no escape. There is no escape for you. Your friends will not come for you. They do not know where I have taken you. I made sure they could not possibly follow. Soon your people, the Tau'ri, will forget you. You will not get away. You should not anger Kelsham. He will be by my side throughout all my days...and your days. There is no escape for you Doctor Jackson, and there never will be. It is in your best interest to speak of what you know. I will consider sparing you should you decide to tell me what I want to hear... Now tell me Doctor Jackson, where is Isis?"


"I have no idea," came Daniel's scornful reply.


Osiris backhanded Daniel causing him to jerk violently against his chains, and his head began to throb intensely. He could feel blood pumping furiously in his mind and knew that blackness would soon beckon him once more. Osiris continued but Daniel only vaguely heard his question, "I will ask you again... Where is my mate?"


Daniel didn't even realize that he spoke as he muttered, "I don't...know..."


"You lie! Where are you holding my queen?"


"Don't know..." mumbled Daniel.


Osiris glared coldly at the human. He was so damned stubborn! Why did he continue to refuse to give him the answers he sought? Osiris glared at Daniel noticing that the human was fighting just to remain conscious. He demanded, "Where is my queen, Doctor Jackson? Tell me!"


Daniel could hear his voice as he yelled, "I DON’T KNOW!"


"Tell me what I want to know!"


"I DON’T KNOW!" Daniel yelled again in rage.


Then Daniel kicked out at Osiris in anger. Osiris went down hard. Kelsham responded by ramming the shock device directly into the back of his neck, and Daniel couldn't stop himself as he screamed out in pure anguish, rage and agony as the device sent a violent shockwave of pain rippling down his spine and throughout his entire body. DAMN! He had forgotten about that fuckin' device already! He hated that device it was worse than the ribbon device. He screamed out again as the electrical current elicited from the device traveled at rapid speed throughout his body sending him headlong into the vicious, violent spasms of convulsions. He felt nauseated and ill as his body started to convulse wickedly in response to the crude torture device. He tensed up trying to some how prepare himself for what would soon follow. The convulsions were only the second stage of the crude device's horrible affects. He knew what would come next: the twitching and jerking of his limbs in response to the pain. He felt blinding white-hot pain sear into his skull creating burning anguish in its wake. Daniel saw inky blackness grabbing at him, reaching for him, taunting him at the same time it begged for him to follow. He succumbed to that ever-encompassing darkness because within the darkness at least he could find some temporary solace from the horrid anguish now seizing his entire being. He was faintly aware that his head was falling forward rapidly. Then he was gone as this time he didn't remain awake to feel himself writhing and twitching or feel his muscles spasm in their protest of the cruel pain they were being subjected to. He no longer heard anything, saw anything...he was completely unconscious. His breathing was again extremely difficult as he began to gasp from the pain and anguish of the torture device.


Kelsham saw the human's head flop forward as he lost consciousness. He waited until the human's legs buckled out from under him before pulling the device away. He stood glaring coldly at the human who now once again hung only by his shackled wrists. He didn't move, only hung there completely unconscious. Kelsham listened to the human's labored breathing and smiled evilly...maybe he would die today then they could resurrect him and punish him all over again. He gave the human one last disgusted look before he went over to his lord helping him to his feet.


When Osiris recovered from the strike he looked over at Doctor Jackson. He was so angry that the human got in another very good kick that he viciously swatted the recorder. Then he spoke ordering a guard to enter then ordered him to fire his staff weapon at the human. The guard raised his staff weapon preparing to kill the human when Osiris changed his mind saying, "No. Do not kill him yet. Shoot him in the leg...make it a flesh wound."


"Yes My Lord," with that said the guard fired the weapon. Daniel screamed out in his unconscious state as he felt the burning, searing slice of the Jaffa staff weapon striking his upper left leg. His mind registered that he had been shot, but he could do nothing about it.


Osiris checked the new flesh wound noticing that the flesh still burned where the wound now lay. He smirked wickedly when he saw that the wound was only minor, a grazing shot that would heal nicely without scarring, even without using the sarcophagus, but it would hurt like hell. Osiris then turned leaving the room and his prisoner to suffer his anguish and torment alone.


Kelsham glanced once again at the human smirking even broader than before when he saw the nasty staff burn. He started to chuckle then followed his lord out of the cell.


                                                                                  * * * *

As Jotham later entered the room he paled seeing the new raw exposed bloody flesh of Doctor Jackson's upper left leg. He ran over to Doctor Jackson fearing that his first death was close at hand. He felt for a pulse and felt it beating stronger than he expected. He noticed that Daniel wasn't struggling as much as before with his breathing...this at least was a good sign. He noticed that Daniel wasn't unconscious now in fact he slept deeply. Jotham wondered if Daniel had slipped from unconsciousness into a deep sleep and as he examined the newest injuries to Doctor Jackson's body it was confirmed: another burn lay on the flesh at the base of Daniel's neck. He was positive the young man was no longer unconscious only in a very deep state of rest. He was glad for that. Deep sleep was better than the sleep of unconsciousness and Doctor Jackson needed all the sleep he could possibly get. His latest injuries could prove to be the death of him. He noticed a new wound on Daniel's shoulder and lower kidney. They looked like stab wounds. Jotham prayed Doctor Jackson's friends would soon find him. They had to find him. He was growing weaker and death was closing in. He prayed that they would find him before Osiris began killing him and resurrecting him. He hated to think of what would befall Daniel if no one ever came for him. He would have to blow his cover. He wouldn't be able to watch Daniel being returned to life then beaten this badly if not worse all over again only to die, be brought back to life and again made to suffer. It would never end; the cycle of life, death, resurrection and torture would never end for Daniel Jackson. His life was going to be hell, a nightmare existence; he’d be a prisoner for all eternity unless he was rescued or Jotham got him out. He would not allow Daniel to be condemned to a life of unending torture.


