Daniel Jackson


                                                                                          Personal Sacrifice Part 12

                                                                                                                                                 By:  Stacy L.




Betrayal and Devastation


As he read through the treaty for what now must be the hundredth time he still found his eyes straying and riveting on that one word: weapon. Weapon? What kind of a weapon? From what he was reading it would seem this weapon had awesome capabilities, capabilities that scared the hell out of him. Now just what would Osiris want with this kind of weapon? What would he do with it?


Daniel closed his eyes against the sudden screams of terror slicing through his mind feeling the fear and panic that those people must have felt on that day... Had they even known that they were about to die? Had Athena even suspected that Osiris was about to dishonor the peace treaty they had forged mere minutes before?


Senseless all of it... It was all so senseless. Those people should not have died at Osiris' hands, especially not over something as stupid as the Goa'uld lord's twisted, bent desire to take his favored to bed; to acquire his favored's body to meet his sexual needs. God he couldn't forget and when again he heard the screams of those innocent victims he drew his arms across his chest, feeling suddenly so very cold, so very depressed. They had died. They had died because of him. It was his fault and now, now...


He shook his head. Why the hell did Osiris want this weapon? Why would he ask him to prepare a treaty for the first time that had a mention of such a weapon within its contents? Why? He had been glad for something to do, glad that Osiris finally allowed him to become his liaison. He was surprised when Osiris permitted him the right to sketch out and review treaties but now, now he wasn't sure if he wanted the duty because...because... There were just things he wasn't about to do, and bartering for this weapon, adding it into an agreement... He didn't know if he could willingly do that...add a weapon clause that required such a powerful instrument be placed in the system lord's hands. Could he do that and if he did what would happen as a result?


He shuddered not wanting to think of just what was so important about this particular device. Why did Osiris want something capable of such massive destruction? What would he use it for? He knew; he knew that the only purpose for such a device would be to strike terror and fear into those who opposed him. He knew that Osiris would no doubt use this weapon to acquire cooperation from those who did not want to surrender to him. He knew that was the reason, the sole purpose of such a powerful device and he sure as hell was not going to be the one responsible for placing such a lethal implement into the hands of a power hungry system lord. He knew what he had to do though he didn't like it, but he had no other options readily available to him. He would have to approach Osiris and he would have to speak to him about the treaty and the weapon that was being traded.


A weapon traded for peace, now that sounded so very WRONG! Why would you forge a peace treaty and exchange that treaty for a weapon? Didn't that kind of defeat the purpose of forging a peace treaty in the first place? I'll give you peace if you give me the weapon that I can use to destroy you... That sounded so, so...stupid! Why would...? What...? He shook his head in frustration before snatching the treaty off of his desk and preparing to approach his lord. He would have to convince Osiris that requesting such a deadly contraption was the wrong thing to do. He had to find a way to convince him that he didn't need such an awesome weapon. He didn't need it!


He carefully rolled up the document before making his way towards the throne room, pausing briefly just outside to draw strength and courage to himself. He could do this. He could. He could go in there and tell Osiris exactly how he felt about this treaty and he could convince the Goa'uld lord that this weapon was not a necessity. He could persuade him, he could...at least he prayed that he could for if he failed to convince Osiris that he had no need for such a device then the consequences were unimaginable. Osiris could do so much harm if he had such a weapon in his possession. No good could come from a weapon of mass destruction and he refused to be part of a peace negotiation if it involved bartering for the said weapon. He just couldn't do it. His conscious wouldn't allow him to...and those innocent victims of Alandria wouldn't allow him to. He would stop Osiris from obtaining such a weapon if it were the last thing he ever did! He had no choice. He HAD to stop this. Feeling confident enough to approach his lord with his many concerns he slowly entered the room bowing respectfully to Osiris before softly prompting, "My Lord..."


Osiris glanced up as he heard Daniel's soft voice fill the room. He smiled warmly towards the man and immediately gave Daniel his full attention. He questioned, "What is it my precious one?"


"Um..." He downcast his eyes uncertain as to how to proceed; he knew what he had to do and he knew that he couldn't back down now. He was determined to speak with Osiris and to get his point across to the Goa'uld lord so he swallowed hard, squared his shoulders then focused intently on his lord preparing to voice his opinion and thoughts on the treaty he now held in his hands.


Osiris noticed how Daniel hesitated as if trying to organize his thoughts before presenting them. He waited patiently for the man to begin. When Daniel wasn't all that forthcoming he prompted, "Do you have concerns regarding the most recent agreement?"


Daniel focused on him and without thought jumped in with his answer, "Yes...yes I do."


Osiris nodded his head then continued, "What is wrong with the agreement, Daniel?"


Daniel prepared to confront the Goa'uld lord and question just exactly what the purpose of this weapon was supposed to be. He extended the agreement towards Osiris briefly glancing at the floor as he gathered his wits about him before continuing, "Well...I have questions...lots of questions."


"Could this be about the weapon, Daniel?"


"Um, yeah...yes that would be what this is about."


