SG-1 Team


                                                                   The Night Sun Part 2

                                                                                                             By:  Stacy L.





Jack O'Neill was led into a room and shoved to his knees violently. A figure stood before him clothed in a long black cape. The person was facing away from him, so Jack couldn't get a clear look at all. The person wore a hood over their head as well. The guard to his left spoke first, "My Lord...I bring before you a gift from the village of Bursiris..."


"A gift?" spoke the figure in that gravelly voice that the Goa'uld commonly used. Jack hated to see which Goa'uld he was with this time. He couldn't stand the snakeheads. They seemed to be everywhere. He continued to listen to the conversation.


"Yes My Lord."




"I have one of the visitors, My Lord..."


The figure turned towards Jack, but Jack still couldn't see the face of the one before him. The hood of the cloak concealed the face very well. The figure continued, "You have done well."


"Thank you, My Lord."


"Were there not three others?"


"Yes My Lord."


"Where are they?"


" away."


"Escaped? To where?"


"Some where...on the planet, My Lord."


"I see.  Well, no matter. They will soon come, and when they do...they will be mine."


"Yes My Lord."


"Send a guard to Bursiris to search for the others. When they are found bring them before me."


"Yes My Lord."


He did as he was bid then he returned to relieve the guards posted at the door to his lord's chamber. Once they moved to stand guard outside the door the figure spoke again, "You are human, yes?"


Jack didn't say anything only watched the figure leerily. The figure demanded, "Speak human, or suffer my wrath!"


"Last time I checked," came Jack's quick retort.


"And where have you come from?"


"No where."


"You do not belong on this planet, human. Do not play me for a fool. Now tell me from whence you came."


"Space...Outer space to be exact."




"Oh, a galaxy far, far away..."


Jack watched the figure as the eyes shined bright white. The figure then stepped up to Jack and spoke evenly, "You dare play me, human? Where are the others who came with you?"


"I came alone."


"You lie to protect your friends."


"I don't have any friends..."


"Insolence is not acceptable, human. You will tell me what I want to know or suffer. Where are the others?"


"There are no others. I came alone."


The figure turned abruptly raising his left hand. He turned back to face Jack and a brilliant flash erupted from the Goa'uld hand device he wore. Jack flew violently backwards. He was stunned by the sudden onslaught. As he began to recover he looked up. The figure pulled the hood off of his head and began to bear down on O'Neill. He demanded again, "Where are the others? Tell me!"


Jack finally felt his focus return and looked up again saying, "There are no others."


" dare you challenge me!"


Jack was a bit surprised to see that the figure was, in fact, a young woman. She had wavy blond hair that fell down across her back in layers. She had a rather light complexion also. She was very beautiful...not exactly what Jack expected in a god, but of course the Goa'uld did select perfect hosts to reside in and this woman before him did indeed fit that description. Jack cleared his throat then spoke, "If you don't mind me asking just...who are you?"


"I am your god."


"Whoa, I don't think so lady. You're a parasite."


"You dare insult Un-Nefer, the Night Sun, human?"


"The Night Sun?"  Jack looked at her like she had lost her mind. Who on earth was this person? She was Goa'uld, of that Jack was certain, but which one? Who was she? Jack continued, "You're kidding right? The Night Sun? What is that exactly?"


The guard in the room approached Jack ramming a Jaffa staff weapon against his back as he spoke, "You dare insult your god, human?"


"Hey that's not a god...that’s a parasite in a human body..."


The guard slammed the staff weapon against the side of Jack's head. Jack fell to the floor hard slipping into unconsciousness.  The guard then spoke, "I am sorry My Lord Un-Nefer, he insulted you. I felt I had to defend you."


She looked from her guard to Jack then back again. She then spoke, “Take him to the dungeons. He may be willing to talk of what he knows after spending some time in the pits."


"Yes My Lord."


The guard easily lifted Jack up off of the floor and carried him to the dungeons. Once there he carelessly tossed the human into a cell and secured the cell door. When he returned to his lord's chamber he noticed that she again wore the hood over her head like a veil. Very few have ever seen her face, Kelsham found himself to be rather lucky to have been given the chance and the honor of seeing his god in His true form. As First Prime he was one of only a few given such an honor.


Un-Nefer turned upon hearing Kelsham's approach and spoke, "Kelsham, Khonsus's full glory approaches. It is soon time for the Transformation Ceremony. You must go to Bursiris and make the next selection..."


"As you wish, My Lord."


"Your allegiance is greatly appreciated, Kelsham."


"I would gladly die for you, My Lord."


"As I know you would. You will return to the village at first light to make the appropriate selections for our new army. We will soon have enough forces to depart this world and return to take our place amongst the system lords. We shall join forces with my son at Karnak."


"Your son, My Lord? I thought you had no knowledge of his whereabouts."


"My beloved hid him away to protect him from our brother. I know where to find him. Go. Now."


"Yes My Lord," with that said Kelsham took his leave heading to the village to make his selections for the upcoming Transformation.


                                                                                   * * * *

Marna looked up at Daniel Jackson saying, "You must all rest before you take your leave."


"We need to find our friend."


"Do not fear so for your friend. He will not be killed only questioned thoroughly."


"That's what I'm afraid of."


Verdon interrupted, "She is correct. Our lord will question the traveler to see if he is a threat."


Sam interrupted, "A threat?"


"Yes, a threat."


"But that's not..."


Daniel quickly spoke Verdon's name. He knew where Sam was going with her last statement. She was about to argue. He knew an argument would ensue if this conversation continued on the path it was heading. He decided to step in and mend the sudden surmounting tension in the room before it exploded. Sam was very good at trying to get her points across and could argue just about any point. Once she started to argue there was no stopping her. Daniel waited until Verdon turned his full attention towards him before he continued, "May I ask where did your...god come from? Has he been here all this time?"