He stood just watching the young man, listening to his still shaky breathing and watching him. He could tell just by studying the young man how much Daniel was suffering. He scanned Doctor Jackson's body again staring in shock when he saw the amount of blood that ran down Daniel's arms from his severely chafed cut up wrists. Doctor Jackson looked so weak and frail hanging there. The young man was a fighter. Most people would've given up when the ribs cracked and broke, but not Daniel. He still hung there struggling against his labored breathing. Most of the injuries on Doctor Jackson's body were induced solely for the purpose of causing him agony. The worst injury right now was the ribs. His ribs were cracked and badly bruised. The other severe injury was the side effects left behind from the use of the shock device. It left the young archaeologist extremely weak, filled with pain, and left with an extreme migraine for several days after application. The other major concern was Doctor Jackson's dehydration and starvation. The young archaeologist hasn't eaten in over five days and he provided the man with water, but Doctor Jackson could only swallow a little. Lack of nourishment and liquid only heightened the danger Daniel was already in, heightened it and weakened him even further. He felt the young man's forehead, which felt slightly warm. A touch of fever was with him, but it was still relatively low key, but of course his fever would not remain so low grade for very long.


Jotham stayed with Daniel for a bit longer. There was little he could do for the man. The man was in a deep state of rest. Jotham didn't have the heart to wake him. He also didn't want to leave the man alone, so he remained watching over Daniel for a time before finally deciding he had better leave or he would risk discovery. As he neared the cell door he took one last glance at Daniel before leaving. He would have to come back and hope that Daniel will be alert enough to accept some of the precious water and food he so badly needed to get in his system to survive.


                                                                                  * * * *

Daniel vaguely heard someone approaching his cell early the next morning. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard a whispered warning. Osiris and Kelsham were most likely back again to continue what they had started days ago. He felt himself tense as a wave of anxiety and fear swept over him. What would they do to him now?  He was sure whatever they did it would be far from pleasant. He pushed his fear to the back of his mind and opened his eyes to slits immediately seeing the floor of the room doing a crazy pitch as paralyzing pain pierced the dark recesses of his mind. He clenched his eyes shut waiting for his world to right itself. Then he tried again opening his eyes. He struggled to place his feet under his body gritting his teeth and wincing as he felt the newest pain in his upper left leg. He could see the nasty flesh wound marring his body and was sure it was given to him courtesy of Osiris...probably his punishment for lashing out and kicking the Goa'uld yesterday. It burned and seared like a son of a bitch, but he tried not to notice. He again struggled to place his feet under him. He managed to get his right leg under him, despite the painful bruising there that he had received from Kelsham the other day, but his left leg struggled to comply with his demands. He heard his cell door open and footsteps echo in the room as someone entered. He struggled to glance up, but as he did so his head pounded its loud complaints at the attempt. Daniel gritted his teeth preparing to try again and this time managed to raise his head at least high enough to see the one now before him. He stared ice daggers towards Osiris as he saw the Goa'uld now standing before him.


Osiris glared back at Jackson then said, "I am growing impatient with you, Doctor Jackson. Your insolence will be the death of you yet. I am going to enjoy the next thousand years of your suffering by my hand. The sarcophagus can guarantee you will live only to suffer again and again for as long as I choose to keep you. How long do you believe you could hold on before I break you? How many times do you have to suffer and die before you are driven totally insane? Doctor Jackson, you may go free if you would tell me what I want to know."


"I've already told you...I don't know anything."


Daniel noticed Sarah's eyes suddenly glow bright white and watched as the ribbon device was raised above his forehead. Daniel tensed up horribly preparing himself for the agony he knew was sure to follow. He stared at the device watching as it sparked and came to life. He would not scream. He vowed not to scream. In the next instant overwhelming torment filled his mind as the device drilled deep into his brain feeling as if it were burning a hole right through his skull. Daniel wanted to scream but found he couldn’t even voice it. The device held him in its grip drilling into his mind, seizing him in its painful wretched hold forcing all thoughts to shatter to the far recesses of his own mind. He started to breathe deeply trying to fight the inkiness and dizziness threatening to grab him and pull him under.


Osiris didn't remove the device. He only glared at Daniel Jackson, a murderous gleam in his eyes, as the device now held the young man transfixed, captivated, in its painful grip. He felt rage fill him and wanted to kill Daniel this time. Kill him just for the satisfaction and then bring him back from the dead only to do this to him all over again. He chuckled evilly as Jackson's body went slack and his eyes started to drift shut as death threatened to take the young man on a journey to the other side...


Daniel tried to struggle against the firm grip of pain that the device held him temporarily transfixed in. He felt the agony only increase as the device drilled deeper and deeper into his head. He could feel his senses starting to disappear, feel blackness threatening to overtake him. He started to see blinding light before his vision and hear buzzing, a very insistent buzzing, in his head. When Osiris did not remove the device Daniel froze and before he realized it an anguished scream tore free from his lips piercing the air in his prison cell. His screams of terror and agony bounced off of the walls. He wondered what was going on. Who was screaming? He suddenly realized those screams of torment were coming from himself. He felt his body start to go lax then saw the images beginning to flash ever so slowly in his mind: his wife Sha're on their wedding day, Jack reaching over to pat him on the shoulder smiling at him and telling him that he did good, Sam laughing as they sat around the room chatting, Teal'c looking at him with respect in his eyes and nodding his head... Images and more images filled his mind as the pain started to hit its apex. Daniel was positive his first death was about to occur. He was positive that this was it. He knew that he would awake again healthy and alive only to be tortured again. He was prepared for death when suddenly the device was shut off. Daniel watched through slitted eyelids as Osiris' hand flew violently backwards away from him almost as if someone had just seized Osiris’ arm and used immense strength to yank the hand away. As the invading darkness consumed him and the pain sent him on a downward spiral to oblivion, Daniel only thought of one thing... Sarah had saved him.