"Sarah said that you might have some difficulty with that particular section of the agreement. Tell me what is bothering you."


Daniel reached his right hand behind his head absently rubbing the back of his neck as he collected his thoughts. He then focused intently on the Goa'uld lord questioning, "Um, just what...do we need it for? Why is it so important to you that we get our hands on this weapon."


"It would greatly benefit our legion, my precious."


"Yeah, about that...just how exactly will a weapon of mass destruction benefit our legion, My Lord? What do you intend to use the weapon for?"


"We need that weapon, Daniel."


"Yeah...um, no. No we don't. You see the only purpose a weapon of this magnitude could serve is destruction. Who do you intend to destroy, My Lord? You have no enemies that present such a threat to you or your legion..."




"Why do you need the weapon?"




Daniel nodded his head slightly as he responded, "I thought you might say that..."


Osiris watched his favored with interest and wonder knowing that Daniel was against the purchase of such a powerful device but knowing that to possess such a device would be a very good benefit to them all. Osiris continued, "You do not agree with my need to acquire this device. Why? Do you not think I am capable of using it appropriately?"


"No, I'm afraid you'll use it against innocent people."


“Daniel, I would never do such a thing."


Daniel quirked his eyebrows up as he inhaled shaking his head, "Wouldn't you?"


Osiris felt the beginning stirrings of anger fill him as Daniel asked that simple question. How dare he come in here and question his lord. How dare a simple servant, a slave, have the audacity to approach his lord and challenge his decisions? Osiris spoke evenly as he replied, "No I would not."


Daniel raised his hand in the air holding his pointer finger up for emphasis as he answered, "You see I have a problem with that. I know you...I know your race. You will use this weapon against innocent people and I'm afraid that I won't be a part of that, My Lord."


"Are you refusing to finish this agreement, Daniel?"


He again focused his intense gaze on Osiris as he simply answered, "Yes, I'm refusing to help you with this agreement."


Osiris glared at Daniel as he nodded, "I see. Do you dare deny your lord?"


"No My Lord. I didn't say that I would deny you. I said that I wouldn't help you to destroy people."


"Daniel, how can acquiring a weapon such as this destroy people? I will use it for defense only."


"Defense only? Really? Forgive me for asking this, My Lord, but defense against whom? You said so yourself that we do not have any enemies that are a threat to us so why then do you need this weapon?"


Osiris continued to glare at Daniel noting the stubborn set of his jaw and the intelligent, calculating look his servant was presenting him with. He tightened his fists in anger glad to see that Daniel still had some of his spirit remaining but at the same time wanting to crush it. The man was downright infuriating! How dare he question his lord in matters concerning weaponry and defense! How dare he! Osiris tried to appease Daniel again as he said, "The weapon will be used for defense only..."


"Yes, you've said that already but you still haven't answered my question."


"And what question might that be?"


"Why? Tell me why. Why do we need this weapon?"


"For defense..."


"No, no, no...you see you say that now but who's to say...who's to say that in the future you won't take that weapon and turn it on those who are not your enemy, My Lord? This weapon sounds like it's very powerful...a powerful weapon is not a toy..."


"Daniel, why do you question me so? Why can you not accept that the decision is made?"


Daniel shook his head as his anger began to build. He then added, "You're going to barter for this weapon no matter what I have to say aren't you?"


"Yes, Daniel."


"You already have your mind made up..."




"My God. Do you even realize what this means? What this can cause? Do you even realize that you are prepared to barter for a weapon that is capable of wiping out an entire planet...not just one planet...several? Why? Why would you want to destroy so much? Why? Do you desire to conquer more planets? Gain more followers by exhibiting the wondrous firepower you will now have in your possession? Why do you want this weapon so badly?"


Now he was becoming irritated with Daniel. Why couldn't the man just accept what his lord decided and drop the discussion all together?


'Because he does not agree with what you are doing and when Daniel has a point to make he will do his best to make you see his side of things. It is simply his nature.' Sarah spoke up.


'Well he is being most uncooperative.' Osiris replied.


'And you have a problem with that? The first time he decides to challenge you openly you desire to shut him up? How is that allowing him any say in what you are doing? How does that allow him to be your liaison? You are supposed to be viewing him as your partner. Yet you are ready to shut him down at the first little sign of opposition.' Sarah continued.


'He is taking this too far. He needs to drop this discussion.'


'Osiris, he won't do that. Daniel has a very strong set of morals and beliefs. When one impedes on those beliefs he becomes determined to make his own points...'


'He is becoming disrespectful.'


'He is doing no such thing. He is merely angering you because you know that he has a point and you cannot answer his simple question of why you desire this weapon.'


Osiris chose to ignore Sarah as he turned his full focus on Daniel yet again. He then said, "This discussion is over. We are getting this weapon..."


"No, no, no! God did you hear anything I just said?"


"I have decided. You will write this agreement and you will include the request for the weapon or..."


"Or what? You'll beat me? Have me lashed? Have me drawn and quartered because I don't agree with you? That's what this is all about isn't it? You say you want to give me freedom yet you can't stand it when I challenge you."