Verdon looked towards Marna and she answered, "No, he has not."


"Well, then where did...he come from?"


"Come from? Why the sky, of course..."


"The sky? No, no, no. Did he come through the, uh, Chap'pai?"


"Chap'pai what?"


"I'm sorry...the, uh, Stargate. Did he come through the Stargate?"


"No, he did not."


Sam quickly interrupted, "Well, then how did he get here?"


"He fell from the sky in a great big pyramid..."


Daniel looked at her then said, "A...a pyramid? Tell me Marna, has anybody ever...seen your god up close?"




"Well, why not?"


"Our god does not walk amongst us."


"Has anyone ever...claimed to see him? How did you know who had arrived if you did not see?"


"We saw the pyramid fall. Some took it as a sign...others as a warning. Several villagers went out to returned. He told us of a god who had returned to us. The god was brought before us wearing a long black cloak and hood. No one could see the face of the one who had arrived here so unexpectedly."


"Wait a you're saying that he arrived here?"




Sam interceded with yet another question, "Well, how did your people know that he was a god?"


Verdon interrupted, "His eyes were white like lightening and sparkled like the stars...lightening flew from his hand... My people called it magic and only the gods can use magic."


Daniel said more to himself then anyone, "A Goa'uld..."


Sam added to Daniel's comment, "And the falling pyramid could be a..."


Teal'c finished, "Goa'uld mother ship."


Verdon and Marna both stared at the visitors strangely. They didn't understand some of the words these travelers were using.  Then Marna spoke, "You have heard of such a being?"


Daniel looked at her, sighing. Now just how much should he tell her? How should he even begin to tell her? He gave up and just answered simply, "Yes, yes we have. We into several of these...gods in our travels."


"You have?"




Verdon bowed his head then said, "We praise you..."


"No, no don't do that."


"But only the bravest and strongest among us are allowed to walk among the clouds with the gods. You are indeed a holy one."


"No, no. We’re merely travelers. Look these gods you speak of are just as human as you or I. They have no power."


"But we have seen what they can do."


"Okay wait just...give me a minute... Your god is two creatures...two beings in the same body..."


Sam looked at Daniel worried that Verdon would soon cast them out of Marna's home for speaking up against the gods he worshipped. She said, "Daniel, are you sure this is the right thing to do?"


"Yes Sam. They need to know that they’re merely slaves. We can free them like we freed the people of Abydos from Ra just..."


Both Marna and Verdon gasped upon hearing the mention of Ra. Daniel noticed that they were frozen. He then inquired, "Verdon? Marna? Are you all right? Did I say something wrong?"


Marna answered, "No. You have met Ra?"


"Well yes, but Ra is dead..."


"He what?"


"We, uh...we killed him."


Verdon cut in, "But Ra is a god. He cannot die."


"Your gods...they’re false gods. They can be killed just as you or I. They’re...human but inside them is a parasite a...a creature who uses the host's body as a vessel to live off of... This creature, this Goa'uld, it takes over the human and creates..."


"The demon..." replied Marna. She continued, "I have seen people be chosen by our god at the Transformation and have seen them cease to be themselves. They become...evil some how...different. They become demons..."


"Marna, did I not tell you to cease speaking of such things? You will get yourself killed if you continue to proclaim our god is false."


"It is true, Verdon. Why do you refuse to believe?"


"Marna, we have been over this before..."


"Yes and we will discuss this again. We cannot keep avoiding the truth..."


"Uh excuse me? What is this...Transformation you speak of?" interrupted Daniel.


"When Khonsus’ full glory arrives people are chosen to serve our lord..."


Sam questioned, "Khonsus? What?"


Daniel quickly supplied the answer to Sam's question, "The moon, the full moon to be exact… Khonsus was the moon god of Ancient Egypt. In the legend Thoth, the god of truth and wisdom, challenged Khonsus to a battle. Khonsus lost therefore losing some of his light. Because of losing some of his light the moon now comes in phases..."


"Full moon, quarter moon, half moon..."


"Yes exactly. Since Khonsus lost some of his light to Thoth he no longer has enough light to remain full throughout the month..."




Marna spoke up, "The Transformation is a ceremony that is conducted regularly when Khonsus, the moon, is at full glory.  Guards come to the village to choose who will serve."


"How many are usually chosen?"


"Two, sometimes four... We must offer our best warriors, and our most beautiful women or we will anger our god and he will punish us."


Sam added, "Of course, the Goa'uld usually pick the most perfect people to become hosts..."


Teal'c commented, "It would seem that the god of this world is using this ceremony to enslave the peoples of this land."


"Sam, we have to help these people."


"Whoa, Whoa, wait Daniel... First we have to free the Colonel then we go from there."


"Major Carter, it would seem that the people's of this land need our help. Should we not help them to break free from their false god?"


"Yes Teal'c, we should but we must free the Colonel."


"Uh Marna?"


"Yes Daniel Jackson?"


"When is the next...Transformation going to take place?"


"Tomorrow night."


"Tomorrow? Sam..."




"We have to help them."


"And if we're caught ourselves then what? Who would help us and the Colonel?"


"We have to help these people, Sam."


"Daniel, I understand your desire to save these people, but if we’re discovered we’ll be captured like the Colonel. Daniel, we can't take the risk."