                                                                                  * * * *

Sarah was still there in her body. She remained in the back of herself, the back of her own mind. She at first didn't understand what was happening to her the day Osiris took control. She had been extremely curious as to what the canopic jar had contained. She had remembered Daniel teasing when they were young that curiosity killed the cat and that her curiosity would get her into trouble. Daniel was just as curious as she was. Their curiosity was part of what drew them together. She remembered Daniel telling her the story of Pandora. Pandora had been given a box and was told never to open it, but her curiosity won out. She had opened the box and everything escaped, except for hope. She had trapped hope inside, which provided all mankind with hope. As Sarah had prepared to break the seal of the jar she had remembered that story so clearly as if Daniel, himself, were standing there in the room telling it to her. She should've listened to his warnings because now it was too late. She had opened the canopic jar and had felt horrid pain as what felt like a snake entered her body. In that instant she had felt the invasion of a second mind within herself so different and so foreign to her own. She had been confused, not sure of what had happened. Soon she had crept into a small spot in the back of her own mind retreating as another mind, another soul, seized her body. She fought against the intruder but to no avail. She retreated then as if in a dream. She was a silent witness to all the horrible things Osiris, as she soon learned was the intruder in her own body, did. It was as if she were trapped in a dream, or rather a living nightmare. She could see herself doing things, but could not stop herself.


She still remembered the day she had boarded a plane to Cairo and found herself in one of Osiris' temples. As she entered she saw her friend, Doctor Stephen Raynor, approach the far wall of the temple then she felt Osiris take his control. She watched helplessly as Stephen was flung viciously to the ground bleeding internally and unable to move. As she had heard the approach of another vehicle she had retreated into the shadows to watch as two young woman entered. The first had a gun raised in the ready. Sarah had been confused. Where did they come from, and why were they here? Following them was a third person, a much taller individual, a male. As he stepped through the door Sarah nearly called out. It was Daniel; he had come.  Osiris pushed her back by sending a shock wave of pain to her. She nearly lost her battle then, but she clung to consciousness her eyes never leaving Daniel for a moment. She had watched him as if in a fog, desperate to want to call out a warning to him for what she knew, could read in the second mind, Osiris had planned to do next. She couldn't speak; she could only watch. She watched as Daniel spoke with Stephen asking him what had happened and why he had come. She was aware of Stephen speaking to Daniel as the darker-haired woman was examining him. She must've been a doctor. She ran her hand down across Stephen's still form then said, "Daniel, we have to get him out of here..."


Sarah had watched as Daniel looked intently at Stephen, worry evident on his face, then he questioned, "Stephen, who did this to you?"


Before she realized what was happening she was stepping out of the shadows to approach the four strangers. Osiris glared in Daniel's direction making Sarah tense as he spoke, "I did."


Sarah watched as Daniel jumped to his feet raising what appeared to be a tranquilizer gun directly at her. He spoke her name and Sarah desperately tried to respond but with no luck. Osiris turned towards the two women driving them back with some device that was almost like a shock wave of pure energy. She could only watch in horror as the women flew violently backwards striking the wall behind them then crumpling to the floor. In the next instant Osiris was bearing down on Daniel who had managed to pull out his gun. She found herself wondering since when did Daniel Jackson carry a weapon, and since when had he been willing to use it? She watched as he tried to raise it to fire then wondered what he had been doing the last five or so years of his life. She watched in dazed horror as her right hand reached out with deadly intent gripping Daniel around the throat and squeezing. She saw pain flare up in his eyes and wanted desperately to get to him but was too weak to fight the one who now possessed her. She could only wonder when words exited her mouth that were not her own, "Daniel Jackson, you seem to know much of the Goa'uld..."


She heard the clatter as the gun he had held in his hand only a moment before clattered uselessly to the ground. Then she found herself wondering what the other person inside of her had said. He seemed to know much of the Goa'uld? What the hell was a Goa'uld and how on earth could Daniel have any clue what was being said? The voice that was not her own continued, "...Much more than any other human that I have encountered since my awakening... Now tell me where is the Stargate?"


Sarah wondered what the Stargate was and tried to focus on Daniel as an image of a huge round metallic circle with a shimmering pool of water in its center entered her mind. She didn't understand what she was seeing. Daniel's voice drew her attention again as he muttered, "I don't know what you're talking about."


She watched helplessly as Daniel was then flung to the ground carelessly. He then brought his right hand to his throat in an effort to soothe the new pain. Osiris turned his back to Daniel saying something about the temple once being filled with worshippers then questioning about a brother. Sarah didn't understand what was going on at all. How could Daniel answer these questions? There was no way he could. How could he know what this Osiris was even talking about? She was shocked as Daniel looked up, still on his knees, and spoke, " mean Seth? Uh... He's dead we, uh...we killed him."


"You lie."


"No, no. We also killed Ra and, uh, Hathor...uh, who else?...Sokhar..."


Sarah was completely caught off guard. Daniel knew of whom this Osiris was talking about and he said they had killed Ra, Hathor and Sokhar? That was impossible...they were all deities...Ancient Egyptian deities. Gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt, but that was all mythology...wasn't it? Sarah felt herself growing colder, Daniel knew a lot more about what was going on here then she did. He knew, had known, about these...things that took over her. Was this his Top Secret project? The one that made him disappear, drop off of the face of the Earth, for the last five years? He had told her that he was involved in something incredible, but didn't elaborate on that statement much other than to say that what the world knew of Ancient Egypt just barely scratched the surface. He had told her nothing more just that he would disappear again, like before. She had been very angry at him for refusing to tell her what he was involved in and lashed out at him saying, "Stephen was never should've come back."


She had regretted that comment directly after she had spoken it aloud, but it had been too late to call back those words of hurt. She knew they had hurt Daniel. He had covered his emotions up rather well, but she couldn't miss how he had held her gaze only a moment longer before quickly down casting his eyes. He turned away from her then and just walked away leaving her feeling extremely guilty and angry with herself for saying such a thing.


She was aware of the other being inside of her continuing "You have come far it is true, but you are weak... Even now you are torn between your desire to kill me and your concern for my host..."


Sarah had felt anger and rage at being referred to as a host, so the creature, entity, inside of her own body was a parasite? She was beginning to understand better what had happened to her. She watched Daniel wishing she could speak to him once again. He had recovered from the tight grip that had been previously held on his throat and now he looked up at her dropping his head as the...parasite questioned where his queen was. How could Daniel possibly answer that question? But once again he surprised her as he spoke, "She was trapped like you... We have the jar..."