"Daniel, how I feel about you has nothing to do with this discussion."


"It has everything to do with this discussion! I can't believe you. I can't believe that you would dare to say that you would listen to how I feel then you turn around and command me to do something that is totally against my own beliefs and morals. No. No I won't do it. NO!"


"You will attend me as we travel to meet with Chandra and you will relay our interest in this weapon. Do not defy me in this matter, Daniel."


Daniel shook his head angrily from side to side both agitated and annoyed at the same time. He pushed those feelings aside as he tried again, "Why do we need this weapon? Why?"


"To protect..."


"To protect? Oh that is such bullshit! Don't give me that crap!"




"My Lord, we don't need it. It will only bring forth destruction and grief. We have no need for such a weapon."


"What would you have me do?"


"Walk away from it...destroy it. Forget about it..."


"I cannot."


Daniel exhaled angrily as he shook his head still not understanding why Osiris was so desperate to get his hands on a weapon of mass destruction. He didn't know what to do. It was obvious to him that Osiris didn't give a damn about his opinion so what the hell was the use of trying to get his point across? He shook his head in aggravation as he added, "If you do this, if you travel to that planet and return with that weapon..."


"What will you do, my precious? You are my servant, my slave, your duty is to obey me and to do as I order you to do NOT what you choose to do..."


"So now I'm your goddamned slave again? I thought I was more to you than a damned slave. Because I disagree with you I'm merely a simple-minded slave, My Lord?"


Osiris reached up to cup Daniel's left cheek in his hand as he responded, "No, my precious, you are more than a slave to me. You have always been more than a slave to me."


"Then why won't you listen to me? Why won't you listen to what I have to say? Acquiring a weapon of mass destruction is no answer to anything. What will that weapon possibly be used for? You say defense, yet I know otherwise. The only reason one acquires a weapon of such strength is because they want to use it to destroy and to demonstrate that they are much more powerful than their rivals...My Lord, you have no need for such a weapon as this. It will only create heartache and suffering. My Lord, there are better ways to defend and protect your forces, much better ways than annihilating an entire planet because they have wronged you in some way..."


"This discussion is over. I expect this treaty to be completed by the time we prepare to depart for the meeting. Do not go against me on this issue for you will not like the outcome if you do."


Osiris then turned from Daniel and walked away leaving him standing there feeling both angry and upset. My'la entered the room seeing Daniel she smiled then noticed that he appeared rather disturbed. She softly inquired, "Daniel, what is it? What is wrong?"


"He didn't listen. He won't listen to me."




"The stubborn bastard just won't listen," he shook his head in agitation before turning and leaving the room to focus on the treaty yet again. He would not make a mention of the weapon and he knew that when Osiris read the treaty he would become extremely outraged, so he would wait until they were being transported to Chandra's world before completing the treaty. He knew the dangers of what he was doing, but was determined to do it because it was the right thing to do.


Several hours later Osiris turned to My'la demanding, "Where is Daniel?"


"He is coming, My Lord."


"He is late. He should know the penalty for tardiness."


"Be patient, My Lord..."


Just then Daniel entered the room and rushed to his lord's side bowing as he made an apology for being late. Osiris glared at him before chastising, "I require timeliness in all of my servants Daniel. You know this already."


"Yes, My Lord. I am sorry."


"Do you have the treaty?"


"Yes My Lord."


"May I see it?"


Daniel swallowed nervously before handing the treaty over to Osiris. As Osiris started to scan the contents he lowered his gaze awaiting his lord's anger and rage upon seeing the mention of the weapon was craftily omitted.


My'la cast a worried glance at Daniel, sensing that the man had failed to do something his lord required. She hoped that the young man hadn't done something to outrage his lord, but as Osiris cast an angry gaze his way she found herself tensing in preparation for an angry exchange between the two.


Osiris quickly scanned the treaty for the mention of the weapon, and when he saw none he focused intently on Daniel questioning, "Why have you failed to do as I have asked, Daniel?"


"My Lord?"


"Do not act as if you have no knowledge of what I am referring too, Daniel."


"I am sorry, My Lord, but what are you referring to?"


"The weapon, Daniel. Is there no mention of the device within this treaty?"


Daniel glanced up at Osiris then quickly downcast his gaze as he nervously shuffled from one foot to the other before responding, "No My Lord."


"Daniel I specifically requested that you add that into the treaty. Why do you dare to defy me on such a ruling?"


"We have no need of the weapon, My Lord."


"YOU FOOL! How dare you defy me in such matters!"


Daniel unconsciously flinched jerking away from Osiris fearing that he might have angered the Goa'uld lord enough to make him lash out at him in outrage. He licked his lips nervously as he softly replied, "I am sorry, My Lord, but I cannot and will not support you in this decision. If you have a desire to gain the weapon from Lord Chandra then you will simply have to ask for it yourself. I will not be a party to it."




My'la jumped as Osiris' voice echoed throughout the room. She noticed that Daniel took another unconscious step backwards and feared that Osiris might lose his control soon if she did not attempt to intercede. She quickly interrupted the exchange, "My Lord, it is time for you to meet with Lord Chandra. You do not wish to be late to your meeting, My Lord."