Sam looked at Daniel hoping, praying, that this time he would see her point. Daniel had a big heart and a strong will. He always stood up for those who were less fortunate, those who were weaker... Daniel's ability to care for people, strangers deeply, was one of the traits about the man that she respected and admired. She often found herself wondering what drove Daniel to be so passionate and so caring for people he knew nothing about. She wondered how, after all the horror and loss he has suffered through in his lifetime, he could still find it in himself to respect nature and to care for those he never knew. He had lost his parents at a very young age to a tragic accident that he had witnessed. He had lost his wife Sha're to the Goa'uld...she had been inhabited by Amunet, Apophis' queen. Teal'c was forced to kill her to save Daniel's life. Amunet would've killed Daniel if Teal'c hadn't of interrupted when he did. Then he lost a friend to the Goa'uld Osiris. Daniel was still dead set on finding her and freeing her...succeeding where he had failed with his wife. Yet here he was after suffering all of those losses and was still, is still, able to help those who needed helped. Sam found that a very admirable trait in Daniel, indeed.


Sam looked at her friend now. He was more like a brother than a friend. The team was her family. Through the last few years of traveling the galaxy they had all grown closer together. They were actually closer than a team should be. They would willingly offer their own lives in exchange for each other. They took risks they weren’t supposed to in order to save one another. They had formed a deep bond, which was still growing stronger. Sam could practically read the minds of her team members. She could tell by Daniel's expression that he would not drop this. He was bound and determined to help these people. Daniel was strong-willed and very stubborn, especially when it came down to something he was determined to do.  Sam had half a notion to reiterate what she had just said. But she knew, she could tell, that if she continued to argue with Daniel she would get no where and in the end Daniel would do what he wanted despite the consequences anyway...that was just the way he was. She hated arguing with Daniel because she usually ended up losing the argument.


Marna interrupted Sam's thoughts as she spoke, "Some of them will listen to your words while others will refuse to hear. Some would willingly turn you and your friends over to our lord just to prove their loyalty and trust to him..."


"We still should try."


Teal'c commented, "I concur with Doctor Jackson. These people deserve to know their true purpose to the gods they serve."


Marna spoke up, "Come. Rest...all of you look tired. Sleep will help..."


"We've all gone without sleep before. We'll be fine. What we really need is the lay out of that place."


A booming voice echoed through the village just then announcing, "Prepare for the Transformation."


Marna looked to Verdon.  He said, "The time of selection is approaching. Tonight people will be chosen for the Transformation. We offer them tonight. At first light they are chosen and taken to our lord where they will become..."


"His slaves."


"Marna, stop."


"Verdon...why do you offer people to your god?"


"As payment for his continued protection..."


"Protection from what?"


"Other demons coming forth to steal our people..."


Sam spoke up, "Verdon, that’s exactly what your god is doing. Stealing your people. Instead of him attacking your planet and taking prisoners he’s demanding sacrifices...demanding you turn over your people so that they will come to serve him. Your god is no different from any other god. He is using you to get his hosts for the Goa'uld. You’re just a vessel to him. Your only importance is that you can provide the Goa'uld with hosts. You and your people are willingly sacrificing yourselves and your children so that he may live and become stronger, more powerful. You have to stop giving him what he needs."


"If we stop, our villages, our homes will be destroyed."


"And if you don't your people will be destroyed. Is that what you want?"




"So do something about it."


"We cannot..." answered Verdon.


Marna said, "Yes we can, Verdon. We can do as they say and deny him what he so desires. Do not offer our people as sacrifices to him."


"Most of the villagers have sworn allegiance to him. They will not listen."


Teal'c interrupted, "Then you must try to reach those you are able. Those who would be willing to listen, to hear what you are saying..."


Daniel added, "Teal'c is right. You must tell those who want to listen. Your numbers may be small, but your cause is great.  You must try to reach those who are willing to hear... You have to at least try."


"By doing so we risk our people being destroyed."


"Marna is right. Earlier when she said he wouldn't destroy your people. He won't. He needs your people to be hosts to help him create his new army."


"And what if he should decide we are no longer worthy of his protection?"


"How about crossing that bridge when you come to it?"


Verdon just looked at the three new arrivals. Who were they? Where did they come from? He thought that they were quite an odd group of people: a Jaffa, a female warrior and two males. All of them had guns raised when first approaching except two.  The one calling himself Daniel Jackson held no weapons in his hands, but Verdon did notice the young man carried a weapon on him. The Jaffa carried a staff weapon, a weapon of the gods. Verdon was very hesitant to approach them all, except the one calling himself Daniel. He didn't seem as much of a threat as the other three did. Probably because he didn't carry any forms of weaponry in his hands upon arrival. It was kind of odd to see that. Verdon found himself wondering why that was.  Why would one man choose not to carry a weapon in his hands while the others did? It made no sense. He also had a feeling that the one calling himself Daniel had a gentler, calmer nature than the others. He didn't seem to have the hard edge that the other three carried. Out of the four visitors he was definitely the one who seemed the most approachable, but Verdon also noticed something else in the young man before him. He was haunted...something was haunting him. It was easy to overlook, but Verdon has learned how to read a lot about a person by looking in their eyes. The eyes were the windows to the soul.  This man was guarded...he was guarded and haunted but approachable. Verdon found that he actually liked Daniel Jackson.


Marna interrupted his thoughts as she spoke, "Tonight is the Transformation. Four of our people will be selected and given to our lord's guards. They will escort them to the dwelling of our lord."


Sam commented, "I got an idea."


Teal'c and Daniel looked at her in question. She continued, "They’re taken inside the complex?"


"Yes...and directly to our lord to be prepared..."


"Could it be possible for one of us to..."


Daniel spoke up suddenly sensing what Sam had in mind. His voice was lined in concern as he spoke her name. Sam looked at Daniel asking, "What?"


"What you’re about to suggest is very dangerous. It could backfire..."


"Daniel, we have to get the Colonel out. What better way then to get inside that complex right under the guard's noses?"


Verdon looked from the young man to the woman and questioned, "What are you thinking?"


"One of us could be offered as a sacrifice..."


"What? No! I will not allow that!" quickly interceded Marna.