Sarah felt suddenly angry with Daniel. He knew a lot more than he had let on, and she felt somewhat betrayed. She realized it wasn't betrayal she felt towards him but hurt, hurt because Daniel couldn't confide in her, couldn't tell her his secret, couldn't tell her what he has been doing with his life these last few years. She was sure he had left because of her. They had dated for a time, but their relationship came to a shaky halt. Shortly after they decided not to date any longer and to just become friends Daniel had disappeared publishing no papers, no books...nothing. It was as if he had literally dropped off of the face of the Earth. It was a surprise to see him at the funeral, but she had felt better about their last parting. She remembered, all too well, Daniel's next comment and what had followed. Osiris asked where the jar was and Daniel said he wasn't going to tell him. Osiris had told Daniel that he was mistaken then raised that hand device above his forehead. Light burst forth from the unfamiliar technological weapon. She wanted desperately to get out to help Daniel anyway she could when she saw that he was in pain and was fighting against it. Daniel had suddenly struck out, and she felt a sharp pain pierce her abdomen. When Osiris looked back up Daniel was bent over sharply at the waist holding his head on the floor. She watched as he brought his right hand up to comfort the pain in his head. She tried to fight again, but could do nothing. After that she remembered the cold threat her...parasite spoke, "Make no mistake Osiris will return...and the rivers of the Earth will run red with blood..."


That threat still haunted Sarah even now. She had lost herself for a while after that. She was there but Osiris gained complete control, or so he thought. When Osiris arrived on this planet and ordered Daniel to be taken to a cell she had returned staying in the background. Daniel's presence brought Sarah back. She started fighting Osiris when the Goa'uld began to torture Daniel. She had struggled against him, fighting him, desperate to help Daniel in any way she could. It wasn't until the day that Daniel had kicked her that she had managed to gain control of herself, but only long enough to say a few words to him. His horrible screams of pain and the pain she saw etched on his face when Osiris gripped his hair jerking his head upright was enough to send her fighting harder. She managed to speak to him, apologizing for hurting him. She knew of what Osiris had in store for Daniel yet and she knew she would not be able to stop it so she spoke to him again apologizing for causing him pain. Osiris had been outraged at her attempts to fight him and had directed pain towards her again. Then he threatened to kill Daniel if she fought him anymore. He had told her that if she continued to fight him he would kill Daniel and not revive him. Sarah had seen what Osiris was capable of and knew Osiris would do just that, but today she couldn't stop fighting. She had read Osiris' intentions and knew the parasite was going to just let Daniel die. As he was close to death Sarah could take no more and managed to wrench Osiris' hand brutally away from Daniel shortly before the man was going to take his last breath...


                                                                                   * * * *

Osiris recovered quickly and mentally cursed Sarah then told her he would punish her for that attack. He blocked his mind so she couldn't know what he was about to do. Osiris approached Daniel then suddenly, without any remorse or regrets, without any inkling of guilt he drove a vicious, brutal kick directly into Daniel's gut. Sarah could only cry out in pain as she heard Daniel's loud, desperate scream of extreme anguish tear from his lips. He screamed so horribly and so loudly that Sarah began to cry. Osiris laughed viciously then said, "Do not attempt to resist me again Sarah, or next time Daniel Jackson won't be so lucky."


Osiris eyed up Daniel with nothing but loathing and disgust in his eyes. The young man's scream had subsided, and now he hung there groaning and wincing as he labored to draw in breath. His breath was coming in short gasps and excessive wheezing. Osiris knew that he either drove a rib into Doctor Jackson's lungs or cracked the man's sternum. He didn't care. He could revive Daniel at any time. He vowed to draw out the man's death and planned to do just that. He looked up at Kelsham saying, "Check on him through out the night. When he no longer draws breath bring him before me so that I may resurrect him."


"Yes My Lord."


Osiris then turned and left the room leaving his First Prime to gawk at the young archaeologist in shocked surprise.


Daniel had felt his body go limp and flaccid immediately after that hand was somehow wrenched away from him. He was completely unprepared for what shortly followed, thereafter. He had seen through his slitted eyes the anger, rage and pure hatred in the Goa'uld's cold eyes, the expression so different then that of Sarah's. He had never in all of his life seen such hatred and rage in those eyes or that beautiful face. Sarah didn't have an evil bone in her body. She was very compassionate and gave comfort easily. She smiled easily and laughed easily. She had a very gentle nature about her. Her gentleness and compassion was another thing that drew him to her like a magnet. He remembered so well that girl, that woman, who now stood before him seething with rage and glowering at him with pure hatred, pure dispassion in her eyes.


Osiris held a vendetta against him…he knew ever since that time in the temple when he had refused even under the pain of the hand device to tell Osiris where his beloved queen was that he had made an enemy. He had only further angered the Goa'uld when he had rammed the tranquilizer dart directly into him. Osiris had vowed vengeance on him that day. He had vowed that Daniel would pay for his impudence; he would pay for daring to attack the Goa'uld lord.  He had also vowed on that same day that he would one day return to exact revenge on the peoples of Earth… And now Osiris had been handed his chance to exact that revenge that had started building so long ago. It wasn't really all that long ago, it just seemed that way. So much had happened to him and his team since his first encounter with Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the dead, the god of the Underworld that he had known as soon as he recognized Osiris in that complex back on P3X-173 that Osiris would attempt to capture him. He had read it in the Goa'uld's eyes. His intentions were rather obvious, and Daniel had known that he was in trouble, unless he had managed to get away. His failed escape attempt ended with him collapsing as a zat blast sent him into unconsciousness. He wasn't surprised that Osiris kept him chained, guarded around the clock and locked in a cell. Osiris didn't want him to escape, and had even told him so on several occasions. He refused to release his captive. Daniel had very few options available to him for planning his escape. As long as the damned shackles held him in their cold iron grip and those guards refused to leave his prison for even a minute Daniel was flat out of luck. He had to get out of here. He had to find a way. In every situation there was always a way out...always. One just had to think through all of their options and determine which ones could be of use if applied to the situation. He knew that he was on his own. His friends would come for him...if they only knew where he was. The knowing where he was at was most definitely a big problem. They couldn't help him if they couldn't locate him, so it would be up to himself to get untangled from his present grim situation.