Osiris glared at her coldly before speaking with carefully controlled rage, "Thank you, My'la, we shall take our leave now. We shall return when the meeting is at its end. Come, Daniel, attend your lord, and do not dare defy me in front of another system lord or you shall find yourself in the dungeons for the rest of your days. You shall be punished for your obvious disobedience, but I have not yet decided how. Behave as you are trained, my defiant slave, or your punishment shall be much worse."


"Yes, My Lord."


                                                                                                              * * * *


When Nightmares Return


The rings descended around them as they were transferred from the ship to Chandra's planet. My'la shook her head fearing for Daniel, knowing that his defiance would surely be dealt with upon their return. Osiris could not allow a servant to be so defiant towards him. She turned and left the room feeling her worry for Daniel consuming her thoughts.


As they rematerialized on Mandara, Daniel continued to keep his head bowed refusing to make any eye contact with Osiris. He knew that he had angered the phoenix lord by neglecting to add the weapon into their agreement but he could not go against his own feelings on the matter.


Osiris continued to glare at his servant as he reminded, "If you defy me in front of Lord Chandra you will be punished severely for both crimes. Do not dare go against my rulings, slave, or you will find yourself in a most unfavorable position."


Daniel noted that Osiris so kindly addressed him as slave, but instead of responding appropriately to the title he simply replied, "Yes, My Lord," which only succeeded in angering Osiris all the more.


Daniel followed Osiris as they were led before Chandra. He remained by his lord's side presenting the treaty to Chandra who in turn made no secret of his obvious interest in Osiris' favored. Daniel could feel those heated gazes as Chandra brazenly examined him and ogled his body. He shifted uncomfortably beneath the gaze softly hissing as Osiris tightened his grip on his leash. He glanced briefly at Osiris still seeing the anger and rage in his lord then again focused his attention on Chandra.


Osiris smiled as he noticed the obvious interest in Chandra's gaze as he focused on his slave. He waited for Daniel to finish explaining their agreement before inquiring, "Lord Chandra is there anything that you shall require before we close this agreement?"


Chandra gazed at Daniel smiling lasciviously as he watched the young servant cast his gaze to the floor. He then inquired, "Is he your pleasure slave or your lover?"


"You have an interest in my favored, Lord Chandra?"


"Why yes. I do."


"He is most formidable in all things."


"I should like to see him service his lord. I would much enjoy the show."


Osiris snickered as he noticed Daniel lower his head even further and smiled as he contemplated Chandra's request. He then turned to his servant and firmly commanded, "Go to your knees, my precious slave for Lord Chandra wishes to see you service your god. He wishes to see your ecstasy. Do as I command."


Daniel swallowed hard feeling very uncomfortable and uncertain. Osiris never ordered him to serve him before other system lords until now. He hesitated gasping as Osiris wrapped his leash tighter in his hands then ordered, "HEEL!" as he tugged none too gently on the chain. Daniel knew that he had to serve his lord or suffer the consequences. Another planet would be destroyed unless he did as he was bid. He, also, knew that this was part of Osiris' punishment for his failure to do as his god had commanded. It was Osiris' way of reminding him of what his proper place was amongst his legion. He quietly responded, "Yes My Lord," closing his eyes so he would not have to see the look of interest in the moon god's face as he lowered gracefully to his knees and seized Osiris' robes gently tugging them open to reveal Sarah's beautiful mound of blond curls.


As her scent wafted through the air upon revealing her womanly center Daniel moaned forcing himself to imagine that he was in their bedchamber servicing her and not humiliating himself by performing such an intimate act before a system lord and his royal guard. He licked his lips as he focused on her secret trove feeling another tug on his leash encouraging him not to delay. He forced himself to separate from the humiliation of the act as he leaned upward slipping his tongue out from between his lips to gently prod at her swollen slit. Osiris' response was immediate as he gasped in pleasure and tossed his head back spreading his thighs further to offer Daniel better access to his moist core.


Daniel continued to focus on pleasing her and trying to forget that they were now being closely observed by others, but hearing the gasps and heavy breathing around him didn't help matters all that much for he knew for certain that they were reacting to his performance wishing that they were the one he was pleasuring. He moaned softly as her other hand entwined within his hair urging him to continue to provide such intense pleasure. He answered that gesture by probing her heat with his tongue dragging his tongue back and forth over her clitoris then pausing to drive his tongue deep within her dragging squeals of delight and soft moans from the one he was now pleasing.


Osiris smiled as Daniel continued to pleasure him so brilliantly with his tongue. He forced his passion-glazed eyes to open as he focused on Chandra. He chuckled as he noticed that Chandra was now held captivated by what he was being shown. Osiris purred, "Is he not exquisite?"


"Hmm, beautiful, most beautiful..."


"Yes... Slave, I should like you to suck me now."