"I don't see any other real alternative here, Marna... Daniel, think about just might work."




"If we attempt to get inside the complex any other way what will happen? How many guards are there?"


"There aren't many guards yet..."


"Roughly how many?"


"Twenty...maybe thirty."




"Yes. Why?"


"That's a lot of people..."


"Okay maybe there are only about fifteen...I am not sure."


Verdon spoke up, "There are sixteen...Four more tomorrow...when the next ones are chosen. They keep the place under heavy guard. No one can get in, except the guards..."


Marna looked at Verdon with questions burning in her eyes. Questions and confusion, "Verdon, how could you know this?"


"I have been there before."


"But when?"


"When your son was taken...I followed. I tried to help him but…I failed."


"Verdon, you never told me that."


Sam interrupted, "So you know the way to the complex?"


"Yes, but as I said before you cannot get in unless you are a guard."


"Or someone selected to become a guard... We may be able to free the Colonel if we get someone on the inside."


"I will go," quickly answered Teal'c.


Daniel interceded, "No, no Teal'c you can't go."


"Why can I not, Daniel Jackson?"


"You’re a Jaffa..."


"Then I'll go..." Sam quickly volunteered.


Daniel shook his head no then continued, "No. I will."


"No Daniel, you..."


"Sam, I’m the only one who can go. Teal'c can't because of his symbiote and carried Jolinar within you. He'll know you aren't from here as soon as you're near him. He’ll sense the presence of the Goa'uld in Teal'c, and he'll sense that you possessed a Goa'uld at one time..."


"Doctor Jackson is correct. He is the only one who will be able to get inside undetected."


"All right...all right. Marna?"




"Will we be able to offer him up? Or will he be recognized by the others?"


"All of the chosen ones are to wear a cloak over their heads and bodies. It is the way we offer them so as not to offend him."




Verdon answered, "Our lord wears a cloak of black. No one has ever seen his face..."


"But why?"


"What better way to affirm you’re an actual god then to conceal your true form from those who worship you? By wearing a cape he’s made himself a mystery. If no one has seen his face then they don't know that he’s a human being. He rules by fear..."


"Many of the false gods will conceal themselves until they feel the time is right to reveal themselves to their followers."


Marna continued, "The guards choose. They may look at your face to see if you are acceptable."


"Daniel, I'd take off your glasses then. I haven't seen anyone here with them."


"Okay." Daniel did as he was bid by Sam and removed his glasses placing them in his jacket pocket.


After it was decided that Daniel would be the one to get inside the complex Marna took him to prepare him for the ceremony.  Her and Daniel returned shortly thereafter with Daniel wearing a long black hooded cape.


Verdon said, "I have a friend who is willing to help us. He will follow at a distance behind as you and the others are being taken to meet our lord. He will slip in once there and follow you. Once in the main room he can then switch places with you allowing you to leave the group and search for your friend without drawing attention to yourself."


"Do you know exactly where the Colonel would be held?" questioned Sam in worry.


"In the dungeons..."


"In the dungeons?  Okay. Do you know...or does somebody know, how to find the dungeons once inside?"






"No. Very few see the inside of our lord's place of rest."


"Okay that's not much of a help... Daniel, are you going to be able to locate him?"


"Yeah, yeah. Once I'm inside and have a chance to explore I'll be fine."


"Doctor Jackson, do not be surprised if this place is equipped with a ring device. You must look closely to find it."


"Once I find Jack and get him out of there I'll go back for your people and get them out..."


"Teal'c and I will make our way there and wait for you and the Colonel."


"Okay. I think we're ready. Now what?"


"Now, Daniel Jackson, you place the hood over your head."




"Daniel, you have two zats correct?" questioned Sam.


"Yes...we'll need them in case we run into trouble."


Marna questioned, "Zats?"


"A zat gun is a weapon. The first shot stuns, second kills..."


"Oh, all right. Verdon, are you ready?"


"Yes. First, I must talk with Kalvin. Then I will escort Daniel Jackson to the place of offering."


                                                                                  * * * *


Verdon returned later and led Daniel outside. Three guards stood awaiting the offerings. Daniel was taken over to the guards along with the other three "sacrifices". Once they were gathered they were told to follow. Daniel kept his head bowed so as not to be recognized. In the distance Verdon's friend, Kalvin, followed also wearing a black cape and robe. Once they arrived at the complex the rings were activated, and they were all transported to the second floor. The guards then escorted them to a room where they were told to wait for their god's arrival.


Daniel walked over to the door and tried it. To his surprise the door turned easily in his hand. He opened the door and saw two guards standing watch outside. They commanded him to be patient and await the arrival of his lord so Daniel closed the door then walked to the Window… So now what? How was he going to get himself out of this one? He was supposed to trade places with Verdon's friend, but how would this Kalvin get inside?


Suddenly a man was admitted who drew Daniel's attention. He announced, "I am to examine each of you for our god...come."


The man took each of them one by one approaching Daniel last. The man pointed at Daniel and ordered him to accompany him. Daniel went with him preparing to think of some way to get away from this person without blowing his cover. The man suddenly looked around then ordered Daniel into a room. Daniel looked at him in surprise when the man said "We must switch places before you are discovered. Quickly now."


"Wha...what? Wait..."


"I am Kalvin...friend of Verdon. Daniel Jackson, we must move quickly. We have little time."


They quickly switched places. Then Daniel, wearing the robes of the man who had checked them, escorted Kalvin to the room where the other three "sacrifices" were being held. After Kalvin was inside he whispered for Daniel to go. Daniel quickly exited the room heading away from the guards. He told the guards that he was reporting to their lord. Once around a corner and far enough away not to be spotted Daniel started his search. He pulled off the robes he now wore because they were hindering his progress. He then pulled out a zat gun and continued his search. He stopped when he heard the distinct voice of a Goa'uld speaking. The Goa'uld was questioning, "What of the other three?"