As quickly as those thoughts converged they snapped apart as Osiris drove an extremely harsh kick directly into Daniel's abdomen. Daniel couldn't breathe, couldn't scream, as the excruciating intense stabbing agony sliced through him. He felt the air whoosh out of him then started to gasp for breath. A scream tore from deep down inside of himself out of his mouth a scream that spoke volumes about just how torturous and damaging that strike was to his insides. He could've sworn he heard another loud crack coming from the vicinity of his chest and prayed he had just imagined it. He feared a rib might’ve pierced his lung. If that happened he would slowly bleed to death internally, and knowing Osiris the Goa'uld would refuse to use the sarcophagus until he no longer drew any breath. He would wait patiently as Daniel's life ebbed away wanting Daniel to suffer a horrible death. When one died extremely slowly and painfully then was resurrected it made one feel very scared and nervous knowing the same thing could happen all over again. Daniel knew that was Osiris' game plan...make him suffer and wait patiently until his breath stopped, revive him then put him through the slow torture and the agonizingly slow death all over again...and again, and again. Dying quickly, repetitively, would be a blessing compared to having to die agonizingly, painfully slow as your body was broken and bloodied on the inside and the outside. Daniel felt himself shiver at the thought then felt himself falling headlong into the deep ever-encompassing blessed haven of blackness, of unconsciousness where nothing could harm him and he was temporarily safe. Where he was temporarily shielded from most of the pain. He was unaware of how his fever spiked a bit, but then chills racked his body. He was on the brink of shock, on the brink of fever, hovering suspended on the very edge, close to falling over headlong into the sleep of eternity. Stubbornly Daniel held himself back from that edge. He would not fall over. He refused to...


                                                                                   * * * *

Jack O'Neill jerked upright as another nightmare plagued him. He had been remembering when he was a prisoner of war on one of his Special Ops missions. In the dream his face became that of Daniel Jackson's as the tortures began. Jack couldn't stand to see his young friend being hurt so severely and jolted awake breathing heavily and sweating. He felt cold all over as he remembered so vividly those flashes of his screams turning into Daniel's screams...himself becoming Daniel... Jack quickly wrapped his arms protectively around himself like he so often saw Daniel do when he was afraid or worried. It was an unconscious gesture on Daniel's part and an unconscious gesture on Jack's part as well, although it has been quite a while since Jack saw Daniel do that. He hugged his arms tightly to himself in an effort to ward off the chills that wracked his body. Those dreams, the dreams of his haunted past, always made him feel nervous, afraid, even helpless… The dreams were the only real outward sign that Jack had any inadequacies himself. He rarely left anyone else see that side of him...except Daniel had seen.  Daniel had seen but never said anything about it and had never faulted the Colonel. All he would say was that Jack was only human and in being human feeling somewhat inadequate occasionally was totally natural. Even so Jack still found himself glancing nervously around the cargo bay of the Tel'tak for any signs or indications of his fellow teammates. He was alone. Thank heavens for that. They must've been with Jacob at the helm and Jack had somehow managed to fall asleep. He realized his jacket lay in his lap as if someone had tried to cover him with it. No doubt Carter or Teal'c had come down, saw him asleep and covered him with his own jacket. They were always doing things like that. They were a team all right, always watching out for one another and offering comfort where it was needed. His team had formed a strong bond over the course of the last few years. They were almost like a family. He was very proud of every member of his team. Sam and Daniel were brilliant scientists and Teal'c was a great friend, protector and leader. Jack had very few doubts in his mind about his fellow team members. They all had their own unique gifts, and they respected one another. He had a lot of confidence in his team members. He felt that was a great comfort. All of them were quite capable of taking charge if it was deemed necessary. Even Daniel could probably do well if he was in charge. The man had learned a lot over the last few years, he was also very resourceful, and even though he wasn't the military type at all Jack was sure Daniel could hold his own if necessary.


As Jack thought of the still missing young man he felt sadness and fear washing over him. Thoughts of what his young team member was going through at the hands of Osiris were still very present in his mind. He had to get out of here. Jack got up and made his way to the helm feeling that he no longer wanted to be alone.


As Jack approached the helm he saw Sam and Teal'c standing behind Jacob, who was controlling the ship. Sam had heard his approach and glanced up. She smiled at Jack asking, "Hey Colonel, feeling better?"


"Why didn't anybody wake me?"


"You have not slept since our departure from Earth, O'Neill. You were in need of rest."


"How long was I...?"


"Nine hours..."




"Sir you were exhausted, so Teal'c and I decided to leave you rest."


"For nine hours? Major..."


Jacob interrupted, "You needed the rest, Jack."


"No I didn't...I'm fine."


"Jack, you will be no good to Daniel if you are exhausted and walking around dead on your feet. You needed the rest."




"Don't argue with me, Jack. You know that I'm right."


Jack rolled his eyes at that he had been asleep for nine hours? And no one had bothered to wake him because they knew, they just somehow knew, he wasn't sleeping. Daniel's disappearance was eating him up inside. He was always like that. When any member of his team went missing he couldn't sleep. He worried excessively. Daniel had even told him multiple times that he worried too much. Sam had even told him that on several occasions...even Teal'c had. Well after all he was their Colonel and it was his job to worry...though Janet often would harp at him for worrying. She would warn him of how worrying could harm him and cause him more stress. Doctor Fraiser was always like that. He wondered though if the woman ever took any of her own advice that she so often offered to the members of the SGC. Jack found himself smiling at that thought then he looked at Jacob questioning, "How much longer, Jacob?"


"At least a day and a half. We're closer now...much closer."


"Not close enough."


"Jack, we'll get him back."


"Damn right we'll get him back! We damned well better get him back!"