Daniel's breathless voice came to him from between his thighs as he uttered, "Yes My Lord," before clamping his mouth over Sarah's clitoris and gently sucking while flicking his tongue across her at the same time. Sarah started to pant in response to such intense stimulation.


Osiris gently tugged his bottom lip in between his teeth nibbling on it as Daniel continued to stimulate his host so thoroughly. As Daniel ceased sucking and started to gently nibble on the labia Osiris could not hold back his loud moan of absolute pleasure. He started gently urging Daniel to continue telling him how good he was and how wonderful he was making them feel. Osiris hissed as Daniel then pulled back more and started to use light pressure as he twirled his tongue around the very tip of the clitoris urging them closer and closer to climax.


Osiris could no longer keep his moans and gasps of pleasure silent as Daniel's tongue action drove them closer and closer to orgasm. He tightened his hold on the leash as he felt the pleasure rippling through them as tremors of sweet intense heat surged forth. He screamed as they were brought to fulfillment. Osiris started to run his fingers through his servant's soft lengthy hair reveling in the softness of it. He whimpered as Daniel pulled away and as he opened his eyes he saw the man lowering gracefully to his knees awaiting his next command.


Osiris pressed a finger under the man's chin and turned his head upwards. When Daniel focused his intense gaze on them Osiris quietly commanded, "Come and cover your lord."


"Yes My Lord."


Daniel rose up on his knees as he tugged the robes back around Osiris covering his nakedness so that no other could continue to ogle him. Osiris smiled warmly as Daniel again returned to his submissive pose awaiting his next order still wearing Sarah's essence upon his beautiful face for all to see.


Chandra spoke through choked whispers as he requested, "I should like to sample that which has pleased you so thoroughly Lord Osiris."


Osiris smiled as he focused on Daniel yet again and firmly ordered, "You will rise and service Lord Chandra for your master, slave."


Daniel inhaled sharply; gasping in surprise and feeling immediate fear and anger fill him. There was no way in hell he would offer himself to another to be used like a cheap whore. Osiris would have to simply accept that he would not agree.


Osiris continued, "Come and rise, my precious slave. Service Lord Chandra for your god."




"Do you dare defy your god in such matters?"




"You have not a choice in the matter, slave. You will do as I command or you will be punished."


"Then I'll accept the punishment but there is no way in hell I'll offer myself to another. I'd rather die than become another's whore for you, My Lord."


"You dare defy your god?"


"Yes, I dare. I am not some cheap slut you can pass to whomever you feel like. I will not do as you command."


Osiris' outrage grew to extreme proportions. He wanted to lash out at his servant and punish him for daring to be so disrespectful to him in front of an audience. He raised the hand device above Daniel's forehead as he continued, "You are a slave. Need I remind you of what that status implies? You have no choice in the matter. You live to serve. You live to please. You have no rights except those your master bestows upon you. Do not anger me further, slave, for you shall not like the punishment you will receive for such lack of respect and such insolence to your god."


"I will not offer my body to another."


"Very well then you shall suffer by your god's hands."


Osiris prepared to trigger the hand device but it refused to cooperate. Rage sparked in his eyes as his answer came back to him of why he couldn't activate it...Sarah...Sarah was daring to defy him. He cast his next words inward as he threatened, 'Do not interfere, Sarah, or you will suffer my wrath.'


'You will destroy him.'


'I will do no such thing. He has defied me therefore he is to be punished for his insolence.'


'Don't do this. If you force Daniel to make such a sacrifice you will risk his ultimate destruction. He cannot handle being used by another. My lord, you must not force him to do this. You have sworn to protect him and to shield him. You have promised that you would never place him in this type of a situation again. Are you now going against your own words?'




'My Lord if you do this you will risk his destruction. Betrayal is one of the hardest things for him to deal with. You made a promise to him several months ago that you would always protect him and that you would never force him to offer himself to another. I beg of you don't betray him. Please, My Lord, don't do this to him. He can't handle it.'


'He lives to serve me. If I wish for him to do something he must obey without question.'


'Look at him. Can you not see what your simple request is now doing to him? He is already experiencing betrayal for you have sworn to him never to force him to do such a thing yet now you are asking him to willingly sacrifice himself for your weapon. You will kill him. Please don't put him through this. Please...'


'SILENCE! We must do this...'


'For your precious weapon: you'll destroy Daniel for a stupid weapon? You'll destroy a man you claim to love for a goddamned weapon? What the hell is wrong with you? You can't do this to him! YOU CAN'T! My Lord how can you not see the pain he is now experiencing at being commanded to do such a thing for you? Isn't it enough that you have just forced him to please you before an audience? You know how hard it is for Daniel just to perform when we are alone yet you forced him to pleasure you in front of an audience. Why is this weapon so damned precious to you?'


'Sarah, do not make me punish you for refusing to be silent...'


'Punish? Is this damn weapon more precious to you then the man you love with all your being? Is this damn weapon worth sacrificing the one man you love? IS IT?'


'I warned you...'