"My Lord, they have not yet been found."


"They must be found. They must not be allowed to leave this place."


"They will not, My Lord."


"We can learn much from them... Has the prisoner spoken yet?"


"No My Lord."


"He will."


"My Lord, he does not seem willing to speak with you..."


"He will. In time, he will."


"What of the others, My Lord?"


"They will come."


"Are you certain, My Lord?"


"They will not leave without him. They will come and when they do they will join him. They must not be allowed to flee."


"Yes My Lord."


"Ready the new hosts...we must provide hosts soon or these larva Goa'uld will die."


"Yes My Lord."


The guard quickly exited to retrieve the hosts for preparations. Un'Nefer went over to the vat holding the new symbiotes. He had managed to acquire quite a few from a remote planet where it was believed that all symbiotes originated from. He had managed to find that planet before his ship had crashed here. He collected the larva and stored them with the intentions of implanting them into hosts to help build his army.


Now he watched them as they patiently awaited their hosts. Upon hearing the guard being excused Daniel took cover ducking out of sight to watch until the guard was gone. Once he was sure the guard was gone he checked the room again. The Goa'uld was looking into a vat with his back turned towards the door. Daniel took advantage of that and slipped past the door heading on down the hallway in search of Jack.


                                                                                  * * * *

Teal'c and Sam arrived at the complex shortly after sunrise. They started looking around getting the positions of the guards down and a count of how many there were. They both noticed that several guards were walking and guarding the exterior of the complex, but nothing seemed to be amiss. Both Teal'c and Sam wondered if Daniel had successfully changed places with Verdon's friend. Just then Verdon whispered to them saying in a hushed voice while pointing towards a window, "There...there is where your friend has been taken."


"Do you think...?"


" the window..."




"Your friend has successfully traded places with Kalvin."


"Good. How long do you think it will take for him to find the Colonel?"


"That depends on how long it takes him to locate your friend and on how many guards he must get past on the way there."


Teal'c went scouting ahead and returned. He said, "Major Carter, I have located the teleport rings. When Daniel Jackson leaves he will most likely exit via the rings."


"All right then we should get close to those rings."


Teal'c led Sam and Verdon to the transportation rings and pointed to them indicating their location. They then ducked behind cover so they could watch for their friends.


                                                                                   * * * *

Daniel continued on his way to locate Jack. He noticed that the further he headed in the direction he was presently going in the darker the hallways seemed to get. He was about to turn around believing that he was going the wrong way when he heard a command fill the air. He was aware that the command was in fact directed his way, so he turned quickly and fired the zat gun catching the guard with a direct hit. The guard didn't even know what hit him as the zat gun effectively immobilized him. Another guard came racing around the corner obviously checking into the noises he had heard. Daniel didn't think he reacted firing the zat gun again he watched as the second guard went down hard. Daniel waited for the approach of more guards and when none came running he headed in the direction the last two had been running from. He stopped and grabbed a staff weapon then headed on his way. Daniel quickly found Jack's cell. He peeked around the corner seeing two guards standing watch. Daniel aimed and quickly zatted them dispatching them before they even had a chance to react to the sudden attack.  Daniel then slipped inside saying, "Jack..."


"Daniel, what are you doing here?"


"Breaking you out... Stand back."


Daniel waited for Jack to move away from the cell door then turning his head he fired the zat gun directly at the locking mechanism to Jack's cell. The cell door flew open in response. Jack looked at the door a moment longer surprised it opened.  Then he walked over to Daniel and said, "Well all right!"




Daniel threw Jack a zat gun then handed him the staff weapon. He then said, "Sam and Teal'c are waiting for us on the outside... We need to locate the transport rings. Follow me."


They both slipped silently into the hallway zats raised just in case they had a surprise attack. They both quickly made their way to where Verdon said the transport rings would most likely be located. They managed to make it there without being detected.  Daniel glanced over at Jack then whispered, "There's our exit..."


"But first I'm going for the snake head..."


"WHAT? Jack, are you sure that's wise?"


"Daniel, if we don't eliminate likely he'll come after us. We’re going back for him."


"Jack, you go on ahead. I have to get the villagers out."


"What? Daniel..."


Before Jack could continue Daniel was well on his way to locating the villagers. He approached the room slowly and cautiously. He then zatted the guards standing at the door. He quickly entered the room saying, "Come on...we have to go.  Now... You must come with me."


The three villagers didn't move until the fourth broke away and followed after Daniel. The other three followed in suit. Daniel led them to the ring device and quickly ushered them to the center of it. He ordered, "Stand here. Close together. I'm going to push this button, and when I do rings will come down around you and transport you outside where my friends are waiting for you. Ready?"


Kalvin asked, "What about you, Daniel Jackson?"


"I'm going to help Jack. He decided to go after your god. Are you ready?"


"Yes, we are ready."


"Kalvin, you must tell my friend Sam that I’m going to help Jack. Tell her he has gone after the Goa'uld. Can you do that for me?"


"Yes, I can."


"Thank you, Kalvin...for all of your help. Are you ready?"




Daniel nodded his head then pressed the button. The rings came down around the villagers instantly transporting them outside where Teal'c and Sam lay in wait. Verdon recognized his friend immediately and signaled him to come over. Kalvin led the villagers over to the three lying in wait in the bushes then filled Teal'c and Sam in on what was going on.