                                                                                  * * * *

Jotham approached Daniel and gently lifted up his head. Jotham couldn't miss the slight burns on the man's forehead and bridge of his nose. The burns were like sunburn; they looked red and told of exactly what had transpired. Daniel had again been exposed to the ribbon device and this time Osiris had meant to kill him. Jotham found himself wondering what had made Osiris stop. It was obvious by the newest burn marks on Daniel's face that he had come dangerously close to dying at the mercy of the ribbon device, yet he still drew breath...knowing this greatly puzzled Jotham. Jotham also couldn't help but notice just how shaky the young man's breathing had become. He found himself examining the man's body and noticed severe ugly bruising directly over and around Daniel's lower rib cage and sternum. He feared the worst. He glanced nervously around the room deciding that if he was going to get Doctor Jackson out of here he must do it soon. He also knew that Daniel wouldn't last much longer if what he feared lay beneath that bruised flesh was true. He noticed the guards remained stoic standing still as death at the door to Daniel's cell. He looked around again then listened as he shakily pulled a device out of his pocket. He listened intently for footsteps and upon hearing none he slipped the Tok'ra healing device on his right hand. To heal a person using such a device the person should usually be laid flat on his back...that was not going to happen in Daniel Jackson's case. He knew that placing Doctor Jackson in the sarcophagus would heal him internally and externally, but he also knew that with every use of the sarcophagus a little bit of a person's soul was eroded away. That's why his race, the Tok'ra, never used the sarcophagus. He wasn't about to rely on that sarcophagus now either. He would try his best to heal what he was sure was a badly fractured or broken sternum then work on his plan to get Daniel out of this place. He slowly held the device over Daniel's chest. It was awkward since Daniel was bent over so sharply at the waist. Jotham could really use the young man's help, or even a second person's help right about now. He moved closer to Daniel placing his left arm around the back of Daniel's waist. He lifted the man the best he could. The chore didn't prove as hard as he had expected. In a weeks' time Daniel Jackson had lost at least fifteen pounds, maybe even more. If Jotham hadn't of managed to get the young archaeologist to eat and drink even the small amount he has Jackson would probably be dead. He was glad now that he was so insistent with the man. Daniel looked unhealthily pale and skinny. He looked very frail in his present condition. Jotham would have to work harder at making the man eat and drink if he were going to survive much longer. Osiris had been very neglectful in his treatment of Doctor Jackson. Probably thinking that Jackson had no need for water or food since the sarcophagus could easily raise the man from the dead...and making a man starve slowly to death was another form of torture. Osiris probably enjoyed knowing Jackson was slowly starving to death. Jotham felt chills climb his spine at those thoughts.


He focused on the job at hand as he got Jackson in the best position possible to do this while the man remained shackled. He placed the unconscious man against his own body trying to lean backwards some to allow Daniel to rest propped upright against him while still being restrained. He hated feeling the young man's head lop against his shoulder as he used his own body to support Jackson upright. It was a bit awkward for Jotham to support the man. Daniel was so much taller than he. The man had to be about six feet, had to be. Jotham was only 5'7". He had a feeling that if Jackson had been any heavier he would've been totally unable to hold the man upright while his weight weighed Jotham down. He also knew that if Jackson weren’t now slumped the man's head would’ve never lopped onto Jotham's shoulder. Jackson was almost on his knees lying limp, unable to support his own weight due to the nasty staff weapon blast on his upper left leg and the nasty bruising across his upper right leg where Kelsham had kicked him multiple times. As he looked into Daniel's face he noticed that the man was as still as death itself. The only indication that Daniel Jackson was still alive was the sound of his wheezing as he shakily inhaled and exhaled attempting to drag into his lungs what oxygen he could with the severe damage he had sustained to his rib cage and sternum.


Jotham held the Tok'ra healing device above Jackson's chest closing his eyes he drew on the power that would bring it to life. He could feel the device come to life as a low hum elicited from its activation. He focused on the device and on Daniel's breathing patterns. He had a feeling the device wouldn't be able to heal all the broken ribs in the man but at least it would heal some of them. He concentrated hearing Daniel's shallow, ragged wheezing start to smooth out. The man's breathing seemed to increase and he groaned in response to the device's healing powers. As Jotham focused on healing the young man's severe injuries he saw, in his mind's eye, the damage that had been done to him. Daniel's sternum had a severe fracture to it and if Daniel would've jerked awake or had been yanked upwards part of that bone would've been driven directly into his heart. The young man would've quite possibly died. Jotham tried to heal more of the severe injuries. He could see in his mind's eye that Daniel had several broken ribs and several fractured as well. Jotham attempted to heal those also, but he had worked so hard on attempting to fuse the sternum bone together that he could only mend one broken rib. Then he felt himself collapse as the healing device drained his strength.


Daniel started to fall backwards but as his arms tensed up, and falling backwards created great strain on his arms, Daniel came awake screaming. He forced himself forward again sensing just how close his arms had come to breaking. He inhaled deeply quickly regretting the move as pain stabbed at his rib cage. He noticed that the pain wasn't as severe as before. Had he been placed in the sarcophagus? Had he died and been brought back again? As Daniel again opened his eyes he felt the pain slicing in his head. He groaned then swallowed hard. He again opened his eyes seeing the nasty staff burn on his upper left leg. Then he felt the knife he hadn't died...not yet anyway. So how on earth could the severe pain in his chest have eased up some? As he tried to force his legs under him his leg struck something. Daniel jerked around the best he could while chained to see what he had hit. Of course he mentally cursed himself in every language he knew for being stupid enough to jerk when he had so many injuries. His body revolted against the painful jerk and Daniel nearly screamed again feeling lightheadedness swamp him, threatening to send him unconscious again. He tried to focus on his breathing noticing that he was still wheezing but not nearly as bad as he had been. When he was certain he'd be able to turn without blacking out again he did so watching as the whole room did a sickening pitch to the left then the right. He felt lightheadedness seize him then but valiantly fought it back. He clenched his eyes shut waiting for his mind to focus then reopened them. Glancing down, he was shocked to see Jotham on the floor. Daniel became suddenly afraid. Had Osiris discovered who Jotham really was and killed him? If so where was he? Daniel slowly scanned his cell all too aware of just how much the room swayed sickeningly before him and how his vision kept focusing and unfocusing. He managed some how to ascertain that the two were alone, except for those jackal guards still keeping watch. They seemed totally oblivious to the fact that someone now laid at his feet. Daniel whispered, "Jotham? Jotham..."