Osiris was so angry that without thought or concern for Sarah he directed crippling pain towards her. She screamed in agony, feeling Osiris' betrayal hurt her deeply. He'd sworn, he'd promised never to use pain as a weapon against her, yet he now chose to break that promise, just as he would break his promise to Daniel and destroy the one man she loved with all her heart. Oh God she had to fight him! She had to resist the blackness for if she failed, if she failed then Daniel would have no hope, none. Osiris would destroy him as he was now destroying her. He would cripple a growing trust permanently...he would destroy the one man he claimed to love. She couldn't let him do this. She couldn't! She fought, thrashing about trying to resist the blackness that wanted to trap her and imprison her in her own mind.


Sarah forced herself to focus on Daniel, her precious Daniel, who was even now bowing before them in a proper show of submission even as he was screaming on the inside. She knew he was screaming, oh how he was screaming inside calling out desperately for help, calling out desperately for his Jack to come and save him from this hell he was now in. She felt her heart weeping for the man as she heard Osiris offer Daniel to Chandra for punishing. Oh God he was giving Chandra permission to punish Daniel how he saw fit? Oh God...oh God no! Daniel! NO! She watched him as he raised his head ever so slightly and glanced upon Osiris. The look in his eyes was enough to destroy her. She could feel his pain and his suffering so deeply that she wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to recover from the backlash. Daniel was dying now, dying inside and crumbling. He was shrinking away from her, away from them as he listened to Osiris pronounce his punishment for all too hear. The betrayal was already wreaking havoc on what remained of the man's gentle, precious soul. Again Daniel had dared to trust a promise only to have it be broken and destroyed. Again Daniel was sliding into despair and panic. She clawed her way back towards Osiris needing desperately to make him see to make him understand just what he was now doing to Daniel but she was so weak from the pain he sent her that she could do nothing except weep for the man she loved so completely. She would weep for him when he could not weep for himself for Daniel would never show such a weakness to an enemy. He would never show such a weakness to her.


Daniel felt himself dying as Osiris granted Chandra permission to punish him. As he risked a glance at Chandra he could see lust in those eyes and hunger. The system lord wanted him just as Dionysus wanted him. Oh God please, please no...no. He couldn't handle another assault like the one he had suffered on Dionysus' planet. He couldn't. Osiris had promised him. He had promised never to place his servant in another position like that but now Osiris was willingly breaking that promise and Daniel was calling himself every kind of fool there was for daring to trust the system lord even a little. He had believed Osiris' words on that day, and now he was learning just how much of a stupid fool he'd been. When would he ever learn that to trust even a little was a foolish notion? When would he learn to stop being so naïve and so damned forgiving? When would he learn that this world was a cruel, harsh place? When? Why did he always dare to believe that some good remained in everyone, every creature and every being? Why did he continue to believe such a stupid notion?


He could hear Jack's words of warning telling him just how stupid he was...yeah thought you'd be safe did you, Daniel? You thought you could trust the word of a snake? You're a fool Daniel Jackson a stupid, stupid fool! When will you learn that this world is cold and harsh? When will you learn that people are inherently evil? When will you learn to stop believing in such frilly notions as compassion, peace, love and forgiveness? You didn't learn when your parents died and you didn't learn when Sha're died. When the hell are you going to open up your eyes and realize that this place is hell? When?


He hung his head, as he silently whispered, "Probably never."


He heard the order, the command to rise but couldn't make himself comply. The result of his refusal was to be jerked to his feet by his leash and dragged towards a door that obviously led to his own personal hell. He decided not to fight anymore. What the hell was the use? He would be used and abused for the rest of his life. He was no longer free. He was a slave, a servant. His job, his duty was to obey his master. He was doomed to a hellish existence.


He didn't even struggle as his hands were secured above his head locked in chains. He knew that he was doomed already and that there would be no escape for him. As he cast one last glance at Osiris all he saw was contempt and a twisted, demented little thrill of anticipation coloring Sarah's cheeks making her beauty appear only skin deep. She was twisted and evil now. She was no more. The compassionate young woman who had at one time stolen his heart was no more, for Osiris now ruled her as well as him. He hung his head clenching his eyes tightly shut as Osiris urged, "Go ahead and touch him. See how he so openly responds to stimulation. You desired to touch him, to have him service you, and now you may have your chance."


Chandra smiled in glee as he approached Daniel and spooned up behind the man pulling him back against him and wrapping his arms around him. Daniel tensed and felt his body shudder as the system lord inhaled deeply saying, "He smells of sex and heat. I shall enjoy sampling the delights that you have found within this one. Hmm, Raschaun, hand me the blindfold please. I have an urge to blindfold this beautiful one."


Raschaun handed his lord a blindfold and Daniel tensed as the arms released him and cloth was pressed against his face. He didn't want to be blindfolded not for this. He whispered, "My Lord, please...please don't..."


Osiris pressed a finger to Daniel's lips as he quietly urged, "Hush, hush now slave and allow yourself to feel the pleasure that Lord Chandra is willing to provide you with."


"No...no, please..."




Daniel swallowed hard knowing that Osiris was implying that he would allow Chandra to use him for intercourse. He shuddered again hearing Jack's voice tormenting him and telling him that he was such a stupid fool, such a bloody fool.