                                                                                  * * * *

Daniel watched as the villagers were transferred outside then turned preparing to catch up with Jack. A guard suddenly entered the room so Daniel took aim zatting him with the zat gun. The guard went down like a rock. Daniel then went to leave when he felt a sudden strong wave of energy sweep him off of his feet and drive into him knocking him backwards flat on his back. He was positive he was just thrown across the room by a Goa'uld hand device. His thought was confirmed when he vaguely heard someone shouting orders in Goa'uld. He tried to grip the zat gun realizing it was no longer in his hand. It must've flown out of his hand when he became momentarily air born. He then attempted to get to his feet, but as he tried to rise he lost his focus a bit. He knew that a blast from the hand device would make its victim weak for a certain amount of time, and he also knew that as long as he laid flat on his back he was an easy target. He again tried to get up, but as he sat up he stopped dead in his tracks when he found himself staring into the firing end of a Jaffa staff weapon...


Kelsham approached the human, now lying on the floor, and raised his staff weapon preparing to fire. His lord's voice demanded from behind him, "HALT! Do not shoot the human!"


Kelsham eased up. He would not shoot the human but he was also not about to lower the weapon. He kept the weapon trained on the human preparing to fire if given the order to do so.


Daniel was only half upright. He prepared to sit the rest of the way up when he heard the distinct Goa'uld command, "Seize him!"


Immediately, Daniel felt two guards seizing him on either side and yanking him upright to his feet by his arms. He wasn't prepared for who now stood before him. He could only stare in shocked surprise at a person straight out of his past. He spoke up without thought, "Sarah..."


"Silence human!"


Daniel could not believe that Sarah now stood before him. He had no idea what had happened to her after Osiris had boarded his ship in Egypt and disappeared from Earth, and now here she stood before him looking as beautiful as ever...but Daniel knew that Sarah was not there right now.


Osiris couldn't help but feel a tad bit excited at once again running into the ever-elusive Doctor Daniel Jackson. Now that he had Daniel he was not willing to give him up. Osiris had big plans for this particular human and wanted information from him.  Osiris smiled evilly at Daniel then spoke, "Doctor Daniel we meet again."


"Sarah..." uttered Daniel in reply as the shock of seeing her again finally started to subside some.


Osiris looked at Daniel in glee hearing the human speak of the woman who once owned this body. She owned it no more.  Osiris then said, "She is no more. I am Osiris. Nothing of the host remains my dear Doctor Jackson."


"That's not true..."


"I have been waiting for my chance to locate you again..."


Kelsham heard staff weapons being fired in the distance then looked at Osiris saying, "My Lord, we must go now."


"Very well. Bring him."


"But My Lord he..."


"Bring the human!"




"Do not question me! To the tunnel…we must get to the Stargate."


"Yes My Lord."


Kelsham looked at the human again wondering why his lord would want to keep him. He then ordered the remaining guards to follow him. Two guards stood on either side of Osiris and two other guards held onto Daniel practically dragging him to the escape tunnel beneath the complex. Daniel could hear weapons being fired and found himself wondering where Jack was at and hoping the older man was all right.


Daniel was dragged into the escape tunnel and led to the Stargate. The tunnel exited in the woods near the obelisks that Daniel had admired earlier. Osiris ordered the two guards with Daniel to keep a hold of him no matter what. He said that Daniel was valuable to him. He then ordered Kelsham to stand guard as he dialed the address of a planet.


As soon as they arrived at the Stargate Osiris approached the DHD and began to input a Stargate address. Daniel watched as it was dialing, but the address was unfamiliar to him. Right before the wormhole opened a sudden staff blast seared the air taking out one of Osiris' guards. Daniel jumped in surprise and began looking around for the source of the blast. He saw Jack and Teal'c taking cover in a nearby clearing. The two guards with Daniel suddenly released him and prepared to defend their lord, the wormhole then shot outwards making the address active.


Daniel glanced quickly around seeing the rest of his team preparing to flank Osiris and his guards on either side. The team was spread rather thin since there were only three other members on his team. He also noticed that several of the villagers were surrounding Osiris on either side as well. Daniel watched as Osiris' guards turned and started firing on SG-1. He then heard Jack yelling his name. He turned seeing Jack waving him to come, so Daniel decided to make a break for it. Osiris reacted immediately. As soon as he saw Daniel moving he ordered a guard to zat him. Daniel tried to run out of the line of fire when he heard Jack yelling, "Look out!"


Jack's warning was a split second too late as Daniel felt the impact of the electrical current elicited by the zat gun strike him. He could feel the electrical shock flowing throughout his body momentarily paralyzing him as the effect knocked him off of his feet.  He didn't even have to question what he was struck with because he had been struck by one so often in the past that he recognized its effects instantaneously. He could feel his whole body jolt in response to the sudden electrical current streaming through him and knew he was in trouble. He felt his body go lax in response then blackness swallowed him up as he spiraled head long into unconsciousness.


                                                                                   * * * *

Jack cursed when he saw a guard zat Daniel. He could only watch as his young friend was struck by a blast then crumpled to the ground. He immediately looked over at Teal'c then stated, "I'm going after him, Teal'c! Cover me!"


Teal'c nodded his head then began to lay down cover fire for Jack as he made his way towards his unconscious friend praying he'd make it to Daniel's side before Osiris did.


Osiris saw, and anticipated, the move. He then raised his hand and using the hand device drove O'Neill back away from Daniel. Jack flew right into the energy source that shot him backwards. Jack was thrown back near where Teal'c was hiding.  He couldn't move. He tried to get a look at his friend and tried to move towards Daniel, but the blast from the hand device temporarily paralyzed him. He vaguely heard the Goa'uld shout a command then felt himself slipping into blackness.


Osiris ordered in Goa'uld to his guards, "Take him now!"


The guards rapidly approached the unconscious archaeologist and picked him up by his arms. Osiris ordered, "Take him through the Stargate! Go!"


Osiris turned back just in time to see a Jaffa take aim at his guards who were presently lifting up Jackson. He didn't think as he stepped between them and the Jaffa just moments before the staff blast connected with its target. The blast was absorbed by Osiris' energy shield that he had firmly placed around himself. Osiris then turned back to his guards and ordered, "Take the human now!"