He tried to raise his voice hearing how low it was, but lack of water prevented him from being able to talk louder then a hoarse whisper. He tried to stand but his legs gave out on him sending him flying rapidly downwards only to be jerked to a painful halt as the shackles stopped him. Daniel nearly screamed out again as the jolt caused the pain in his mind and body to go off like a bomb. He could feel himself wavering again but knew he had to stay alert a little while longer. If Jotham was found on the floor...Osiris just might kill him. Daniel scanned the young man for injuries and noticed his hand. As Daniel stared at Jotham's hand he recognized the healing device the Tok'ra often used. Now he understood why the pain in his chest had eased up some and why the man was not responding to his many attempts to awaken him. Jotham must've used the device on Daniel healing what he could and draining his own strength in the process. Great now all they needed was Osiris or Kelsham to come storming in here, see the man on the floor, and see the device... Jotham would be killed as a traitor, his cover blown. Osiris would be warned that someone might come and Daniel would be moved. He shut a door on his thoughts just then finding that he didn't like the direction that they were taking. He was trying to think of what he could do to get through to the man when Jotham suddenly groaned. Daniel spoke his name again and Jotham slowly arose. Jotham focused on the young man then smiled saying, "It is very good to see you awake, Daniel. You had me a bit worried..."


"I had you worried? Hell, you were...lying at my feet... You had me worried."


"It is good to hear your voice again..."


Daniel gave him a feeble smile. Jotham smiled back but as he saw Daniel starting to go lax again his smile turned into a frown. He said, "Daniel you must rest. We have a long journey ahead of us. I will get you out of here. You must rest."


"What...what did you do?"


"Your injuries are severe. You had a badly fractured sternum..."




"Yes, had... I managed to mend it, but the bone is still weak. Another strike could fracture it again. The device fused it together, but I was not able to make the bone stronger. Your body will have to do that on its own. I also managed to heal one broken rib..."


"One? So that means there are more..."


"I am afraid so Daniel. You have several broken, fractured and bruised ribs..."


" wonder my ribs still hell...and I'm still wheezing..."


"I tried my best Daniel, but..."


"Thank you...thank you, Jotham...for helping me."


"But I could not heal you completely... I am not well-versed in using this device. I am still learning. I am sorry I could not do more for you."


"You've done...more than you...realize."


Daniel then lapsed into a violent cough groaning as his still unhealed ribs were jarred. Blackness threatened to close in on him. Jotham spoke, "Rest now. You must rest."




Daniel was ready to follow that order when a question popped into his mind. He looked at Jotham again then questioned, "Jotham...?"


"Yes Daniel?"


"You say that you’re Tok'ra..."


"Yes I am."


"So...why did you just lose consciousness?"


Daniel watched as Jotham dropped his head. Daniel knew that the Tok'ra inside of Jotham wanted to speak and as Jotham looked back up the voice changed to that of the symbiote’s. Daniel looked at him with questions burning in his eyes.


As Nivan looked at Daniel through Jotham's eyes he expected to see fear or confusion on the young man's face, but Daniel reacted as if he knew what to expect and what had just happened. Daniel knew that another soul, another being was now speaking. Daniel questioned, "What is your name?"


"Doctor Jackson, I am Nivan. I am very pleased to meet you. I see that you are familiar with our ways. You have some knowledge of the Tok'ra..."


Daniel didn't speak only continued to watch silently. Nivan nodded his head saying, "We owe you a debt of gratitude, Doctor Jackson."


"What for? I didn' anything."


"You have not revealed any information about us or the Resistance. You have remained silent vowing even now that you have no knowledge of what Osiris questions. You have also remained silent regarding Jotham's regular visits to your cell... Thank you for that."


"So answer my question...why?"


"Why I have waited so long to reveal myself to you? Why Jotham lost consciousness when healing you with the device? Jotham is young and would like to learn how to use our devices on his own. When a person needs healing I am the one who generally undertakes the task."


"So why didn't you?"


"Because Jotham wanted to. He respects you and he fears greatly for your safety. He worries about you even when he is not here with you."


"Why have you long to..."


Daniel's voice broke as he lapsed into an attack of violent coughing. He dropped his head clenching his eyes tightly shut against the agony slicing at him from his badly damaged rib cage. Each cough sent searing, blinding pain throughout his chest. When he finally stopped coughing he swallowed hard feeling himself struggling for breath. He could feel his rib cage shaking and rattling violently as he struggled to pull oxygen into his lungs. He started gasping and focused on slowing down his breathing and regaining control. When he stopped wheezing and managed to regain a relatively normal breathing pattern he felt a hand rubbing up and down across his back. He glanced up tasting the coppery, metallic flavor of blood in his mouth and felt wetness at the corner of his mouth. That time he had coughed up blood...Daniel knew what that could be a sign of and prayed a rib didn't puncture one of his lungs. He glanced at the person rubbing his back as his body stopped shuddering in response to the violent coughing it just underwent. He looked into Jotham's eyes then muttered, "Thank you, Jotham."


"You are welcome, Doctor Jackson."


"Sorry, I meant Nivan..."


Nivan smiled at Daniel then said, "Jotham has managed to fuse your sternum, but you still have many fractured and broken ribs Doctor Jackson..."


"Yeah, I kind of noticed that..."


"I saw the damage that has been done to you. The device will not heal anymore. Just in healing your sternum the device was barely effective."


"Thank you...any way..."


"You are welcome... Jotham is right, Doctor Jackson, you must get some rest."




"But first you need to try to eat and drink."


"I don't think I can."


"You must try. You must try to keep all the food and water down that you possibly can. Doctor Jackson, you are very close to dying from starvation. You must eat...  Please..."


"I'll try."


"Very well..."


"I said I would try that doesn't mean I can."


"All I ask of you, Doctor Jackson, is that you at least try."