He jumped as arms again wrapped around him, and he felt the unfamiliar body press up against him once more. He wanted to scream but could no longer speak as his mind decided to attack him as well by sending him on a backwards spiral into his tormented past when another system lord wanted him so much that he resorted to abducting him to claim him. He stiffened even more as warm breath caressed his ear and a soft kiss fell against his left cheek. He didn't even realize it as he softly pleaded, "No, no please...please stop this...no!"


He shivered as he heard taunting laughter and Osiris' voice as he addressed Chandra, "I have heard that you enjoy those who beg to remain untouched."


"Hmm, yes...he is cooperating very nicely."


"Yes, that he is..."


Sarah gasped as Osiris laughed, actually laughed at Daniel's suffering. Oh God she had to stop this! She had to! As Daniel again begged not to be touched she noticed an unusual hitch in his voice. Why did he sound as if he were...oh God panic...he was panicking...he was drawing so close to outright panic! The first indicator was always that little hitch, surely Osiris could hear it, surely he would call a halt to this horrible abuse of his favored, surely he would come to Daniel's aid...surely he would, but as his mocking laughter filled the room again Sarah knew that he did not hear. He was too angry with the man, too irritated with Daniel that he wanted to punish him, and he knew that offering him up to be fondled and mauled by another system lord would provide him with the perfect opportunity to teach his slave never to disobey again. She shuddered and continued her struggle to come to Daniel's aid as she heard Osiris' next taunting words, "Oh hush now my precious slave for this does not hurt a bit. I know how you love to be fondled and caressed. Come show Lord Chandra how easily your body can be stimulated..."


She cried for Daniel when a strangled moan escaped from between his lips as Chandra tugged his earlobe into his mouth and started to suckle it. She watched in horror as the Goa'uld lord then proceeded to continue suckling the ear as he toyed and taunted Daniel's nipples, twisting and tweaking them between his fingers drawing another strangled moan from him.


Daniel found himself back in that room with Dionysus' servant being openly mauled and fondled. He cursed his own responses as a warm mouth began to suckle his ear and fingers began to tweak his nipples. Oh God he was responding to the unwanted stimulation as if he were a cheap whore. He could feel his legs lazily drifting apart and feel the heat spiking within him building and accumulating, threatening to force soft pleas for release and for pleasure to slip past his lips. He couldn't handle this! He couldn't! He could feel the tears already building at the corners of his eyes threatening to spill down over his cheeks, but he tried to force them back. As the hands on him became more aggressive and the one holding him started planting soft kisses across his cheek Daniel felt his panic build. He tried to jerk away from the person, screaming when the man latched onto his leash effectively forcing him back to a time he tried desperately to forget. A time when he was pinned to the floor and being forcefully kissed...a time when he knew that he would be gang raped. He heard the mocking laughter fill the room, recognizing the voice, but not being able to place the face with that voice. He knew that the laughter was originating from someone who had promised never to place him in this kind of a situation again, and as another tug was applied to his leash he screamed again this time louder struggling as breathing became almost impossible.


Sarah watched Daniel intently trying desperately to claw her way back to save him. She could see the man's panic increasing, and when Chandra applied pressure to the leash secured to Daniel's collar his scream of terror was enough to increase her strength. She knew that she had to get to Daniel soon or he would be lost, lost in a horrible nightmare that should never have happened. Osiris had betrayed Daniel, and even now he was laughing at the man as he desperately tried to remain in control. She could hear the horrible gasping that always followed his flailing struggles. He was panicking so badly that she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get to him on time.


Daniel fought against invisible demons as he found himself back there, being pinned to the floor as he was openly mauled. He could smell the servant's bated breath and feel the man's weight settling across his body again. He could feel the weakness and the pain flaring as he remembered the brutal kicks that had been directed to his sides. He could hear the sinister laughter that surrounded him filled him and forced him to panic outright. He became extremely scared when he realized he could no longer draw air into his lungs. He attempted to claw at his throat, feeling metal slicing into flesh and warm liquid spraying down over his wrists. He attempted to kick and to buck but it was useless, for the more he kicked and the more he bucked the harder breathing became. He screamed again as his nightmarish memories took him beyond what happened that day to all of his fears and certainties of what could have occurred. He saw the servant above him whipping out his dick as he prepared to rape his mouth. He felt his fear only increase and his panic increase as he realized that he could no longer draw in breath. He felt his throat closing up and sealing out all the precious air that he needed to breathe. He felt light headed as blackness started to stalk him and urge him to follow. He knew that he was slowly suffocating. He knew it and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't defeat it. His ears began to ring and his lungs felt as if they were ready to explode. His eyes felt as if they were now bulging out of their sockets, and his throat felt as if a noose was drawn tight. He briefly wondered why he was even resisting the inevitable and as his mind flashed to Jack he gave up his fight collapsing where he was.


Sarah screamed a desperate "NO!" as she saw Daniel collapsing against the shackles. She shoved Chandra violently out of the way before demanding, "Release him! RELEASE HIM NOW!"