The guards quickly got Daniel upright and then began to drag him towards the Stargate. At that point Jack started to come to and slowly sat up seeing the Goa'uld before him. Osiris spoke, "Do not attempt to follow us human...or you may never see Doctor Jackson again..."


Jack watched helplessly as an unconscious Daniel was then dragged through the Stargate. He then looked up at the Goa'uld before him and questioned, "Who are you?"


"I am Osiris..."


Then Osiris turned and went through the gate behind the guards who now held Daniel. His First Prime stepped through the gate after him.


Jack lounged towards the gate in a last ditch attempt to get to Daniel before he was cut off from him, but Jack was too late as the wormhole disengaged. He attempted to read the address punched into the DHD but that too went blank. Jack cursed. He was too late and Daniel was now gone. Jack then felt very fearful for his young friend. How would they locate him now?  Where would Osiris even take Daniel? He refused to accept defeat. They would find Daniel even if he had to kill himself to do it. He cursed as he felt as if he had failed Daniel yet again.


                                                                                  * * * *

Osiris' guards stepped through the gate then onto another planet. As soon as they came through they walked right into a group of guards holding staff weapons aimed directly at the gate itself. Osiris' guards quickly dropped Daniel and pulled out their own staff weapons in preparation to defend themselves if necessary. Then they focused on the central figure as he commanded, "Identify yourselves!"


"Guards of Osiris."


The central figure eyed the two guards up suspiciously. He replied, "Osiris has been banished. How are you guards...?"


"He has arisen again, My Lord Anubis."


Anubis glanced at the uniforms the guards wore then seeing the crest of Osiris he continued, "And so he has."


A loud groan erupted from behind the two guards. Anubis looked behind them attempting to locate the source of the groan.  Osiris' guards watched as Anubis attempted to get a closer look at the figure behind them then they stepped to the sides offering him a better view of the one who unwillingly accompanied them through the Stargate.


Daniel started coming to. His head felt like it was ready to explode. He sat up carefully focusing on his breathing. Easing his breathing and relaxing his body always seemed to help with eliminating the aftereffects of the zat gun. He vaguely recalled running towards Jack then being struck, but he no longer heard blast fire or the loud whirling of the activated Stargate. He opened his eyes getting slowly to his knees. He held his hand to his head hoping the pain would soon end. Then he heard someone speaking Goa'uld. Daniel prepared to stand up when someone approached him pressing a hand under his chin and lifting his face upwards. Daniel looked into the face of another Goa'uld. This was not Sarah, nor Apophis, but he was positive it was a person portraying another deity. Daniel felt a little unnerved as the person stared into his eyes deeply as if trying to read his mind. A guard then spoke up, "My Lord Anubis..."


Daniel recognized the name then spoke, " in Egyptian god of the Underworld..."




Daniel fell silent. Then Anubis spoke again, "I sense no Goa'uld within this one... He is human?"


One of Osiris' guards responded, "Yes."


"Then he must be destroyed."


He raised his hand preparing to kill Daniel with the hand device, but Osiris' guards were quicker. They immediately stepped in front of Daniel raising their staff weapons preparing to fire if necessary. Anubis was taken aback by this show of protection.  He backed off. Then eyeing the two guards spoke, "Why would you willingly protect this one? He is human. He is of little consequence."


"Our lord Osiris wants this human alive. Dead he is of no value."


"What is his name?"


"Jackson, Daniel Jackson."


Anubis recognized that name then inquired, "Doctor Daniel Jackson?"


"Yes. You have heard of him?"


"I know of him, yes. He is of great value." Indeed Anubis knew that name. Dr. Jackson was one of the Tau'ri that Apophis wanted to get his hands on. He was indeed valuable.


One of Osiris' guards interrupted Anubis' thoughts as he questioned, "Great value?"


"Yes. Apophis has placed a high price on this human's head... He wants the human...alive."


The guards relaxed some. Daniel stood up then asked, "Apophis?"


"Why is a human of such value to Apophis?" demanded Anubis.


Daniel looked at Anubis then said, "Don't ask me. I actually thought he wanted me dead..."


"You know of Apophis?" questioned Anubis.


"Oh, yeah...yeah..."




"We have this hate relationship."


"Then perhaps you could tell me why he seeks you."


Daniel fell silent. Anubis questioned again, "Explain this!"


Daniel again remained silent. Anubis eyed the human up angry that he refused to speak. Anubis then said, "This one is very stubborn and very foolish... Where is Osiris?"


"He should be..." just as the guard was about to finish his statement Osiris stepped through the gate. He approached Anubis saying, "Greetings Anubis."


"Greetings Osiris. The last I had heard you were imprisoned on Earth."


"This host set me free from my long sleep."


Daniel glared at Osiris. Osiris smirked evilly at him. Anubis interrupted the exchange as he said, "Welcome to Ta-hetchet."


"Thank you for the welcome. I would first like to inquire whether you have quarters to provide for my human guest."


"Yes. Tyran, please show..."


"Kelsham my First Prime..."


"Kelsham and the human to Sekhem."


"He must be placed under heavy guard. I will not lose this human again. Kelsham, please escort Doctor Jackson to his temporary quarters. Prepare him for questioning."


"It will be my honor, My Lord Osiris." Kelsham nodded his head in response to his god's orders. Daniel glared at Kelsham but began to walk when Kelsham tapped him on the back with his staff weapon sending him into motion. The two left with Anubis' First Prime in the lead.