Daniel smiled gently towards Nivan in response to that comment. Nivan returned the smile then pulled out the bread that Jotham had taken for the young man. He said, "Bread...we have brought bread. Bread will be easier for your stomach to handle then anything else. You must start slowly...a little bit at a time. I must warn you Doctor Jackson, you will feel as if you want to expel the food but you must struggle to keep it down. Without nourishment you will die. Your body will want to reject the food, but you must force yourself to keep it down."


"I understand."


"Are you ready?"


Daniel nodded his head yes in response and accepted the small piece of bread Nivan offered him. As he chewed it he felt extremely ill and queasy but made himself choke the food down. He uttered, "I'm going to be sick..."


"Do not Doctor Jackson, remember what I told you. You must force yourself to keep it down. Give it some time and the sickness will pass."


"I don't know if I can..."


"Sure you can, Doctor Jackson."


Daniel felt ready to bring up the small bit of food he had just managed to swallow then he felt a comforting hand stroking his back. Surprisingly enough the gentle stroking across his back eased the pain and raw ache in his stomach. He waited a bit longer before again shaking his head. He said, "Okay...I think I'm ready..."


Nivan helped him to eat the bread. Daniel struggled with forcing himself to eat then forcing himself to keep the food down. He could only eat a half a piece of bread before he no longer felt hungry. To Nivan that was a very good long as Doctor Jackson could continue to keep the pathetically small piece of food down long enough for it to feed his body much needed nourishment. He spoke again, "You must drink water also. Do you think you can?"


"I'll try..."


"Very good Doctor Jackson."


Nivan brought a glass of water to Daniel's lips and Daniel swallowed only a small amount before he began coughing as the water lapped at his parched, raw throat. Nivan mentally winced knowing just how hard a simple thing like drinking water or eating food could be such a struggle, such a challenge, for Doctor Jackson in his present condition. He gently coaxed Daniel to drink more water, but the young archaeologist only sipped a little bit more before he turned his head away and refused to accept any more.


Nivan could sense Jotham's fear and worry for the young man. His host was very concerned for the one calling himself Daniel Jackson. He looked at Doctor Jackson again seeing the pain and tiredness in the younger man's gaze. Nivan could tell that Doctor Jackson was extremely exhausted. He again suggested, "You must rest now, Doctor Jackson... only rest will help you to heal. You must try to rest."




Daniel slowly lowered his head closing his eyes. He listened as Nivan said, "To answer your question Doctor Jackson..."


"Yeah?" came Daniel's muttered response.


Nivan could hear just how close to sleep the young man already was but he continued, "I waited until today to introduce myself to you because I did not want to upset you further."


"Upset me?"


"The host of Osiris...he woman...she is important to you is she not?"


Daniel didn't respond he only glanced up again. Nivan replied, "I see that she is. I can read it in your eyes. She was an unwilling host. Osiris stole her body so that he could live...I did not want to upset you further, so I remained silent. I have been leaving Jotham work with you. Jotham has asked me several times to speak with you, but I did not. I felt it better if I not interact with you knowing what has happened to this woman...and what has happened to your wife."


Daniel jerked his head up immediately upon hearing his wife mentioned and regretted the move as pain sliced through his body. He very nearly screamed in response. He felt the pain increasing in his body, threatening to engulf him yet again, but he fought it back. He tried to focus on something, on anything. The whole room seemed to sway and spin before his eyes. Daniel clenched his eyes tightly shut in response waiting for his equilibrium to return to normal. When the dizziness and pain finally began to subside some Daniel glanced up again. Nivan, or was it Jotham now? Was looking at Daniel with a mixture of fear, concern and worry. Daniel heard him speak and realized that Nivan was still with him. Nivan spoke softly, "I am sorry Doctor Jackson... I should not have mentioned your wife. I should have realized how much it would upset you. I am sorry."


" know of my wife?"


"I know that she is part of the reason Apophis has increased your bounty..."


"Does Osiris...?"


"No, he does not. I only know because of what I do. It is not your fault that Amunet stole your wife, and it is not your fault that Osiris stole..."




"...Sarah either. Do not blame yourself for what has happened to them."


"How can I not?"


"Blaming yourself will only do more harm then good, Doctor Jackson. You cannot blame yourself for something that you had no control over to begin with..."


Daniel still looked at Nivan and felt his head droop downwards. He pulled his head up and attempted to refocus on the man before him. His eyes seemed to cross over and his energy level, what remained of it, seemed to have run out. As he attempted to refocus on Nivan the Tok'ra said, "Doctor Jackson rest...Please, you must rest before you fall down."


Daniel replied, with a small smirk on his face, "Can't fall...remember?" He yanked against his shackles then continued, " chance of falling..."


"Doctor Jackson, you must try to rest. Please...we can discuss this later, for now you must rest."


"'Kay." Daniel lowered his head as he was no longer able to stay focused and tiredness consumed him. Sleep quickly wrapped around him like a veil and soon he was resting deeply.


Nivan smiled, glad the man took his advice and decided to rest. Jotham was also glad to see Daniel resting. Jotham had been happy earlier to see Daniel awake and hear him talking, but he knew that Daniel was still in a lot of danger. He was very weak from lack of food and water and despite managing to heal the young man's sternum and a rib Daniel still had all of his other injuries and bruises. He also knew that when Osiris returned and discovered that Daniel has not died yet he would again torture the man just for being too damned stubborn to die on him. Things were still looking rather grim for the young archaeologist.


Jotham and Nivan couldn't help but take notice to the change in Daniel's skin color either. Some of his color had returned but his face was still extremely flushed. Jotham suddenly remembered the fever that had started in Daniel earlier. Nivan heard the thought spoken in his mind so he reached over to feel the man's head. He said, "Jotham he is warm...warmer than before, but the fever is still low grade..."


"Yes but for how long Nivan? For how long?"


"I do not know... We must go now before Osiris returns again."


"I know we must but..."


"We will check on Doctor Jackson again, but we must go now."


Jotham agreed with Nivan then gathered what he had brought with him before he finally exited the room.





            PART 5







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