Chandra was so surprised by the sudden demand that he quickly undid the restraints, watching as Osiris' slave crumpled and sagged against his lord completely unconscious. He watched in awe as Osiris began to yell a name over and over again ordering him not to give up and to please return. Daniel, Daniel...the name was repeated again and again...Daniel, please don't die. Daniel, hold on. Daniel, please speak to me. Daniel, please come back to me. In between the pleas the Goa'uld lord gasped as if a great sorrow filled his heart. Chandra glanced at Osiris' face noticing the fine sheen of moisture trailing down over those smooth cheeks, and he swallowed hard deciding he would leave to give Osiris time to spend with his servant. He tried not to even think of how he felt when the man suddenly stopped breathing as panic flooded him. Had he known that Osiris' servant would panic like that he would have never made the suggestion to be satisfied by him.


He thought of what occurred in the throne room, and wondered if in securing the servant he had provoked the panic attack. When the man was free of bonds he had served his lord efficiently and effectively but from the moment the shackles were locked around his wrists the servant had started to panic. Why had Osiris not informed him that his favored had an intense fear of restraints? Had he known...had he known he would have approached things much differently.


Sarah continued to speak to Daniel, encouraging him to open his eyes and look at her. She became desperate as she feared that death might have found him. She hung her head as she felt his loss so completely. She had been too late, too late to save Daniel from his deepest fear...


She jerked her head up as a strangled gasp filled the room followed by very haggard breathing. She smiled brightly as Daniel focused on her and reached desperately for his throat. She stilled his hands as she encouraged softly, "No, Daniel, no. You mustn't. You must focus on regaining your breathing. You must focus on calming yourself. Shh, shh, relax...relax, Daniel. Don't give in to it. Don't. Please don't leave me again. Please Daniel. I tried to get to you sooner but Osiris hur...hurt me to gain control over me. He...he actually hurt me...I...I couldn't get to you any sooner..."


Daniel noticed that her admission regarding Osiris harming her was a very difficult one for her to make. Had she too been fooled by the Goa'uld lord's false promises? He cursed as his instinct was to reach up and offer her comfort. He gently cupped the side of her face in his hand nodding in understanding. She smiled sadly as she answered his unspoken question, "Yes, he promised that he would not do so again...he...he...did not keep the promise...as he didn't keep his promise to you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry he put you through that Daniel, so sorry."


"S'okay, Sarah...really s'okay...help...help me up...please...can't..."


"No, no. You need to relax. You need to..."


"Help...I...I don't want to stay here...don't...they came back...memories are back...I...I panicked...I...I felt as if...as if..."


"As if it were happening all over again?"


Daniel simply nodded before continuing, "Only this time...much worse...they succeeded...almost..."


"In raping...oh God Daniel...I'm sorry. Come on. Let's get you up and get you out of here before our lord decides to grace us with his presence."


"Where is he?"


"I fought him...and won...he retreated...shrank away when...when you stopped breathing...I believe he's feeling ashamed and guilty...he allowed his anger to...to..."


Daniel simply nodded shaking his head in response before closing his eyes. Sarah gently urged, "Oh no. No rest for you yet, Daniel. No, you can't rest until I get you off of this planet. I want us off of this planet and traveling away from here before Osiris discovers it's too late to return to claim his stupid weapon."


"He'll punish..."


"So he will...no matter. We need to get you safely back on board the ship and get you tucked into bed. Come on, Daniel, let's get you to your feet."




"No, no buts. We're leaving. I hate this place as much as you do, and I really don't want him to get his hands on that weapon. He was willing to betray us both to retrieve it, so he wants it badly for some reason, which is why we are leaving."


She helped him rise to his feet draping his arm across the back of her neck and wrapping her other arm around his waist as she urged him towards the door. She continued, "I paid attention when we arrived. The ring room is this way."


She helped him down the hall, taking the pace slowly, allowing him a chance to regain his strength. He was exhausted after that attack and she knew that he would be asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Once at the transportation room she guided him to the center of the rings and pressed the jewel on her hand device, holding onto him as the rings descended down around them and sent them back up to the ship. Once on the ship she helped Daniel to the main hall ignoring all questions as she ordered, "Get us out of this sector immediately. Return to Maloash to retrieve Zeenan, then set a course back to Bursiris."


"Yes My Lord."


"I will be in my chamber attending to my favored."


The guards nodded and watched as Osiris continued to give Daniel aid as they traveled at a near crawl towards their bedchamber. They then focused on programming the courses into the computer that Osiris requested.


Halfway to the bedchamber Daniel froze causing Sarah to stop and cast a worried glance his way. Sarah questioned, "What is it Daniel? What's wrong?"


"I...I want to...to bath....before...before..."


Sarah nodded her head in understanding again feeling the guilt swamp her for not being able to prevent another attack on Daniel. She guided him towards the bathhouse determined to help him bathe before they retired sensing Daniel would struggle a long time to deal with the crippling blow of Osiris' betrayal.







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