                                                                                   * * * *

Daniel was led to a complex and taken inside to a dark room. He was led to the center of the room where Kelsham secured him upright spread eagle after first stripping the human of his jacket and shirt. Daniel only glared at Kelsham as he saw the enjoyment the guard got out of securing him in place. His arms were secured spread above his head with shackles and his legs were left free of any kind of restraints. He then watched as Kelsham and Tyran left the room then started to look around muttering, “Well, what a fine mess I got myself into this time..."


Daniel noticed that the walls were of a black marbled texture. There were grates above his head and a door some distance from him...a cell door. He got a very bad feeling about this place. It looked like a prison hold on a Goa'uld mother ship. The room looked much as Teal'c described where he had been held when captured on Chu'lack and taken to Apophis. He also noticed a pedestal sitting off to the left of the room, and looked up as Kelsham reentered the room. This time he carried one of those big metal the one Apophis used to communicate to his crew when they had been aboard one of his vessels.  Daniel asked, "What's that?"


Kelsham laughed then said, "Osiris enjoys recording his victims as they suffer and bleed..."


"Oh...sorry I asked..."


Kelsham laughed then left the room again locking the main cell door. Daniel said out loud to himself, "Well all right... I'll just stay here and...hang around. Great, just great..."


                                                                                  * * * *

Anubis looked at Osiris then questioned, "A human? Why? For what purpose?"


"He holds knowledge...information that I need."


"A human?"




"What knowledge could he possibly hold?"


"He knows where my beloved is being held...among other things."


"I see. Now I understand why the human is of such value to you."


                                                                                   * * * *

Upon seeing the gate disengage Jack O'Neill felt the loss of his friend weighing heavily on his heart. He was too late, too late to save his friend and now Daniel was out here...somewhere... Jack again cursed this time aloud, "Damn it Teal'c!"


Teal'c approached Jack with a look of concern and question on his face. He answered, "Yes O'Neill?"


"I missed the address...who was that?"


Sam approached and answered, "Osiris, sir...that was Osiris."


"Osiris? Another...?" Great Jack thought, not only was Daniel now a prisoner, but he was a prisoner of some Goa'uld no one ever heard of before. Where the hell did this Osiris come from? And why in the hell did he take Daniel? Why, damn it? Why Daniel?


Sam brought him out of his reverie as she said, "God sir, yes..."


What was Sam talking about? Oh yeah...she was answering his question. He needed to get focused and soon or he'd be no good to Daniel. Jack questioned, "What would he want with Daniel?"


"Well sir...a lot..."


Jack found that he didn't like Sam's all. He had a very bad feeling about this whole situation. He quickly questioned, "Excuse me?"


"Daniel...knows things that Osiris would love to get his hands on."


"We have never met Osiris. How could he possibly...?"


"Actually sir...we have."


"Have what?"


"Met Osiris before..."


"WHAT? When?"


"Daniel, Doctor Fraiser and I...back on Earth, sir."




"Remember when Daniel's archaeology professor died? Teal'c and you went fishing?"




"We found Osiris. Daniel's... A friend of Daniel's...left him out. He took over her body."


"That woman is a friend of Daniel's?" Jack found that very hard to believe. The woman was very attractive but evil, and she was friends with Daniel? Jack wondered when Daniel would've ever met her. He didn't have to wait long for his answer though as Sam provided it.


"Yes.  Sarah and Daniel grew up together. Sarah inadvertently opened a canopic jar containing the symbiote of Osiris...he took over her body..."


"And now he has Daniel... We have to get him back."


"But where would he have taken Daniel?"


Jack looked at Teal'c and questioned, "Teal'c, do you know of any possible destination this Osiris would've taken Daniel?"


"I know little of Osiris, O'Neill. He was banished to oblivion. He has not been active in several hundred years."


"So he doesn't have a clue what the present state of the system lords is?"


"That would be correct. He will attempt to extract such knowledge from Doctor Jackson..."


"Attempt to extract? You mean torture?" God, he hoped not. He hated to think of his friend being tortured. Please don't let Daniel be tortured...please.


Teal'c's voice cut into Jack's unpleasant thoughts as he continued, "If Doctor Jackson refuses...yes. He will be tortured. When Osiris was active he was known for his excellent skill in extracting information from his prisoners. Doctor Jackson will not be treated well."


"Great... Where would Osiris take him?"


"I do not know."


"So you're telling me that some crazy snakehead has Daniel as his prisoner out there somewhere, and we have no idea where he would be taken?"


"That is correct."


"DAMN! We had better report to General Hammond. Let him know of the situation."


Jack became even more worried for his young friend. They had no idea where Daniel was. They had no idea where to even start searching for him. He could be anywhere. It could take them years to locate...NO! Jack slammed a door on those thoughts. They would find Daniel. They had to find him.


Sam's comment echoed Jack's last thought, "Sir, we have to find him. Osiris will kill him. He tried before."


"Teal'c, would Osiris kill him?"


"It is possible..."


"We have to find him."


"O'Neill, if there is a sarcophagus where Daniel Jackson has been taken Osiris could, in fact, kill him a thousand times and still bring him back. We must locate him."


"A thousand times?"


"Or more if he so die a thousand times only to be resurrected and tortured again and again has a way of making the strongest people reveal information."


"Daniel won't talk."


"Are you certain of that, O'Neill?"


"Positive. He would rather die a thousand times then live knowing that because of him we were destroyed. He won't talk."


"His suffering will be great. The longer he is with Osiris the worse he will suffer. We must free him, O'Neill."


"We will. We have to... Carter, start dialing us home."


Jack found himself again praying, praying that they would find Daniel...alive and well. Then he stepped through the Stargate preparing himself to give General Hammond the bad news about Daniel. He knew that Hammond would take the news just as hard if not worse than the rest of SG-1. Hammond cared for Daniel just as much as they did. It would tear him apart knowing that one of his team, one of his friends was out there somewhere...Missing in Action...





              PART 3







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